Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2022.01, v2022.04-rc2 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED / Release v2022.04 is scheduled for 4 April 2022 / http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<milkylainen> xypron: I get a general protection fault, from what I assume is UEFI when trying to start a bzImage in app mode.
<milkylainen> Do you have any idea why?
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<xypron> milikylainen: we don't support compressed images in UEFI
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<Tartarus> milkylainen: Sorry, are you on x8664 or arm64? I forget, sorry.
<milkylainen_> Tartarus: x86_64.
<Tartarus> that's kinda what I thought, ok
<Tartarus> is bzImage still a special thing on x86_64 with its own decompressor or vmlinux.bz2
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<milkylainen_> Tartarus: Still self-decompressing iirc.
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<milkylainen_> xypron: Hm. Aren't all bzImages compressed? Are you saying I should use something other than bzImage under x86_64 uefi-app mode?
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<Tartarus> milkylainen_: On arm64 for example, all Images are the "Image" with vanilla compression on top of them. On arm32, "zImage" is actually a self-contained decompressor with the vmlinux.gz inside. I do not recall if modern x86_64 is the former or the latter, but I know historically it was the latter
<milkylainen_> Yes I know, but x86 has been self decompressing for ages. So nothing new?
<Tartarus> The latter is the kind of thing that should be able to be run, with the right header/etc, as it's an application of sorts, the former is a compressed file that needs uncompressing
<Tartarus> Is it still? I thought they might have changed that a while back, esp w/ the EFI_STUB
<Tartarus> But I lack details off the top of my head
<Tartarus> I'd just suggest confirming
<milkylainen_> Hrrm.
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<jenneron[m]> hi. i use uboot as secondary bootloader on my chromebooks with `mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -e 0x23E00000 -a 0x23E00000 -d u-boot-dtb.bin u-boot-dtb.img` command, and i need to do something similar for another device, but i have no idea what is `-e 0x23E00000 -a 0x23E00000`, where can i find these addresses for another device?
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<jenneron[m]> *i've read mkimage man and found that these are "load address" and "entry point" but it didn't help me to find device-specific values
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<Tartarus> You'll want to look at the memory map for the SoC
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