cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
FUZxxl: ejs designed the Snark Barker. He's sometimes in the room, but seems to not be here right now
I would stick around until he's avail. I got SNark Barker PCBs, but I never actually had time (or money, for that matter0 to build mine
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I wonder how many days it has been since Foone went mad at the JWST
cr1901: thanks
I've already talked to him
there were a number of problems: a corroded PSU connector on my mainboard, making the 12V rail dodgy
a wrongly wired ALPS trimmer, causing the right channel to be silent (the trimmer is available in two mirrored configurations, only one works. Buyer beware!)
Actually ejs probably had the same issue with the trimmer; the pic in the github repo shows the same issue
the third issue is that apparently the right channel of the amplifier chip is shot; this may be related to the wrong wiring
and the fourth issue: apparently the CMS ships are defective; I only get white noise out of them
though this is hard to distinguish from how they are supposed to sound
and it was going so easily fixable
Is there anything that actually works in your thing?
PCM works and adlib works
but then the proprietary chip broke :upside-down-face:'
sounds quite nice actually
oh wait you mean the SAA1099s
never mind then
though the card picks up a lot of interference, but I actually like that it makes the computer sound more computery
why did sound blasters pick up so much interference
that was apparently A Thing back then too
I don't believe sound was seriously That hard
no shielding, poorly filtered power rail
I mean the "filtered" power supply is literally just using a Zener diode for voltage regulation
I'm really thinking about just replacing the trimmer with a proper one
the trimmer is basically useless as I don't have the right cap for it
I mean I 3D printed one, but the tolerances are too poor for this to work
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