Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2022.04 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN until 25 April 2022 / Release v2022.07 is scheduled for 4 July 2022 / http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<marex> rfried: v2 if the dm9000 should fix the rest of the issues
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<machinehum> Is there a way to see what kconfig option is including a certain header? Or linking in a certain c file?
<machinehum> Or infact how does Kconfig actually mark files to be linked
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<machinehum> Nevermind, got it.
<machinehum> Is there a simple answer for this issue https://pastebin.com/raw/zhq1YDqy or is way more context needed. It looks like arch/arm/lib/vectors.S is being properly included
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<rfried> few more problems. please look
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<kettenis> Tartarus: sorry been a bit busy
<kettenis> that patch is good as-is, but the docs need updating
<kettenis> I can provide a patch for that though
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<marex> rfried: 404 page not found ... your CI is not public, I cannot look
<marex> rfried: https://source.denx.de/u-boot/custodians/u-boot-usb/-/pipelines/11705 I did run it through CI however
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<Tartarus> kettenis: ok, thanks
<rfried> marex: you are logged in. right ?
<rfried> marex: Fixed. opened the CI to the public
<marex> rfried: no, why would I, the CI is public
<marex> rfried: still 404 :)
<rfried> ctrl + f5
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<marex> rfried: the u-boot-net CI is not public :)
<marex> rfried: hold on
<rfried> marex: I'm checking
<marex> rfried: I just don't recall which exact flip switch it was that I had to toggle to make the CI public
<marex> Tartarus: ^ do you recall ?
<marex> rfried: try settings -> CI/CD -> General pipelines -> Public pipelines -> Save
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<rfried> marex: try now
<Tartarus> Yeah, under there somewhere
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<Tartarus> rfried: you can always test yourself with a new private window, too :)
<rfried> I just did. it works :)
<rfried> Tartarus
<Tartarus> kk
<marex> rfried: did you really apply v2 ?
<rfried> marex: no. i just took the latest patch
<marex> rfried: pick the entire v2 series, all that is fixed there ;-)
<rfried> marex: ok
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<marex> rfried: thanks
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<Tartarus> rfried: Your PR is for master, right?
<marex> I have this alias -- burp() -- git request-pull u-boot/master `git remote get-url --push origin` master
<marex> that automatically generates the PR incl. the branch
<marex> (burp - build u-boot, request pull)
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<rfried> Tartarus: for next
<rfried> To tell you the truth. I'm not sure why we keep two different branches.
<Tartarus> rfried: Erm, next isn't open? But the merge window is, for master
<Tartarus> I open next about a month before the release
<rfried> Is the merge window still open now for master ?
<rfried> Tartarus: ^
<Tartarus> Yes
<rfried> How can I know ? the topic of this channels states that the merge window is open until 256 April
<rfried> 25
<rfried> ? Er
<Tartarus> The merge window is open for another 12 days, until -rc1 is made
<rfried> ok. I will rebase against master and send a new request.
<Tartarus> I've got it merged OK now
<Tartarus> CI is running
<rfried> oh. great
<rfried> thanks
<rfried> sorry for the inconvinience, I never had a proper training for this ;)
<Tartarus> Well, maybe something is going on
<marex> Er
<Tartarus> Since sandbox isn't running tests
<marex> rfried: documentation sucks, that's the real problem
<Tartarus> Yeah, lemme bisect this sandbox pytest failure
<Tartarus> https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/jobs/423690 is consistently failing
<Tartarus> but...why
<marex> Tartarus: when I look at this grotesque CI output, that's often the question which comes to mind
<marex> Tartarus: the output of the CI is just confusing and borderline useless
<marex> trying to decode what it is trying to tell me is nigh impossible
<Tartarus> marex: I don't understand that
<Tartarus> I mean why is a bmp test failing due to network changes
<marex> Tartarus: should I try different language maybe ? Deutsch ? :)
<Tartarus> https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/jobs/423691#L222 is fairly clear, but what's causing the regression is not.
<Tartarus> bisecting now
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