Setting `platform.default_rst = "button` does work, though it does not get run through a `FFSynchronizer`... probably doesn't matter
can't quite figure out how to setup a new clock domain 🙂 I don't think I have access to the clock signal? anyhow, I have something working. thanks!
The reset signal itself should get run through an ResetSynchronizer (mildly different from FFSynchronizer)
Ah, yup, it does
The default reset logic isn't that much to copy; when I did the "platform.default_rst = "button"" trick, it's because this is an example design and I didn't want to spend time interfacing the default logic into my source for a single change from default
what is the drawback to using default_rst ? Seems like the intent of Platform.dfault_rst is to setup a reset button?
Some boards (Arty A7) have a button that is explicitly dedicated to being a design reset (I think this means it uses global routing; I would have to check Arty A7 docs)
okay. I'll fiddle around with a new clock domain a bit later, to see if I can get that working
I mean, that seems reasonable, right 🙂 we're declaring that this button *is* the reset button
Sure, but I explained to you what I was doing; since I'm deviating from the built-in reset logic, even just a little, it's probably less surprising to ppl who don't know Amaranth to see explicit reset logic to indicate "hey, I'm doing something not default"
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in some cases it just means the button is literally labeled "RESET"
In short, I got lazy, and didn't feel like copying; ice40 is a bit special since the default reset logic works around a hardware bug. Maybe a future RFC could expose the platform-specific resets to user code for small changes where the user doesn't need that much custom logic, Idk...
I think you can just copy paste it
Perfect is the enemy of finished; I'll come back to it after I finish Sentinel's docs and take a break (8 last items to document)
collector.defined_domains will contain "sync", and therefore the missing_domain function- i.e. SiliconBluePlatform.create_missing_domain- won't be called for "sync"
this is regretfully undocumented
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