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[Discord] <gambl0r> Hello all, if I were to run proxmox over armbian (bookworm minimal) on an orangepi5-plus, which kernel is recommended?
[Discord] <superkali> current
[Discord] <superkali> or edge
[Discord] <gambl0r> And has anyone successfully installed proxmox via the arm64 .img with uefi edk2?
[Discord] <gambl0r> Thanks @superkali
[Discord] <superkali> it's only compatible for orange pi 5
[Discord] <gambl0r> Yeah but I thought I read in the GitHub issues that the plus would work too
[Discord] <superkali> Just use the manually installer 🙂
[Discord] <gambl0r> And what's the reason it doesn't work, missing dtb and kernel?
[Discord] <superkali> idk
[Discord] <superkali> i prefer run it in uboot mode
[Discord] <gambl0r> Ok, I'll have a look and see what can be done
[Discord] <menu> install from jiangcuo's port, it works fine on opi5, presumably plus too
[Discord] <gambl0r> @menu, that's the first thing I tried, issue is that there is no rockchip kernel provided by the proxmox installer. Like his images in the guide don't line up with the latest arm64 proxmox iso
[Discord] <gambl0r> And I can't find the specific version of the proxmox iso listed in his guide
[Discord] <menu> don't use the installer, install on top of Armbian, proxmox isos are mainline debian based, the 6.6 kernel they use doesn't support RK at all
[Discord] <gambl0r> Sorry, I thought you meant to try the ISO. I can easily use his ports on armbian debian minimal