[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark 17f8bc8 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/amaranth@ef2e9fa809fd8971820ac2ad8ad084ac9c8589d4 🚀
so, hm
I actually have an idea of how to add full-fledged pattern matching to Amaranth
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it'd make the language simpler, even
I am very intrigued
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I'll show a draft sometime later
but yeah I can see being able to pattern match e.g. structures
the thing about Amaranth is that it sort of already has pattern matching; the lhs of a .eq is a pattern, but it's an irrefutable pattern and the bindings you can do are limited
in terms of pattern matching, you're binding a temporary and immediately assigning it to a signal
so what we can do is to add something like `Bind("x")` or whatever to denote this variable explicitly
`Bind("x")` would be possible to use on both lhs and rhs; when used on lhs, it binds the name, and when used on rhs, it returns the binding from the enclosing scope (so the innermost `Switch` that binds it)
internally it's just a temporary name, nothing interesting is happening there
and since you can use `Bind` inside of `Cat`, you can do `with m.IfLet(Cat(0, Bind("x"), 1))`, which means you can do `with m.IfLet(SomeStruct.const(a=0, b=Bind("x"), c=1))` because that lowers down to `Cat`
actually I think the .const I'm referring to here is a private method right now, but you get the idea; that's a natural thing for a Layout to have, a method that returns a Cat of the parts as appropriate
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark b762273 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/amaranth@57612f1dce9f5e35a915235ab442d477b5f8db59 🚀
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark be2cd6d - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/amaranth@de36e3c162707bf0e376d90774d31c13a54eedae 🚀
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark 2e9cb06 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/amaranth@7ea2e175e457c03a248c106f2c2ed7d9c9448310 🚀
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark b6a8edb - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/amaranth@0b7adcbd10597536e3e0386f3524e91c013f6510 🚀
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark 89d7c18 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/amaranth@9ec7f5b5078903320e7f706d059d5e0178196d51 🚀
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark 94e6763 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/amaranth@0ee5de036c5d2697d066c9450bf42f15fef64d18 🚀
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark c0c7f82 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/amaranth@35561ea11a30f18942ed9d6e3b3941a4e02f0b17 🚀
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark 7adc788 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/amaranth@14e73a73de54a4bc2e7db54b3bfa5803a088daee 🚀
What's an irrefutable pattern? One that always matches whatever's on the RHS (like using a variable name in a match arm in Rust)?
I think I'll wait for the draft. I'm not sure I understand what Bind("x") gets you to as opposed to "using x directly" in your examples
oh, it's just scoping
let's consider a simplified version of this
x = Signal(); with m.Switch(...): with m.Case(Cat(0, x, 1)):
Yup, so far, so good
now that we accept Cat() in Case(), we can also bind x when it matches, right?
so there'd be an implicit x.eq(...[1:-1]) or something like that
that has to be inside the Case
but with this snippet, you have to declare x yourself, and you probably don't want that, e.g. if ... is a generic thing
so `Bind("x")` is letting Amaranth do it itself
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And it'll make sure the variable shadowing works right (refer to the "x" in Case, not the "x" at the beginning of the snippet)
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you might also want to do something `with m.If(v.matches(Bind("x")):`
actually we might not even need an IfLet construct
it's enough to just use Bind in a conditional
Actually wait, I retrace that "shadowing" statement; the "x = Signal()" at the beginning is so that the "m.Case(Cat(0, x, 1)):" portion works, i.e. they are the same signal
Bind("x") removes the need for that
Is that more correct?
But Bind will allow you to create shadowed bindings too- i.e. in an inner Case/Switch/If/whatever, Bind("x") will refer to "the most recent "x" that has been bound". I don't think I've ever tried shadowing an existing Signal binding within a Switch/Case/If scope, so no idea if that works :P.
and the latter doesn't exactly work
maybe a better idea is, hm
`with m.Case(Cat(0, Bind("bits"), 1)) as pm:` and then `pm.bits` has the signal thing
I personally like that a bit more. It's more explicit in how the bindings work/minimizes shadowing confusion (now you have to name your Bind() _and_ the context manager the same thing :P)
the same thing in two different scopes*
it naturally extends to If
`with m.If(v.matches(Cat(0, Bind("bits"), 1))) as pm: pm.bits`
Lastly, can you elaborate on "and you probably don't want that, e.g. if `...` is a generic thing"." I'm confused about what "if `...` is a generic thing means" (because that "eq" would be internal to how Cat() works, Bind() or not, correct?)
well if the width of ... varies then you need to do something like x = Signal(len(...) - 1 - 1) (for each other Cat operand)
and if you add Cat operands, w/ varied width, welll
yea, that sounds like it gets ugly quick
>and if you add Cat operands, w/ varied width, <-- okay, maybe "don't do that", but the point remains; anything beyond "constant width Switch expression, constant number/width of Cat operands" is ugly to do manually, and Bind() will abstract away all that mess for you :)
Thanks for the clarification :)
actually now that i think again, you'd have to give Bind a shape
so it's more like `with m.If(v.matches(Cat(0, Bind("bits", unsigned(2)), 1))) as pm: pm.bits` or something