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[Discord] <gambl0r> WPA2 over Ethernet?
[Discord] <microlinux> WPA2 is a wifi thing AFAIK
[Discord] <xisqq> yeah sorry i just meant for a user/pass combo in the case of wired
[Discord] <xisqq> nah its PEAP
[Discord] <xisqq> mschapv2
[Discord] <xisqq> w/ no cert
[Discord] <xisqq> im also on a cli/server installation
[Discord] <xisqq> im also on a cli/server installation if that matters
[Discord] <menu> that should *just work*, provided it's been configured
[Discord] <xisqq> yeah ive gotten it to just work but it all breaks when i restart the computer
[Discord] <xisqq> im gonna try to reflash the eMMC and start over, i mightve changed too much stuff trying to figure it out
[Discord] <xisqq> too eepy to do it tn tho
[Discord] <amazingfate> I've been using peap wifi for a long time, network manager can deal with it well
[Discord] <xisqq> yeah I probably just fiddled around with too much stuff b4 I actually figured it out, but on the current Armbian cli/server (jammy) for oPi 4 LTS, a lot of armbian-config just doesn’t work at all
[Discord] <xisqq> can’t go into advanced network settings, it just loads but brings you back to the same screen
[Discord] <xisqq> and some other stuff like that
[Discord] <xisqq> And that’s after connecting to internet and updating again
[Discord] <igorpec> we are switching to completly refactored configurator
[Discord] <igorpec> within this month release
[Discord] <xisqq> ah ill just wait then, im in no rush for this
[Discord] <beohoff3174> what would you use this for, profiling?
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