cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<NiGHTS> Pietro Gagliardi sur Twitter : "getting ready for @TechConnectify game night… "
<cr1901> ej5: Ngl, I misread as "Mercules" and thought you created "Another Fine Board" :)
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<tunixman> t andlabs ooh are those promotional materials?
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<andlabs> I think so
<tunixman> they're beautiful...
* tunixman stares into the light
<tunixman> I got a real computer keyboard and I just want to type all day.
<KitsuWhooa> I really want to get a unicomp one at some point
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<tunixman> Gross Weight: 6 lbs.
<tunixman> Are the buckling springs made from osmium?
<KitsuWhooa> :p
<qu1j0t3> i have a feeling that wouldn't work
<sorear> the only metal that when it oxidizes, the oxide coating immediately sublimates
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<tunixman> just alloy it with bronze.
<tunixman> to be fair this keyboard is pretty heavy too. I'm sure it's just steel springs.
<tunixman> I wonder how the bluetooth signal gets out...
<tunixman> (Don't worry I understand how EM works here I'm just musing)
andlabs has joined ##yamahasynths
<Sarayan> Finished first pass at vectorizing the ym2203:
<NiGHTS> Loading...
<Sarayan> hopefully I can obsess about something else now
* tunixman applauds
<cr1901> Sarayan: Looks beautiful
<Sarayan> :-)
<cr1901> It's like a painting full of Happy Little Transistors making Happy Little Music
<qu1j0t3> beep boop
<andlabs> now can we clone it :)
<andlabs> Schematic view, brought to you by "using graphviz for the first time"
<tunixman> happy little analog signals mixing gently with 1s and 0s.
<andlabs> also how do I view the vectors
<Sarayan> graphviz? Nah, it's all handcrafter pixels
<Sarayan> handcrafted
<Sarayan> andlabs: you want an unusable svg? I can generate it
<andlabs> =P
<andlabs> and yeah it just looks like a graphviz graph with too many nodes
<andlabs> I just want to untangle them every time I see them gah
<Sarayan> yeah, that will be the next step. Parts are already untangled actually
<Sarayan> the oscillator loop, part of its control, part of the output path
<sauce> why does that viewer not have a layer parameter in the url
<Sarayan> haven't updated it in years, maybe it can have one now, dunno
<sauce> ah i see just no glue between groupxiv and leaflet for that
<tunixman> if there's one thing software people know it's glue.
<tunixman> there's not a single problem in the modern stack that another layer of glue can't fix.
<NiGHTS> Bartek Moniewski | playing Metroid Dread sur Twitter : "I'm sorry… "
<andlabs> (imagE)
<tpw_rules> ps1 irl
<andlabs> <Sik> Saturn: "pathetic"