Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2022.01, v2022.04-rc1 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED / Release v2022.04 is scheduled for 4 April 2022 / http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<mripard> Tartarus: I'm not sure who I should contact about this, but it looks like the unsubscription option for mailman doesn't work
<mripard> it returns an error 500
<mripard> hmm, not 500, but an internal server error
<Tartarus> mripard: The link and not the email? email u-boot-owner@lists.denx.de and I'll poke someone at denx if they don't follow up
<Tartarus> but I assume the email option works
<mripard> yeah, the link from the mailman admin interface
<mripard> I didn't know there's an email option with mailman
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<Tartarus> Yeah, it's under the X-list-unsubscribe header even :) mailto:u-boot-request@lists.denx.de?subject=unsubscribe
<Tartarus> Same for any mailman ML
<Tartarus> and fwiw if you didn't know, we're on lore.kernel.org so lore/lei/b4 work as expected
<mripard> yeah, that's the reason I want to unsubscribe
<mripard> the u-boot ML is my test-run for lei
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<Tartarus> Ah, curious to hear how it goes.
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<mripard> I'll let you know thetn
<marex> the community is falling apart ?
<marex> ah ... nevermind ... all is fine
<apritzel> sjg1: would it be OK to return gd->fdt_blob from board_fdt_blob_setup(), as a fallback? I get a warning about fdt_blob being const, so was wondering if there is a better solution
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<sjg1> apritzel: I would prefer for that function to return the error code and have the pointer as an argument. Then you can leave the pointer alone if you don't want to change it
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<sjg1> Tartarus: re pylint, what version are you using?
<sjg1> Tartarus: I am using pylint 2.11.1 astroid 2.8.6 Python 3.8.10 (default, Nov 26 2021, 20:14:08) [GCC 9.3.0]
<sjg1> Tartarus: I get very different scores from you