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<DC-IRC> <haardvaark> I read about this recently but it is for RK3399 i don't know if it would work
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<DC-IRC> <redshadowxx> you know what's bizarre about that board, I have 4 of them, and none of them are the same despite all of them being "the same board:
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> typical
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> they grab whatever is in the discount bin
<DC-IRC> <Tonymac32> see the wifi chip in the picture, it also accepts a module, etc etc
<DC-IRC> <godzilla8253> The big chip is the emcd I found a topic on how to put it in maskrom mode but it seems to not work
<DC-IRC> <godzilla8253> Maybe cuz I'm using an usb a to c cable
<DC-IRC> <godzilla8253> Instead of an A to A
<DC-IRC> <nottoosmart> quick question, i did fresh install of Armbian XFCE on Orange Pi 5+ and ran the install script to push it to my 256GB eMMC chip. that runs successfully but when i try to reboot with the SD card out it does not boot. Am I missing a post install step to make this work correctly?
<DC-IRC> <nottoosmart> ive even gone through the rkdevtool steps provided by Orange Pi with no luck
<DC-IRC> <spooky8086> If i recall you need to erase the spi flash for emmc booting to work
<DC-IRC> <spooky8086> You can use dd to erase just part of the spi flash and then it should boot from the emmc just fine.
<DC-IRC> <spooky8086> ```
<DC-IRC> <spooky8086> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtdblock0 count=4096 bs=512
<DC-IRC> <spooky8086> ```
<DC-IRC> <nottoosmart> so run that before the power off or after?
<DC-IRC> <nottoosmart> 70Barra(ud@
<DC-IRC> <nottoosmart> that was it. it worked. thanks
<DC-IRC> <nottoosmart> now comes all the fun. will that work with all the OrangePI flavors or is that specific to armbian?
<DC-IRC> <spooky8086> The above command will work on any linux distro^
<DC-IRC> <nottoosmart> sweet. im gonna play with things but think ill end up back here at armbian in the end
<DC-IRC> <nottoosmart> Anyone know how to stop this from always blinking?
<DC-IRC> <spooky8086> You can enable an overlay to disable the leds from blinking, it should be `orangepi-5-plus-disable-leds`.
<DC-IRC> <spooky8086> Or you can use sysfs to disable them with a simple echo command:
<DC-IRC> <spooky8086> ```
<DC-IRC> <spooky8086> echo none > /sys/class/leds/blue_led/trigger
<DC-IRC> <spooky8086> echo none > /sys/class/leds/green_led/trigger
<DC-IRC> <spooky8086> ```
<DC-IRC> <nottoosmart> thanks ill give that a shot
<DC-IRC> <nottoosmart> it says that even my root account cant write to that file