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I've just been thinking of submitting an RFC to add a base repr to Component that displays its interface and metadata. Would that be welcome?
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i think changing __repr__ is probably not RFC-worthy
technically it does fit under the criteria but i don't think anyone does rely on that being a part of the formal interface (and if they expect that we should probably make it clear that __repr__ isn't meant to be fully stable; even Python itself doesn't do that, PyPy has a different object.__repr__)
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so just a PR then? :)
let's just discuss the format first?
metadata as in JSON? that can get pretty long
interface definitely makes sense to display though
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were you thinking of just shoving the component signature into the __repr__ or something more complex? I forget how signatures are printed, probably like a `<Signature {members...}>` or something
yeah, just {type(self) {self.signature} {self.metadata}. maybe also a str method with prettyprinting
signature has a repr - though there was a slight bug re current usage patterns (see #1552)
that's intentional, there's a test for it even
and yeah, its dict{self.members.items()}
basically, if you subclass Signature you are expected to implement your own __repr__ since otherwise the additional fields won't get exposed
(and if you add no fields you shouldn't be subclassing it in firts place)
if Glasgow did not do that then that's a bug in Glasgow (I probably just forgot, the port to 0.5 was somewhat rushed)
ah, ok, makes sense!
no, my bad it wasnt glasgow, other code ><
ah. that should probably be just Signature = wiring.Signature({...}) I think?
the super().__init__ initialization pattern is somewhat of a remnant from the dark days of Record
although I guess that has a different invocation
right ok i see, JF's choice is fully generic
yep, aleady fixed it locally =)
like if we later decide to add some introspectable parameter (say data_width) then this is the right thing to do to avoid a breaking change
we might want to discuss it once he's back
there isn't a single clearly correct way that i see here
but yeah, there is one case in amaranth-soc: PinSignature
whitequark[cis]1: 👍️
whitequark[cis]1: ah, i see. yeah, that makes sense
wasn't PinSignature the thing we deprecated?..
not marked as deprecated at the moment
nah, that one is fine, we decided to keep PinSignature around just like that
probably wants a repr then?
as currently defined, all derivatives of Signature should have a __repr__
the fact that lots of them don't means that there's a papercut somewhere here, but i also don't know if or how we should fix that
yeah, its a tricky one. Could we use @abstractmethod ?
that would be a compat break requiring an RFC (and honestly i don't see us approving it)
we could add a warning in __init_subclass__
but, again, i'm not sure that we know that there is one specific resolution here that's desirable
for example defining a function def Signature(): preserves the syntax without creating unnecessary named signatures
yeah, needs figuring out
then you can upgrade it to class Signature(wiring.Signature): without a compat break
but this is a ... weird thing to do in idiomatic Python
i'm not opposed to doing weird things but i think that languages have a weirdness budget that needs to be carefully spent
one option is to require a __repr__ implementation but make def __repr__(self): return super().__repr() a valid one
that's still sort of weird to have but it reads like normal Python at least
however, there's an additional problem: these Signature subclasses never override __eq__ and friends
so I think __repr__ is like the least of the problems, they're sort of subtly broken in bigger ways already
yeah. maybe standard should be a class method
and a bit more babysitting to avoid subtle breakage
i think the first question we need to resolve is: do we use anonymous signatures for components, or named ones?
the docs universally use anonymous ones
it usually doesn't matter
the amarnth-soc usecase seems to be when you're combining components and exposing (some of) their signatures from the combined entity
but I don't fully understand it all yet - hence why i'm looking at __repr__s 😅😅😂
it's a question of how parameterizability works
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<whitequark[cis]1> "i think the first question we..." <- I would argue that named signatures only makes sense when they're a predefined reusable thing, and the toplevel signature of a component rarely is, since that implies that the component only has a fixed set of members
i would agree, but this means that parameterized component signatures that are reused internally in another component should use the def Signature(...): pattern
but when are component signatures reused? sounds like something that'd fall under «predefined reusable thing»
see the amaranth-soc example in the backlog
it's a very technical case of reuse
that seems unnecessarily verbose and I don't see why Signature has to exist at all
I'd argue that if UARTPhy wants to just reexport the inner signatures, it could just pick them up from .signature after constructing them and call super().__init__() last