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<lanefu> holy shit it works lol
<lanefu> and it booted from sdcard lol
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Mmm...
<MicroLinux (Salva)> I have a problem with my pbp on armbian
<MicroLinux (Salva)> I booted the latest one from sd, burned the emmc and then it wasn't able to boot, but that's not the big trouble
<MicroLinux (Salva)> The problem is that now booting from sd isn't able to moint the emmc anymore
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Does anybody faced the same trouble?
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Hopefully I will not have to unscrew this pbp again....
<lanefu> armbianmonitor -u
<lanefu> but you can probably goto an older kernel or newer kernel via armbian-config on then hopefully access it.... unless its actually uboot problem
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Ohh.. it might be uboot
<EfeCTN> Writing wasm is big pain
<Tonymac32> I'm sure it is
Tenkawa has joined #armbian-rockchip
<stvhay> WASM seems so cool and i love it but I have not figured out how to actually DO it
<Tonymac32> trying to find it, but someone actually ported an open source fpga toolset to it and the performance was indistinguishable from native, which I thought was interesting
<Tonymac32> you always see the claims, and the reality is always nowhere near
<rpardini> in my experience good performance with v8 runtime, at least single thread.
<rpardini> to get started easiest might be take a look at -- it is TypeScript, but compiles down to WASM instead of JS
<rpardini> others way more complex to get started, Rust / llvm etc
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Armbian Ubuntu gnome (wayland) runs superb on the PBP (6.1K)
<MicroLinux (Salva)> I had to shift to gdm3 bc of the power settings, but other than that, great experience. Super fast compared to my previous experiences
<MicroLinux (Salva)> I am running on micro sd bc of my emmc problems
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Current uboot disallowed me to even mount the emmc
<MicroLinux (Salva)> That's super odd
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Bc uboot is on the emmc
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Not even on the spi
<Tenkawa> @MicroLinux (Salva) can you not run TowBoot?
<monkaBlyat> rk3399 u-boot seems to need some love had almost the same issue on rock 4b+ with latest armbian ,switching to the manjaro rk3399 u-boot source fixed it
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Good, so, I will still use this from sd
<MicroLinux (Salva)> At some point armbian will bump uboot version
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Then, write it to spi, and that will allow me to write the emmc without disassemble the pbp
<MicroLinux (Salva)> I would like to avoid tow boot
<MicroLinux (Salva)> But if needed, I will
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Mmm.. something really weird is happening on my pbp
<MicroLinux (Salva)> @Tenkawa I wrote the spi towboot image to my spi..
<MicroLinux (Salva)> And towboot isn't working at all
<MicroLinux (Salva)> I am still utilizing emmc uboot
<MicroLinux (Salva)> Okay, acquiring the right screw driver and the screws... they are all screwed up, funny thing
<Tenkawa> Those screws are terrible
<Tenkawa> And those plastic clip things
<Tenkawa> who in the world came up with those things
<Tenkawa> if you lose them it wont mount flush
<stvhay> How do I change the name of the kernel package that armbian uses?
<stvhay> I am building a rk3588 variant that requires a different kernel
<stvhay> ive made a .csc file in configs
<stvhay> and ive managed to use a "function post_family_config__indiedroid-nova_use_stvhay_kernel() {" function to define variables to point to the tree
<stvhay> mimicking what i saw for the opi5 for u-boot
<lanefu> @stvhay quick and dirty is making your own BOARDFAMILY= that will namespace it.
<lanefu> still working on a userpatches way to do that
<stvhay> @lanefu namespace how though
<stvhay> ohh that's an environment variable
<stvhay> i think i see what you are saying, yes
<stvhay> i hacked in a legacy2 lol not good
<stvhay> @lanefu you can probably patch the kernel up although order might be different
<lanefu> LINUXFAMILY is kind of the default package namespace marker
<stvhay> it looks like changing that one you kinda have to redo everything or at least comb through a lot
<rpardini> in that hook, change LINUXFAMILY, and you'll get a separate kernel deb. You might have to adapt KERNELPATCHDIR, LINUXCONFIG and others, though
<stvhay> i see a lot of logic tied to linuxfamily
<rpardini> yeah. that's premature shellcheck-squashing that spread like a virus. my fault.
<stvhay> does it need the export?
<stvhay> or the declare -g?
<stvhay> heh its funny i can see its your fault. my IDE runs git blame or something
<stvhay> also yes the googulator kernel looks interesting. may try it when he's a little further along
<EfeCTN> @amazingfate tried the overlay. It doesn't work but if i kill pulse and restart it, hdmi sound is shown in pactl list
<Tonymac32> Boy that midstream is ugly 😆
<Tonymac32> And yet
<lanefu> it definitely works
<rpardini> ideally all globals should be declare -g. real export needs are very few
<Tenkawa> working and "working well/secure/not riddled with bugs" are two entirely different things which someone like me that spent my career fighting that does not condone
<Tenkawa> It will "never" be that
<Tenkawa> Not as long as computers exist
<stvhay> well my dead horse is riding today. haha 🙂
Tenkawa has quit [Quit: Was I really ever here?]
<stvhay> @lanefu @rpardini thank you for the guidance. @lanefu look forward to seeing your more thought out changes and image in the nova chat.