<cr1901> "What I _actually_ want is "count..." <- cr1901: you could do that, but a more concise way is to use `count = Signal(data.Layout.of(self._view.data))`
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any have examples of configuring a PLL? granted it's unlikely the same FPGA (ice40hx8k just because I have it) I'm just drawing a blank how to setup the PLL at this moment.
<dragonmux> give us a sec and we can share with you how to Instance() the PLLs - use icepll from the IceStorm tools to generate the settings to put into the Instance()
<dragonmux> this particular instance uses the _PAD version which passes the pad through to the global fabric, but you can also use the _CORE version if you don't need that
<dragonmux> er.. sorry, uses the _2 version which passes through.. _PAD just means it's a PLL that consumes the pad, _CORE is for a PLL fed by the global clock fabric
and there's also _2F_CORE and _2F_PAD if you want to output two frequencies