cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
Yes, the FTDI chip can be used to stream data, but only in UART mode
the icestick does not provide the proper connections to stream data in the FT232's parallel mode
Which means you're limited to 3Megabaud/whatever your OS can provide on a UART device
endrift: What did you have in mind to stream?
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cr1901: data off of a GBA
which has a UART mode, actually
endrift: I wonder... is the GBA UART 8 data, no parity, 1 stop? Maybe you could extract the data w/ the GBA UART?
cr1901: I believe so
I might be able to
I'd have to look into it
What are you trying to do specifically?
(I'm actually awake rn for a bit)
right now, something I could probably do better with the Switch
hmmm... guess I'll find out when you're ready to announce :P
it's nothing exciting
just doing some ARM7TDMI testing
An FPGA might be useful for extracting timing info.
that's not what the FPGA is for in this mix
it's just getting the data streamed off of the device
so I don't have to swap flash cards all the time
* cr1901
has a horrifically yellowed glacier GBA from 2001 still.
with a Switch I could stream the data over USB
I just need to run the code on the BPMP
Black Magic Probe?
basic power management processor I think
it's the bootstrap processor on the Tegra X1
Boot and Power Management Processor
I was close
Ahhh neat
it just happens to be an ARM7TDMI
So it's the ME of the Tegra
no that's TSEC
the BPMP is like if a separate processor did the real mode and UEFI bootstrap
doesn't a separate processor do pre-uefi bootstrap in a PC anyway, the IME?
(called something else on AMD but same idea)
i.e. setting up parts of memory, and emulating a TPM?
I've got the feeling that quaintly AMD have and possibly still do used a LM32 core for some power management stuff too
as well as an ARM or whatever for the main early boot
~~will they switch to microblaze after buying Xilinx?~~
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I have no idea how the early boot process works on x86
I think very few people do anymore
magic happens, then more magic happens
add crypto to taste
gatecat: Ppl used LM32 for something :o?
Don't get me wrong, I actually like it as RISC cores go. But i was not under the impression that ppl actually used it
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can x86 start in long mode yet
a little disappointed long mode wasn't as well integrated as the 16/32 transition
give me a (necessarily long) prefix for REX functionality in L=0 segments, give me a 64-bit TSS and full support for call gates
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gewt: kind of? it's possible to switch to it pretty early, but, well, apparently intel wants to preserve backwards compatibility with old-ass bootloaders...