azonenberg changed the topic of ##openfpga to: Open source tools for FPGAs, CPLDs, etc. Silicon RE, bitfile RE, synthesis, place-and-route, and JTAG are all on topic. Channel logs:
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<cr1901> So I'm really drawing a blank here. I'm wondering if anyone knows of "products using MachXO2 devices internally that aren't dev boards"
<cr1901> I KNOW I remember discussing this, but... aaargh, I can't remember!
<cr1901> Nevermind, found it:
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<nats`> I use machxo2 on some project
<nats`> those are pretty good
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<gruetzkopf> cr1901: i would have a LMXO2-2000HC in a product _if i could get any_
<gruetzkopf> (telco gear)
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<cr1901> gruetzkopf: Yea, the shortage is... really REALLY bad
<gruetzkopf> we've designed it to get rid of ispLSI 1016 and a dedicated TDM crossbar in the previous design
<gruetzkopf> and then the shortage hit between validation and rampup
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<cr1901> I should've bought spare 1200HCs in the qfp form factor when I had the chance.
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<nats`> ....
<nats`> I'm going mad I only do design with mouser part now it's a fucking non sense
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