ndec changed the topic of #yocto to: "Welcome to the Yocto Project | Learn more: https://www.yoctoproject.org | Join us or Speak at Yocto Project Summit (2022.11) Nov 29-Dec 1, more: https://yoctoproject.org/summit | Join the community: https://www.yoctoproject.org/community | IRC logs available at https://www.yoctoproject.org/irc/ | Having difficulty on the list or with someone on the list, contact YP community mgr ndec"
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<khem> RP: some distros e.g. archlinux have already upgraded to gcc13 and our existing uninative tarballs dont work with it all binaries using ld.so from uninative are segfaulting
* khem disables uninative
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<JaMa> khem: I've built my own uninative with your gcc-13 upgrade and I'm using that (on gentoo with gcc-13 on host)
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<paulg> That explains why I thought I could smell something burning... ;-P
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<mckoan> good morning
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<rburton> RP: was that the xorg ppc thing?
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<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
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<TRO[m]> I have trouble activating systemd for poky (and disable sysvinit) other than local.conf or in a new distro. I can not set it in a classes class and INHERIT it in local.conf.
<TRO[m]> Is this supposed to work like this? Also I need to set INIT_MANAGER = "systemd" to configure it (that's not in the docs?)
<TRO[m]> (master branch)
<mckoan> TRO[m]: section "Enable systemd in the final image"
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<rburton> TRO[m]: if you're using poky then INIT_MANAGER:forcevariable = "systemd" in local.conf will force it to use systemd. if this is for production, don't use poky: make your own distro.
<TRO[m]> mckoan: thank you - yes, in local.conf - since local.conf is only for LOCAL changes and should not checked in there should be a better way?
<TRO[m]> rburton: yes, own class... will try the force thing
<rburton> the proper way is to create your own distro
<rburton> and that can pick systemd
<TRO[m]> yes, sorry mean distro...
<rburton> if you have your own distro then just INIT_MANAGER="systemd" in it will do the right thing.
<TRO[m]> but still the INIT_MANAGER is not in the docs
<rburton> so it isn't. it's in the 3.0 release notes, but not the reference
<TRO[m]> and not in koan wiki ;)
<rburton> michaelo: fyi INIT_MANAGER is missing from the variable reference. Do you have a private todo list or should a bug be filed?
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<TRO[m]> I mean the whole problem is that there is no way (other than local.conf and own distro) to set INIT_MANAGER before the poky.conf is parsed and require INIT_MANAGER (it will use POKY_INIT_MANAGER sysvinit then) - at least I do not know a way. IMHO if you inherit some global class it should be parsed first before parsing the distro.
<rburton> TRO[m]: sure there is
<rburton> TRO[m]: if you're using poky then set POKY_INIT_MANAGER instead. or use INIT_MANAGER:forcevariable. Or write your own distro.
<TRO[m]> I do not see any difference when using INIT_MANAGER:forcevariable or INIT_MANAGER when using bitbake-getvar -r core-image-minimal INIT_MANAGER
<TRO[m]> in both cases poky.conf will parsed first and require POKY_INIT_MANAGER
<TRO[m]> only change is to set it in local.conf, yes or own distro
<rburton> oh sorry missed the bit about a global class
<rburton> its a distro setting, should be in the distro
<d-s-e> I try to build an application that creates code from protobuf files that is included during the build. The files are created in build/tmp/work/... which seems to be correct, but the compiler looks in build/workspace/sources/...
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<d-s-e> What is the usual way to fix this?
<d-s-e> Maybe developing in build/tmp/work/... could do it, but that seems not right.
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<rburton> d-s-e: sounds like an out-of-tree problem. build files go into the build directory, so the makefile needs to know to look there and not the source tree.
<rburton> i'm guessing the app is using autotools?
<d-s-e> hmm, CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is set to the workspace. I thought, that the sources are copied to tmp/work before the build and everything is done there. But maybe I did get that wrong.
<d-s-e> cmake
<rburton> ah cmake. not sure how to fix that but the bug is almost certainly in the cmakelists, looking in source not build tree.
<perceval[m]> Hello all,
<perceval[m]> I'm strugling with linux-intel recipe that does not take my config fragment that I've put in my own layer under recipes-kernel/linux/files and added to linux-intel_5.4%.bbappend file in SRC_URI and I set FILESEXTRAPATHS.
<perceval[m]> I saw that linux-intel require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto.inc so fragments should be handled correctly :s
<perceval[m]> do you have an idea on what is going on?
<perceval[m]> and how to fix that :)
<mckoan> perceval[m]: are you sure you are using linux-intel_5.4? and how's your recipe?
<rburton> also how do you know its not being used? if your turning on a kernel module then you'll also need to install the module.
<d-s-e> rburton: seems so. I think it depends on the variables CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR/CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR in the cmakelists, the latter is set correct, the others not. But I don't know, where the values come from ...
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<perceval[m]> mckoan: yes I'm sure I set the prefered kernel in my distro configuration
<perceval[m]> rburton: what do you mean, kernel modules are not handled automatically by the build if it is in the config?
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<mckoan> perceval[m]: and do you have .ko files in /lib/modules ?
<rburton> perceval[m]: i mean just because a kernel build a module doesn't meant it gets installed in the rootfs
<perceval[m]> Yes I have .ko files in /lib/modules
<perceval[m]> my problem is that when I check the config file in my work directory linux-intel/5.4.193.../image/boot/config-5.4.193-intel-pk-standard, the configs fragments are not applied
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<mckoan> perceval[m]: what is the output of : bitbake -c kernel_configcheck -f virtual/kernel
<perceval[m]> nothing
<perceval[m]> NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 447 tasks of which 444 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
<perceval[m]> Summary: There were 4 WARNING messages shown.
<perceval[m]> the warning are due to my edition to debug what is going on
<perceval[m]> s/warning/warnings/, s/edition/editions/
<mckoan> perceval[m]: and in case you may read this: https://wiki.koansoftware.com/index.php/Add_a_debug_banner_in_a_Yocto_recipe
<perceval[m]> Yes I've done exactly what the first articel says
<perceval[m]> * Yes I've done exactly what the first article says without any success
<perceval[m]> thanks for the debugging tip ;)
<Flora[m]> ‼️Polymath Cryptocurrency is the most profitable Asset in financial stock market 💯 profit…make up to $200k and more. Kindly pop a private message on TG using the below Hyper link.
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<ecdhe> I'd like to switch to `kas' from a homebrew makefile solution. My makefile would clone layer repos and checkout the correct branches/commits (which `kas' handles nicely) but my makefile would also download a gzipped archive of my build/downloads/ directory and unpack it. Is there a way to get 'kas' to run this step?
<ecdhe> Since 'kas' downloads layers, I wondered if I could provide a pre-populated downloads directory through a layer.
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<JaMa> ecdhe: maybe take this opportunity to set regular PREMIRROR and let bitbake fetcher do it's job better, instead of fetching whole downloads directory before the build
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<rburton> yeah, agreed. make that tarball a proper mirror and you'll be good to go.
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<rburton> if you want a way for offline builds then a kas overlay that just does a fetchall will be trivial
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<ecdhe> The premirror looks like I need to know the original URL and then host the file at some variant of it
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<rburton> if your tarball is good for DL_DIR then it's most of the way towards being a premirror
<ecdhe> I'm trying to count the files now but it seems like a lot of work to get these all moved into a directory structure that a PREMIRROR can seamlessly fetch.
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<ecdhe> rburton: so there's hope?
<rburton> the only difference is that git clones are in tarballs
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<rburton> easiest way is to refetch the world with BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS="1" set
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<ecdhe> rburton: this is fine but some of the sumo assets are not longer hosted
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<ecdhe> sorry for using sumo
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<rburton> use the yocto mirror, or your own existing dldir as a premirror
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<ecdhe> I like that idea
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<rburton> if external tarballs have moved (which does happen), i'd recommend fixing the recipes to get the right tarballs instead of relying on a mirror
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<JaMa> premirror is most useful recently for those upstream git repos deleting and renaming branches, yes it should be fixed in recipes, but with premirror it at least wont start failing a day before release and you can fix it when you have time
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<ecdhe> rburton: the payoff for me is if I can trigger a yocto build from a singal command in a uninitialized environment I can move the job to a threadripper... kernel builds are sub 30 seconds there as opposed to 30 minutes on my i7
<JaMa> sub 30 seconds? either your defconfig is very short or you have some special threadripper :) my 3970 linux-yocto*/do_compile
<JaMa> Elapsed time: 104.90 seconds
<JaMa> please share your results with https://github.com/shr-project/test-oe-build-time once your threadrippe reaches this dimension
<ecdhe> defconfig was definitely smaller, my target lacks USB ports for instance so I don't have to build any drivers for that.
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<qschulz> LetoThe2nd: 'grats on the new role :)
<qschulz> ndec_: thx you for everything you did. hope to see you around every now and then still :)
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<LetoThe2nd> qschulz: thx!
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<khem> JaMa: ok
<khem> RP: can you also cherry-pick https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib/commit/?h=yoe/mut&id=382d7c4a8a45c46cd49f9ba4741b370f046cc776 into master-next ?
<khem> gcc-13 patch depends on it, it will make me switching branches easier
<khem> hutchman: so far so good 🙂
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<eddy_> Hi, I have a question: How can i specify a buildtime dependecy for kernel modules in yotco? I have module A that has a header with functions that are exported and a module B that shouldbe able to include the header. I cannot find anything in the docu about kernel module dependencies
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<rfs613> eddy_: typically each module would have two recipies, one to install the header, and one to build the module. Then you can set the dependencies of B on the headers provided by A.
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<eddy_> rfs613: thx! ahhh okay that makes sense is there a specific template for the this header install recipe? like `inherit headers` or so?
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<rfs613> eddy_: offhand I don't know ;-)
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<rburton> eddy_: just make the recipe install headers into the sysroot as usual, and then depend on that recipe
<rburton> a recipe installing headers is just a recipe installing headers, nothing special to do just because its a kernel module
<rfs613> i suspect you don't need separate packages, just have B depend on A would probably work
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<rfs613> to continue the previous example, cryptodev-module then has DEPENDS += "cryptodev-linux"
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<eddy_> thanks i try it out :)
<nerdboy> so i masked gcc-13 and rebuilt full toolchain set with gcc-12 and yocto seems happy again
<nerdboy> *at least as happy as before on meta-tegra kirkstone lts branches
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<zelgomer> with reference to the downloads dir, how is bitbake supposed to handle name collisions, such as when two recipes have a SRC_URI that fetches different files from different hosts but with the same base filename?
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<marex> rfs613: btw why use cryptodev and not afalg ?
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<RP> khem: no, I'm not cherry-picking that. It is wrong
<mischief> build failure in gcc cross in kirkstone http://ix.io/4uUb is this a race in gcc's build system?
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<vmeson> mischief: I don't think so, see your log: ../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-11.3.0-r0/gcc-11.3.0/gcc/c/gimple-parser.c:381:1: internal compiler error: Bus error
<vmeson> it's the first match when searching for "error:" which works > 98% of the time.
<ecdhe> LetoThe2nd: where is your new position?
<vmeson> Is an ICE: Bus error usually bad hardware as suggested by Google ?
<mischief> ah, heck. i checked the kernel log and there are memory hw errors, and i also checked the ec2 console and got a message about the hw being retired :)
<mischief> i just made a new instance, so let's see how that goes
<mischief> i'm trying to evaluate if a new instance type can make our build faster
<vmeson> mischief: cool. We don't want any real rare ICE toolchain errors to track down!
<mischief> so i'm just spinning up instances and building poky with default settings
<vmeson> mischief: that'll be interesting data.
<mischief> c7g.metal (graviton3) did a build in ~15 minutes
<mischief> now i try c6gd.metal (graviton2) which has local nvme
<mischief> the problem is we build multiple MACHINEs in parallel without multiconfig and some people complain it takes too long
<mischief> i wonder if it would be better to just have a smaller instance per MACHINE instead of big beefy instances with parallel builds inside
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<khem> RP: OK then I can drop it. Sadly it will need gcc 13 patch conflicts to be resolved
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