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Is anyone else scratching their heads of icedtea7-native builds failing in Fedora 35 recently ?
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I'm pretty sure it is host related, due to some recent update in F35
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yo dudX!
LetoThe2nd: HE'S BACK
yeah, finally. I'M BACK!!!
so what did I miss`?
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I have a recipes-A which compiles cmake package and creates library.
Now recipe-B which compiles makefile based code and it has dependencies on library created by recipes-A
So how to tell recipe-B to look into the recipe-A's library file.
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Hardik: DEPENDS = "recipe-a" in your recipe-b
Hardik: 1) give recipe-A a proper install stage 2) recipe-B DEPENDS on recipe-A
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LetoThe2nd: welcome back!
you should all feel threatened now! I will update you all! over the air, even!!!one!
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LetoThe2nd: no worries, I use another update system, LOL
LetoThe2nd: no vendor lock-in
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Is there a way to get a list of all revisions used in a build? I mean to produce a table with recipe name, repository URL and SRCREV of all recipes actually used in the build. Is that possible somehow?
mcon: essentially you want the software BOM?
Essentially yes.
is there any particular reason why lv2 is not in meta-openembedded yet? just because no one needed it so far?
My remote aim is to store this somewhere at release time, then at NEXT release I want to scan difference and collect git commit messages "from old to new". Is this available somehow?
oh :)
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mcon: anything is possible, its only software. i can't find a proper document at the moment, but somthing along the lines of SPDX manifest generation or such should get you started.
worst case write a small class to dump the data you want at build time (git url and corresponding sha), then you can do the clone/log dance.
hell, the class could do the report, as it has the clone to hand already
give it the old shas and it can write the logs and new shas
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rburton: Thanks, that is exactly what I need, but I would need a bit more hints as I'm still trying to learn Yocto and I'm fare from being "knowledgeable" (but I'm willing to learn).
LetoThe2nd Could you please give some idea on how to do this ??--->give recipe-A a proper install stage
Do I need to install it to recipes-A's sysroot?
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Hardik: the library needs to be able to install. e.g. copy the headers to the include search path, put the library into the libraries path. in a nutshell: just use the mechanisms that cmake provides.
Hardik: then recipe a does an inherit cmake, and you're hopefully set.
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hi, is there a way to force a layer as compatible without changing that specific layer LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_?
ad__: why would you want to do that?
i would not change the layer LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_ , i cannot right now
i can only change my custom bsp layer right now
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it's a simple layer done from my ocmpany, i know it will be compatible, but cannot modify it right now
ad__: you can always modify locally, it's very likely that git pull won't even conflict with it since layer.conf is so rarely modified
but final stuff will be retrieved by repo
ad__: you can patch with repo too I'm pretty sure
ok, if there is no other trick, i can
ad__: but yes, it's possible to do it, not sure we want to say how publicly though. The whole point of LAYERSERIES_COMPAT is to be sure the layers are all compatible with each other and avoid bad bug reports :)
You can append LAYERSERIES_COMPAT like any other variable, e.g., LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_foo:append = " honister"
well, too late now :p
Well, there are actually valid reasons to do it. E.g., our platform is currently built around Poky Hardknott. However, to be able to build it with Honister in preparation for the upgrade, we have a special adaptation layer that does all the changes needed to build the platform with Honister instead. In this layer, we add to the LAYERSERIES_COMPAT for all the other layers in the platform, since with the adaptation layer included, they are
compatible, but without it they are not.
Saur: qschulz thanks
Saur: yes and there are also tons of other invalid reasons :)
e.g. a vendor BSP layer that was not updated in years
qschulz: Well, true. :)
Saur: FWIW, I did this trick to support an old meta-qt5 (for <= 5.6 releases, licensing issues...)
Typically, if you are changing the LAYERSERIES_COMPAT of someone else's layer, you get to keep the pieces when it breaks...
well yes but this does not prevent people to report bugs :)
(to us or the original project)
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Dumb question: when does main/master of oe core change its code name? Right now it still says honister (unless I am doing something dumb
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where are you looking?
iirc it typically changes fairly late, like m3 time
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Hello All, how to resolve this error: x86_64-linux-libtool: line 1033: func_split_equals: command not found
you'll need to give more information than that
works for everyone else, so what are you doing differently
what host distro, what yocto release, etc
rburton: host is Ubuntu 20.04, Yocto release is dunfell, I am building this for TI Jacinto 7
I'm interested in helping out on go.mod support in yocto
shivamurthy: did you make sure ALL layers you're using are on the same release (usually the git branches are named after the yocto release in us)
shivamurthy: what recipe?
qschulz: yes, all layers are on dunfell
So M3 would be ~ March 30? I don't see a 3.5 timeline but using 3.3 as reference
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rburton: one more issue I faced during initial stage, autoconf-native failed with this error: /bin/bash: line 3: help2man: command not found
I fixed it by removing man from Makefile.in
shivamurthy: latest dunfell branch or a specific release?
this is autoconf-2.69 version
let me check branch
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it looks like not official dunfell, HEAD is on commit 9b83aefa9c4a21d9dc1eea4a6b00af379466a288
you'll need to bump bitbake too, which is why i suggested just grabbing a clean poky
if the tip of the dunfell branch works, then we've isolated the problem
rburton: okay, let me try
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JaMa or khem: I just noticed some issues with Qt from meta-qt5 wrt not finding some symbols deprecated in OpenSSL 3.0, would there be interest in carrying some of the fixes KDE have in their backport patchset?
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jclsn: I don't have the IRC client on my PC though, it's on one of my servers
so it's always running, but yes, it's one of the biggest downsides
there's probably some companies offering this as a service
Do you know this Network Chuck guy? He is always like: This is the nerdiest shit ever! You have to do it! Right now! :D
There are no archives for private conversations though
jclsn: well, indeed, that's a good thing :p
no what am I saying
Yes it is a good thing
you have logs available in $HOME/.weechat/ somewhere
logs :)
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and there's a plugin to get some of the logs back when reconnecting
obviously anything that is sent once you're disconnected won't make it to you since it's a synchronous system :)
(BTW, the always-on thingy is called IRC bouncer AFAICT)
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qschulz: I'll take a look. It's not immediately obvious to me from the one repo I'm looking at if the KDE branches include 5.15.2
jclsn: perhaps take a look at irccloud.com, its web interface makes keeping up with stuff on IRC pretty easy
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I've been pretty happy with irccloud
* LetoThe2nd
recently joined the weechat crowd too.
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no way :o
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why not?
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used to have irssi which I liked a lot, then moved to weechat to have access to Matrix rooms too, because irssi does not support it but weechat does via weechat-matrix
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LetoThe2nd: Ich dachte schon der alte Holzmayr würde nicht mehr leben
Long time no read
jclsn: hehe. I was AFK since late December, a lot of Resturlaub, because I'm starting a new position really soon.
@smurray Looks interesting
LetoThe2nd: Ah nice so no jestering anymore?
jclsn: rather more jesting :)
jesting it is
I actually studies English and rolled my eyes a few times during the tutorial. But now you correct me. That is life I guess
i mean, "yes it is jesting" ;-)
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I do love how some German words work :)
RP: Like what?
jclsn: narrenfreiheit as above. You can translate into English but it isn't quite as clear somehow :)
Forget about the last one actually. Not cool
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Well it is like the freedom of the fool
But I know what you mean. There is a lot of wisdom in German words actually. Most Germands don't think about it at all.
jclsn: right, I understand it now I think about it but it isn't something I've really thought about before, it isn't a common term
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Most people don't. But every language has their advantage and disadvantages.
Swearing is much more fun in English, Spanish or Russian than it is in German.
Narrenfreiheit is exactly the reason why I coined the jester narrative.
LetoThe2nd: I was thinking that, it actually explains the name a bit more. I suspect it is lost in English a little
LetoThe2nd: I am very much like that as well actually, but there is a price for every freedom.
If you always joke around only few people will listen to you if you have a really serious matter to discuss
jclsn: I know. but i'd rather be not listened to when being serious, rather than be taken too seriously when I'm joking.
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LetoThe2nd: True. I also often make jokes and people take it seriously. People have become so sensitive
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smurray: yeah please propose
khem: okay
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RP: is there any traction on the centos8 network failures? I have a bit of time to try to look into it.
RP: it seems to show up here as testimage ping fails
kanavin: I was just thinking about it, nobody except abelloni has looked as yet and we don't have answers
kanavin: first thing to test was whether this was some kind of issue with the network disabling. Another question was ping privs on centos/stream machines, abelloni mentioned something about those
RP: I'd question whether we want to use it at all, and just go with alma instead
RP: but I'll try to see if I can get a lead
kanavin: well, it tells us about the issues coming down the pipeline which has value
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alright, I've been getting annoyed by ltp's ridiculously long package_qa. The issue is that it has a ton of executables and runs 'objdump -p' for all of them, serially.
I've rewritten that to use multiprocessing :)
the time went down from 4 minutes to 1m20s here
RP: I got to play with a 128 core/256 thread zen2 epic machine that linutronix is setting up for kernel and yocto builds. they asked me to stress test it :)
RP: I set up all of oe-core and meta-oe, and those 40000 tasks completed in 1 hour 20 minutes!
that was the fastest yocto build I've seen, ever
having pcie 3.0 SSDs helps too I guess
epic --> dual socket EPYC cpu
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kanavin: sounds like a lovely machine :)
kanavin: ltp do_package took about 20mins when I first started trying to fix packaging!
on the 192 thread machine I used to have, I found above about 72 threads was diminishing returns.. about about 150 threads very few things justified it.. but ya, 192 threads I could do a really large build in much less then 2 hours..
also note the naming - elves is a dictionary of elf objects :)
fabatera[m]: it suggests the package dependencies of the module you've built don't match the packages you have. Why, I can't tell from that data :(
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smurray: I found something better than irccloud.com. There is a self-hosted IRC client called The Lounge which you can install on a Raspberry Pi. It always runs and you just connect to the web interface
You can theme it really nice as well
jclsn: if you're comfortable with self-hosting it, cool. I've found irccloud very convenient wrt accessing it while traveling
smurray: Sure, but it costs money and self-hosting it on my Pi is a piece of cake
It already has an exposed host anyway and I can access it from everytwhere
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jclsn: it is the old school way of doing it, I use a remote desktop for it :)
halstead: ^^^ - can we fix that? This is some setup issue on the system that has changed
RP: this looks like a major regression from centos stream, I wonder if dnf update will just make it disappear
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kanavin: RP: Yes. How odd.
net.ipv4.ping_group_range = 10
not sure what that means?
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halstead: you have an easy reproducer now! :)
thanks kanavin
RP: Dead simple. :)
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I wish it was always that simple...
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kanavin: I think that might mean only root can use ICMP
RP: I think so too, on my fedora: net.ipv4.ping_group_range = 02147483647
alejandrohs, jclsn: thanks - and it seems to be responding again now for me.
rfs613: Yep
Uh I really like The Lounge
It takes IRC to a modern level
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jclsn: looks a bit like slack to me ;-)
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Found this: It's a known bug in Stream 8 due to the iputils maintainer pushing an updated iputils package that requires an unpublished systemd update. They removed the CAP_NET_ADMIN flag from the ping executable and the alternative method of allowing it to work is not yet out.
rfs613: I've never used Slack
halstead: that sounds about right
I was just searching for a method to have IRC messages available all the time without having the keeping my client open
Like this the client runs on a server and I am always connected
irc proxy like znc works, irccloud is the easiest way though
jclsn: a trick I learned a while back is to treat IRC (and slack/hangouts/etc) as ephemeral. If you miss some chat, that's okay. Anything that really needs to be "stored" belongs in a more origanized place anyhow (without all the noise and unrelated chat...)
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kanavin I've adjusted "net.ipv4.ping_group_range = 0 2147483647" as suggested for now and ping works again.
halstead, will that survive reboots?
kanavin: Yes.
halstead: thanks. Can we do that to stream8 as well please? I can rerun my build to see if it works
rfs613: Sure but sometimes you just need to find a valuable conversation again
RP: Applied to stream8, centos8-ty-1 & 2.
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The Alma machines are fine since they don't get ahead of RHEL.
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halstead: great, thanks. I'll queue a build and hopefully things will look better :)
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halstead, what's the difference betweek stream8 and centos8? shouldn't they all be 'stream' by now?
kanavin: the other issue is that centos8-ty-1 has a hanging oe-selftest build if you're looking for painful issues :)
looks like make isn't collecting its own child?
jclsn: only if someone logs it.. whitequark.org logs certain channels, there are other similar sites as well. The IRC traffic itself is public.
kanavin: it does look a bit like that :/
* RP
wonders if centos8 pulled in a broken make version? :/
Isn't that typical of some process having been killed unexpectedly?
Saur: you'd think make would reap it's own children quite reliably though even if something was killed?
there's nothing particularly interesting in /home/pokybuild/yocto-worker/oe-selftest-centos/build/build-st-3210815/tmp/work/qemux86_64-poky-linux/linux-yocto/5.15.16+gitAUTOINC+26e884f8c2_f46816a75d-r0/temp/log.do_compile_kernelmodules
ends at
CC [M] drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.o
CC [M] drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn.o
LD [M] drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.o
CC [M] drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_qmath.o
CC [M] drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n.o
CC [M] drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/brcmsmac/dma.o
CC [M] drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/brcmsmac/brcms_trace_events.o
CC [M] drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/brcmsmac/debug.o
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kanavin: looks like we have one bug on centos8 and it is probably make related
maybe we should bootstrap make-native :D
kanavin: it is called buildtools-tarball :)
RP: well I don't have any ideas right now
'centos 8 has broken make' isn't particularly good one, but maybe we have to go with that for now
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kanavin: right, knowing it is this issue helps though. We probably need a bug for it specifically, links to the above reports and debugging I did previously
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kanavin: I did partly debug it but I couldn't tell where the signal handling was failing :(
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It is better to know it is that issue than not have any idea what is wrong.
halstead: do you know if there are any make hang issues reported against centos stream like this?
RP: No. I can look.
halstead: you probably know where to look better than I do, it is probably worth checking if you could please
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kanavin: I'd forgotten about this issue until you said make hang. I thought it was on centos7
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RP: I haven't found an open issue that matches yet.
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halstead: ok, don't spend any more time on it. It was worth checking if it was something known though, thanks
* RP
doesn't know what we'll do with the builds
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kanavin: stream8-ty-1 is a fresh install of CentOS Stream. The centos8 workers were switched to CentOS Stream in place. When they get SSDs I'll rename them. I'm questioning how many CentOS Stream workers we want given the issues. I think we should have multiple AlmaLinux workers for RHEL8 compatibility and only one CentOS Stream worker to test what's coming.
halstead: I agree. Lets have two alma ones, we'll persevere with the stream one but convert the others to something else
halstead, while you're around, how is the auh emails un-breaking going?
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