cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<endrift> hey cr1901 do you have experience with the iCEstick?
<endrift> It's a little Lattice demo kit thing
<NiGHTS> iCEstick Evaluation Kit
<endrift> I got one from...gewt I think, eons ago
<endrift> and I have a thing I might want to do with it
<endrift> but I wouldn't know where to start
<endrift> I'm pretty sure I got it from gewt. I forget if I was just "borrowing" it or it was the case of "I'm never gonna use it so you can have it"
<endrift> regardless, I don't think she was expecting it back
<endrift> as I moved out of the SF bay and still have it
<cr1901> endrift: Yes, I have the icestick
<cr1901> >I wouldn't know where to start... well, the first thing I would do is compile (yes, compile) the FOSS toolchain components. Happy to help w/ that when you are- and I am- awake
<cr1901> Mainly saying that b/c I'm on nite owl time. Assume you're asleep at this point. And I will prob be asleep when you wake up
<cr1901> I'm not necessarily volunteering them, but maybe one of: lofty, q3k, gatecat, and dragonmux can help you get started if I'm not around later today.
<lofty> I'm around at least
<lofty> Ping me if you want me to help
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<endrift> What I want to do is pretty reliant on being able to stream data to the USB host however
<endrift> I think it has a UART mode that it can do that with?