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Hi everyone. I want to pull the MACHINE_ARCH value with the python function and call a function accordingly in a recipe. I want to do something as i will share below. What did i do wrong?
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Guest98: it is easy to make functions MACHINE specific. Is that suffiecient? basically add machine specific functions to the recipe, do_configure:machine_a(). You need to use machine names specified in MACHINEOVERRIDES
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mcfrisk Instead of using a Python function, you say use it like this:
install -d ${D}/machine_a
install -d ${D}/machine_b
am i right?
Guest98: do_install:machine_a() {...}
Guest98: use the machine override name specified in MACHINEOVERRIDES variable
(if opsec installed MS Defender, then say goodbye to performance)
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rburton: Hey, is there a specific reason meta-arm depends on meta-arm toolchain? We have some recipes we'd like to use from meta-arm (TF-A, OP-TEE,…) but usually don't need/require meta-arm-toolchain.
because some bits of meta-arm need the binary toolchain (at the moment)
they're in the same repo and adding meta-arm-toolchain won't change anything unless you explicitly use it
it's not like adding it switches your compiler automatically
So the eventual goal is to remove the meta-arm-toolchain dependency? Just feels weird to have meta-arm-toolchain in bblayers when it is not used for anything.
it doesn't do any harm
we've a long-term plan to switch the M class builds to use multiconfig, but that means people with A/M platforms need to build gcc-cross twice, so pick your poison
Eh, I see, thanks for the info.
we try to keep our layer lists minimal, so having an unused layer in there regularly leads to questions :)
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live with it feeling weird to have a layer that you don't use. the alternative right now is to have a separate layer that _just_ contains tfm, which is silly
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for some customers we decided to copy the recipes instead, which isn't optimal either
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sorry, tfm and scp
why do they need the binary toolchain?
because they need a M-class compiler that targets baremetal, not an A-class that targets linux
and that's not possible with the toolchain in oe-core?
with multiconfig, yes. haven't got around to doing that yet.
also, tfm is _incredibly_ sensitive to gcc, and upgrading the binary toolchain will break it
ah, so it's just using the binary toolchain for the cortex-m binaries in the cortex-a build
thanks for explaining
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rburton: I'm still not 100% convinced we can't use our toolchain to build baremetal without multilib. Does it actually need any library code?
you'd be surprised where libgcc creeps into builds, which then expects to be running in linux
it mostly works right now but firmware is doing stuff like stubbing out functions
letting that argument settle before making any changes :)
rburton: building a different libgcc with our current build shouldn't be too hard...
it is effectively what baremetal does
it could be a kind of multilib
i suspect we'll end up multiconfiging a proper m/baremetal compiler and other pieces, especially as stuff like Trusted Services is basically building a second OS
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rburton: the baremetal stuff is really simple so there are a few options...
don't look at the trusted-services recipe :)
I'm trying to build a 'sumo' image in `kas-container' but HOSTTOOLS is calling out python2.7 and it's missing from the container.
Are sumo-era builds not supported by kas?
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ecdhe: well the container generation obviously needs to be roughly aligned with the release generation. kas without containers will happily build sumo for you.
ecdhe: alternatively, inject a custom (outdated) container. or even better: upgrade.
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ecdhe: kas container is far too new for sumo yes
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