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<Etheryon> Hello, I'm trying to get connman running on an image I'm building, but having no luck. I've done IMAGE_INSTALL:append="connman" and DISTRO_FEATURES:append="wifi ipv4" but I'm getting command not found when trying to run connman on the image
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<mihai> Etheryon, use a space in front of the value when you use :append, IMAGE_INSTALL:append=" connman"
<mihai> otherwise the string will be joined with the existing value
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<RP> smurray, dl9pf: I'd guess meta-agl next is expected to fail with honister? Just wondering what we should be testing on the autobuilder for that branch? :/
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<Etheryon>  @mihai thanks, I didn't copy it exactly from my files, it does indeed include a space in the actual file
<Etheryon> the command is connmanctl and you need connman-client as well
<Etheryon> I think
<mihai> sounds about right
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<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
<mckoan> hi LetoThe2nd
<LetoThe2nd> yo mckoan
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<pasherring> Hello all, I am trying to get faad, gstreamer the AAC decoder plugin, but no luck so far. I tried using PACKAGECONFIG on my local.conf (as in PACKAGECONFIG:append:pn-gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad = " faad"). Am I doing this right?
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<LetoThe2nd> pasherring: just inspect with bitbake -e gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad | less
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<pasherring> @LetoThe2nd, alright! It was a platform bbappend that was removing it due to licensing (which sounds rather weird, as this is a free decoder). Thanks for the tip! =D
<LetoThe2nd> pasherring: have fun!
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<Kaa> Hello guys! Could you please advise, how to install the C header that should be available for target and hosts packages?
<Kaa> By Bitbake recipe :)
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<smurray> RP: testing with honister as opposed to master branch, you mean?
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<RP> smurray: yes
<RP> smurray: I can disable it for honister if that is what makes sense
<smurray> RP: I stopped testing it against honister myself shortly after 3.4.0 was released, as I didn't think maintaining a honister compatible branch was a requirement for the autobuilder testing
<RP> smurray: it isn't, but we do test things which "once worked" until we decide to stop
<RP> smurray: we just need to actively make a decision to stop
<smurray> RP: I did snapshot the state at that time in a branch just in case, but unless dl9pf thinks otherwise I'd prefer to drop it, as I don't have the cycles to maintain it, and AGL does not officially support it
<RP> smurray: just let me know the final decision :)
<smurray> RP: we have a meeting on the hour, I'll ask him once the nominal topic is finished
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<Etheryon> Hi all, did anyone have any success running eglfs with yocto under x86_64?
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<smurray> RP: dl9pf confirmed that we should disable testing of meta-agl-core against honister, please go ahead and do so
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<RP> smurray: thanks, will do
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* RP hates the git fetcher. It is like some endless rabbit hole :/
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<pasherring> Hey there again! Not sure if this should be asked on platform specific, but, is there a preferred way to change the scaling governor_policy? ondemand policy + gstreamer + rpi4 is yielding in quirky behavior.
<RP> landgraf: I tried to write a test case for this patch but it is just getting worse and worse :/
<RP> (the fetcher one)
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<landgraf> RP: I tried to write a test as well but realized that I have to learn more about cookerdata and configuration parsing :(
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<landgraf> RP: we can test download()->unpack() without fetcher_init() and after calling it. it will pass in first case and fail in second one but that'd be incomplete test
<landgraf> it will test the cache itself, not worker configuration
<RP> landgraf: I have a nice test case, I just can't fix it :)
<landgraf> RP: can you share it somewhere?
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<sgw> Morning all
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<TommyD> Hi everyone
<TommyD> I have a question :)
<jonmason> sgw: is this with the kernel-cache changes too?
<TommyD> haha no not at all
<TommyD> I am currently tasked with migrating one of our project from repo to kas. The project is built on top of winriver (wrlinux-x.git), but it uses repo in addition by using its own custom script
<TommyD> I was wondering if anyone has experience with using kas with another upstream project that uses repo
<RP> landgraf:
<landgraf> oooh. submodules
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<sgw> jonmason: not sure, probably an RP question, he mentioned maybe taking part of your patch set
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<RP> jonmason: I took the first couple of patches from the series, the rest had feedback or didn't apply. The kernel ktype change was already in afaik
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<jonmason> RP: I didn't test the individually. So it is possible they don't work (obviously). I did test the series (hackily) on gitlab CI that I have for poky
<jonmason> I'll do a revision and see what I can see. Thanks
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<RP> jonmason: it may be my fault for just taking what seemed to apply. Equally, patches are meant to work in isolation! :)
<jonmason> oh yes, they should work in isolation
<jonmason> your assumption is fair
<jonmason> only that I didn't test them that way
<jonmason> so the fault is with me
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<jonmason> RP: I don't see the patches in yocto-kernel-cache yet
<jonmason> yeah, I've been working this series for 3 weeks, and I got beat to poky-tiny for qemuarm64 :)
<jonmason> more proof of "release early, release often"
<jonmason> actually, it was before christmas. where has this year gone
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<ecdhe> I have a BSP layer from the vendor. They ship recipes for a patched kernel and uboot that include and reference a .dts for their product, "product.dts." For development, I built my own "product.dts". None of my sources are in the kernel tree or in uboot, and I made a recipe that will copy my file to DEPLOYDIR where it gets picked up by the FAT partition.
<ecdhe> The recipe from the vendor does the same thing, and I'm not sure who's going to win.
<ecdhe> I have a couple of options: .bbappend their uboot image to look for a different file name
<ecdhe> then I could build my changes to that different file name
<RP> landgraf: I've sent out some patches, testing very welcome!
<ecdhe> OR, I could use the same file name, but .bbappend their uboot image to not deploy their copy
<ecdhe> That way my copy would be the only one deployed
<ecdhe> Any thoughts on the "correct" approach?
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<sgw> jonmason: still might be a problem with an arm and framebuffer
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<khem> zeddii: can you backport to 5.15 ?
<khem> zeddii: we will need this with bintutils 2.38
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<landgraf> RP: sanity checker is not happy about test_git_unpack_nonetwork_fail (cause AssertTrue to fail)
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<RP> landgraf: hmm, I had that working locally :/
<landgraf> RP: CONNECTIVITY_CHECK_URIS="" made it happy again
<landgraf> RP: for some reasons it's try to check connectivity with
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<RP> landgraf: weird, I'm surprised you can't access :/
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<rburton> I just had four CI jobs abort due to
<RP> rburton: wonder what is up with that. Is there something else we can use?
<rburton> obviously i only see it in CI, and the actual wget log is lost
<RP> rburton: we can't use google as it is blocked in some places
<rburton> ah yes of course
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<rburton> then i guess
<rburton> definitely something up with
<rburton> we've never had a problem then suddenly this week about 5% of all runs fail
<rburton> seems to happen in bursts, maybe wherever it is hosting is just having downtime
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<khem> Can we use some pool of dhcp providers maybe
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<RP> I suspect the fetcher change in bitbake in master-next may highlight issues with a few layers :/
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