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<Tenkawa> So why include unless someone needs to go get it for their own uses
<amazingfate> non-free firmwares should be in armbian-firmware-full
<Tenkawa> yes I agree but should it be installed on the "base" image?
<Tenkawa> I know its in the repo
<amazingfate> I have it installed on my image to support my wifi out of box.
<Tenkawa> That wasn't the "question" at hand
<Tenkawa> non-free firmware has implications for distribution in pre-built images
<Tenkawa> Just ask people like the Debian group
<Tenkawa> Gotta run... heading across state.... be back online in a few hours
<EfeCTN> @amazingfate are hdmi and dp sound working on rock5b with new kernel?
<EfeCTN> hdmi0-sound and dp0-sound are exists on dmesg output as alsa devices but not exists on pactl list
<amazingfate> I will check that.
<amazingfate> I have to find a monitor with sound output.
<HabitualTinkerer> lanefu thanks. That vendor is no longer on AliExpress
<HabitualTinkerer> Glad I didn't buy the board before asking here
<HabitualTinkerer> Rather they no longer show up in search results but are still listed. Strange
<HabitualTinkerer> Most rk3588 SBC prices are absurd. I can buy a fanless 19V Intel board with soldered on Celeron for these prices. Am I missing something?
<EfeCTN> it's interested not to see them in ALSA
<amazingfate> I will test it tomorrow, have to go sleep now.
<EfeCTN> good night
<LukasPalm> Thank you. I tried the Debian Beta and I was able to connect it and use it. I will certainly save this.
<stvhay> it can make it a challenge to get connectivity if you don't have an ethernet port laying around, but it sounds like you have reasons
<stvhay> i probably need to do something at my desk to get ethernet there. I have a silly way to do it.. which is probably what ill do
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I just put some 16GB Rock 5B boards on ebay..... I'm not the person asking $400 for them lol
<Tenkawa> @lanefu tired of the Rock5 mess eh?
Not worth fighting for. I had ordered a large quantity with hosting aspirations in a colo before I hit peak SBC burnout
And Im aborting that plan entirely
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Performance ROI isn't really there especially after all the suffering required to get there
<Tenkawa> I hear ya
Things were way more fun when a $50 board got you a lot
I wanna liquidate everything and figure out a way to get a real ARM server for my colo space and be done with it
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<Tenkawa> Yeah I hear ya
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