<srepac> pikvm runs on 256MB opi zero [root@opz2 ~]# pikvm-info 16:59:37 up 10 days, 18:46, 1 user, load average: 0.22, 0.18, 0.18 Host OS: Ubuntu 5.15.60-sunxi armv7l # Xunlong Orange Pi Zero 256MB CPU temp: 56.54'C GPU temp: 56'C Throttled flags: 0x0 Throttled now: no Throttled past: no Undervoltage now: no Undervoltage past: no Frequency capped now: no Frequency capped past: no Version
<c0rnelius> Does CoreELEC work?
<srepac> on which board?
<c0rnelius> Frite
<NicoD> I've got a weird issue with BPi M5. On my 5.19 Jammy images panfrost doesn't seem to work right. glxinfo -B said its on. But supertuxkart gets 4fps. While Bullseye 5.19 gets 19fps. I'll try to find whats wrong. If someone has info about this...
<icecream95> Does reducing the graphics settings in SuperTuxKart help with performance? I think that Panfrost might not be very well optimised for STK's "Advanced pipeline" renderer
<NicoD> Here glxinfo -B from both Bullseye 5.19 (working) and from Jammy 5.19 (non-working) Different version, but also a problem with something being version 0.0. Seems one is from oibaf and the other normal mesa.