cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<cr1901> FUZxxl: ejs designed the Snark Barker. He's sometimes in the room, but seems to not be here right now
<cr1901> I would stick around until he's avail. I got SNark Barker PCBs, but I never actually had time (or money, for that matter0 to build mine
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<Sarayan> I wonder how many days it has been since Foone went mad at the JWST
<FUZxxl> cr1901: thanks
<FUZxxl> I've already talked to him
<FUZxxl> there were a number of problems: a corroded PSU connector on my mainboard, making the 12V rail dodgy
<FUZxxl> a wrongly wired ALPS trimmer, causing the right channel to be silent (the trimmer is available in two mirrored configurations, only one works. Buyer beware!)
<FUZxxl> Actually ejs probably had the same issue with the trimmer; the pic in the github repo shows the same issue
<Sarayan> ;5A;5A/jmi
<FUZxxl> the third issue is that apparently the right channel of the amplifier chip is shot; this may be related to the wrong wiring
<Sarayan> gah
<FUZxxl> and the fourth issue: apparently the CMS ships are defective; I only get white noise out of them
<FUZxxl> though this is hard to distinguish from how they are supposed to sound
<andlabs> and it was going so easily fixable
<Sarayan> Is there anything that actually works in your thing?
<FUZxxl> PCM works and adlib works
<andlabs> but then the proprietary chip broke :upside-down-face:'
<FUZxxl> sounds quite nice actually
<andlabs> oh wait you mean the SAA1099s
<andlabs> never mind then
<FUZxxl> though the card picks up a lot of interference, but I actually like that it makes the computer sound more computery
<andlabs> why did sound blasters pick up so much interference
<andlabs> that was apparently A Thing back then too
<andlabs> I don't believe sound was seriously That hard
<FUZxxl> no shielding, poorly filtered power rail
<FUZxxl> I mean the "filtered" power supply is literally just using a Zener diode for voltage regulation
<andlabs> heh
<FUZxxl> I'm really thinking about just replacing the trimmer with a proper one
<FUZxxl> the trimmer is basically useless as I don't have the right cap for it
<FUZxxl> I mean I 3D printed one, but the tolerances are too poor for this to work
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