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Hello, I'm trying to get connman running on an image I'm building, but having no luck. I've done IMAGE_INSTALL:append="connman" and DISTRO_FEATURES:append="wifi ipv4" but I'm getting command not found when trying to run connman on the image
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Etheryon, use a space in front of the value when you use :append, IMAGE_INSTALL:append=" connman"
otherwise the string will be joined with the existing value
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smurray, dl9pf: I'd guess meta-agl next is expected to fail with honister? Just wondering what we should be testing on the autobuilder for that branch? :/
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@mihai thanks, I didn't copy it exactly from my files, it does indeed include a space in the actual file
the command is connmanctl and you need connman-client as well
I think
sounds about right
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yo dudX
hi LetoThe2nd
yo mckoan
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Hello all, I am trying to get faad, gstreamer the AAC decoder plugin, but no luck so far. I tried using PACKAGECONFIG on my local.conf (as in PACKAGECONFIG:append:pn-gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad = " faad"). Am I doing this right?
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pasherring: just inspect with bitbake -e gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad | less
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@LetoThe2nd, alright! It was a platform bbappend that was removing it due to licensing (which sounds rather weird, as this is a free decoder). Thanks for the tip! =D
pasherring: have fun!
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Hello guys! Could you please advise, how to install the C header that should be available for target and hosts packages?
By Bitbake recipe :)
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RP: testing with honister as opposed to master branch, you mean?
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smurray: yes
smurray: I can disable it for honister if that is what makes sense
RP: I stopped testing it against honister myself shortly after 3.4.0 was released, as I didn't think maintaining a honister compatible branch was a requirement for the autobuilder testing
smurray: it isn't, but we do test things which "once worked" until we decide to stop
smurray: we just need to actively make a decision to stop
RP: I did snapshot the state at that time in a branch just in case, but unless dl9pf thinks otherwise I'd prefer to drop it, as I don't have the cycles to maintain it, and AGL does not officially support it
smurray: just let me know the final decision :)
RP: we have a meeting on the hour, I'll ask him once the nominal topic is finished
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Hi all, did anyone have any success running eglfs with yocto under x86_64?
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RP: dl9pf confirmed that we should disable testing of meta-agl-core against honister, please go ahead and do so
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smurray: thanks, will do
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* RP
hates the git fetcher. It is like some endless rabbit hole :/
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Hey there again! Not sure if this should be asked on platform specific, but, is there a preferred way to change the scaling governor_policy? ondemand policy + gstreamer + rpi4 is yielding in quirky behavior.
landgraf: I tried to write a test case for this patch but it is just getting worse and worse :/
(the fetcher one)
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RP: I tried to write a test as well but realized that I have to learn more about cookerdata and configuration parsing :(
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RP: we can test download()->unpack() without fetcher_init() and after calling it. it will pass in first case and fail in second one but that'd be incomplete test
it will test the cache itself, not worker configuration
landgraf: I have a nice test case, I just can't fix it :)
sgw: is this with the kernel-cache changes too?
haha no not at all
I am currently tasked with migrating one of our project from repo to kas. The project is built on top of winriver (wrlinux-x.git), but it uses repo in addition by using its own custom script
I was wondering if anyone has experience with using kas with another upstream project that uses repo
yeah, I've been working this series for 3 weeks, and I got beat to poky-tiny for qemuarm64 :)
more proof of "release early, release often"
actually, it was before christmas. where has this year gone
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I have a BSP layer from the vendor. They ship recipes for a patched kernel and uboot that include and reference a .dts for their product, "product.dts." For development, I built my own "product.dts". None of my sources are in the kernel tree or in uboot, and I made a recipe that will copy my file to DEPLOYDIR where it gets picked up by the FAT partition.
The recipe from the vendor does the same thing, and I'm not sure who's going to win.
I have a couple of options: .bbappend their uboot image to look for a different file name
then I could build my changes to that different file name
landgraf: I've sent out some patches, testing very welcome!
OR, I could use the same file name, but .bbappend their uboot image to not deploy their copy
That way my copy would be the only one deployed
Any thoughts on the "correct" approach?
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