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<_whitenotifier-4> [amaranth-lang/rtl-debugger] whitequark pushed 1 commit to main [+0/-0/±1] https://github.com/amaranth-lang/rtl-debugger/compare/c5e1239952db...0b783ffbc340
<_whitenotifier-4> [amaranth-lang/rtl-debugger] whitequark 0b783ff - Hide watch-related commands without an active session.
<_whitenotifier-4> [amaranth-lang/rtl-debugger] whitequark pushed 1 commit to main [+1/-0/±1] https://github.com/amaranth-lang/rtl-debugger/compare/0b783ffbc340...fce5805e5b07
<_whitenotifier-4> [amaranth-lang/rtl-debugger] whitequark fce5805 - Move esbuild configuration to `build.mjs`.
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<bai> Breaking up logic with m.d.comb saved me today. Had been using a single m.d.comb at the end of elaborate but the ast quickly becomes very long and the simulator hangs
<whitequark[cis]> how did your code look like with a single m.d.comb?
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<bai> a bunch of `Mux` and Array
<whitequark[cis]> ah yeah, Array in particular can easily lead to a combinatorial explosion
<whitequark[cis]> I think we warn against that in the manual, but it can still catch you off guard
<bai> ya i saw the warning, but i didn't pay attention to the ast. In fact even without array, just calling a recursive lead zero counter https://pastebin.com/0hBMAqyC twice on 24bit hangs the simulator
<bai> working on an fpu and currently still just trying pure comb logic
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<Wanda[cis]> yeah uh
<Wanda[cis]> there's plans to fix that at some point
<Wanda[cis]> but that does require a fair bit of work, particularly on the simulator side
<bai> im happy just breaking up the ast with m.d.comb, the code should be separated into different Components anyways :p
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<_whitenotifier-4> [rtl-debugger] whitequark created branch surfer - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/rtl-debugger
<_whitenotifier-4> [rtl-debugger] whitequark deleted branch wip - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/rtl-debugger