Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.10, v2024.01-rc3 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2024.01 is scheduled for 08 January 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<ac_slater> hey guys, how do I change u-boot's loadaddress and entrypoint to another address?
<ac_slater> CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE ?
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<ac_slater> well I tried that and it seemed to work but didn't run. bleh
<ac_slater> actually nevermind, sorry for the noise guys
<dentalppl> np
<ac_slater> I can't tell how to get `bootm` (and ITB) to load my kernel at a specific address. Apparently there is a requirement for aarch64 to load at a 2mb aligned address
<ac_slater> https://paste.debian.net/plain/1301137 ... the vendor (xilinx) default is load/entry at 0x8000. I tried to change this to 0x200000 but I think `bootm` is still putting it somewhere wierd? idk
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<ac_slater> maybe I tell uboot it's not compressed? idk
<ac_slater> hmm nope
<ac_slater> trying to boot kernel 5.15.0 using Xilinx's fork of uboot, dated around feb 2022. I have a compressed kernel, Image.gz, ramdisk (with uboot header), and devicetree. I can load these with `booti` just fine. Here is the booti log: https://paste.debian.net/1301161/
<ac_slater> ^ this works
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<ac_slater> and here are the same files in an itb and loaded with bootm https://paste.debian.net/1301164/
<ac_slater> [ 1.505647] Initramfs unpacking failed: invalid magic at start of compressed archive ... hmm this could be it. My ramdisk is a cpio with a uboot header
<ac_slater> should it not have the uboot header?
<ac_slater> it's actually a cpio.gz with a uboot header. Some dude online said to have compression="none" since the kernel can load gzip'd initrd. I guess maybe the uboot header is messing us up here
<ac_slater> yea damn that seems to be it
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<ac_slater> maybe spoke too soon, I use buildroot and it does: `mkimage -A arm64 -T ramdisk -C none -d rootfs.cpio rootfs.cpio.uboot`. Buildroot specificallys sets compression to none
<ac_slater> the option that does this says "add a u-boot header so the cpio root filesystem. Allows the initramfs to be loaded with the bootm command"
<ac_slater> tried to boot an initrd with and without `mkimage` same "invalid magic at start of compressed archive"
<ac_slater> actually that was it... it doesn't need the uboot header
<ac_slater> jeez
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<f_> Hey all, working on the website again.
<f_> dsimic: looking again at your suggestions, <dsimic> the opening paragraphs are good, we should just make them flow a bit better, by having it all formatted and reworded a bit like this: https://termbin.com/dh0t
<f_> dsimic: that termbin.com link returns 404, seems like it expired :P
<f_> Does anyone still have more suggestions for the website? https://u-boot-org.vitali64.duckdns.org/
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<f_> Alright.
<f_> Tartarus, sjg1, marex: I'll try sending patches tomorrow or the day after, unless one of you or someone else still wants to add one last thing :)
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<f_> Until then, I'll continue working on Amlogic RE. Cheers!
<sjg1> f_: Nothing from me. We can always adjust it later as needed
<f_> Yeah I can always do that, indeed.
<f_> (I, or someone else)
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<marex> sjg1: I'll reply /wrt fitImage stuff at some point next week
<marex> sjg1: basically I'm already using it in deployment with separate DT and multiple DTO entries
<marex> sjg1: base DT for board, DTOs for expansion modules, application of DTOs is done via script which passes bootm $loadaddr#basedt#dto1#dto2...
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<Clamor> Tartarus: hello! So what should we do with pinmux patches?
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<Tartarus> Clamor: My general rule of thumb is to wait 2 weeks between posting and putting patches in a tree somewhere
<Clamor> So 3 more days
<Tartarus> They can go in -next soon, and you might want to play with Sumit's series to bring in upstream device trees as-is and see how they can/can't work for the tegra platforms you're working on
<Clamor> Oh, I am not asking if you can pick them into next. I am asking if they can be picked at all.
<Clamor> TBH, linux device trees should work with u-boot perfectly fine. But in the case of tegra, well, u-boot trees are a bit more advanced.
<Tartarus> Yes, I would encourage you to see what the kernel people really won't take at this point, again.
<Clamor> This is a cursed loop. I cannot develop linux without bootloader and I cannot add bootloader support without linux guys approval.
<Tartarus> Right, and we're OK taking things in U-Boot first with the understanding that if they have to change once merged to Linux, U-Boot adapts
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<Clamor> Tartarus: u-boot has no endpoint system, linux uses for drm, correct?
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<IoT-Maker> printenv give me this info https://bpa.st/IJCQ how can i load manually the jffs2 filesystem?
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<IoT-Maker> https://bpa.st/XR2A this are the commands in this Marvell shell https://bpa.st/EZ3Q . Is it possible to load the jffs2 filesystem without booting vxworks?
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<marex> IoT-Maker: try 'help jffs2' ?
<marex> IoT-Maker: mainline U-Boot does have cmd/jffs2.c
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<IoT-Maker> marex: it is a Marvell custom U-Boot version. I posted the available command list. No jffs2 command, only fatload or fsload. The printenv show a fsload command with variables.
<f_> IoT-Maker: Is the manufacturer providing U-Boot source or not?
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<IoT-Maker> f_: The device is a Drobo B810i. The manufacturer filled for chapter 11 last year and this year for chapter 7. So he's no more providing anything. I only have this device and a firmwarefile trying to get the box working after failed firmwareupdate (done by the owner).
<f_> Insane manufacturer disappearing :X
<f_> Anyway you could try loading a kernel with fatload and jumping to it
<IoT-Maker> gui not present, only vxworks (maybe not finished boot process) and a linux shell on a different uart console
<f_> (mainline could work perhaps)
<f_> Then wipe everything and use mainline u-boot!
<marex> IoT-Maker: ask vendor for support with their modifications ?
<marex> f_: you beat me to it
<f_> marex: haha
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<IoT-Maker> i thought i could just flash the firmwarefile. But it's a tricky device. JTAG didn't work. Can't reset the CPU or maybe the ARMADA XP ARM7 SoC need some special config values.
<IoT-Maker> Now i'm trying to use this Marvell kryten-uboot-2.33 version of U-Boot
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<Clamor> clk_prepare_enable is intentionally a dummy?
<Clamor> marex: maybe you are aware?
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<marex> what ?
<Clamor> Which function is preferred clk_prepare_enable or clk_enable?
<CounterPillow> clk_enable assumes you've prepared the clk beforehand
<Clamor> It seems that not in uboot
<marex> the behavior is the same as linux
<marex> prepare in probe, enable as needed
<marex> CounterPillow is right
<Clamor> But I have got a nit because I used prepare_enable
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<Clamor> Not just enable
<Clamor> Lucky me
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<Forty-Bot> marex: there's no clk_prepare in U-Boot since we don't have critical sections
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<marex> Forty-Bot: include/clk.h:#define clk_prepare_enable(clk) clk_enable(clk)
<marex> Forty-Bot: there is, kind-of
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<Forty-Bot> marex: exactly, it's only there to make porting easier
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