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<apritzel> Tartarus: so looking at the CI log, I take it there is no really nice way to satisfy all the external blob requirements for buildman?
<apritzel> Tartarus: I use SCP=/dev/null BL31=/dev/null when running buildman manually, and that works for sunxi, but fails on most Rockchip, as some expect a valid ELF there
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<kettenis> is there a reason the CI can't make sure those are there?
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<kettenis> we have an OpenBSD package for the sinxi and rockchip bl31 files
<kettenis> so maybe there is a linux distro that has something similar?
<apritzel> kettenis: just for *build-testing* in the buildman context you don't need the real binaries
<mps> kettenis: alpine have some bl31 and sunxi targets
<apritzel> getting the right bl31.bin per board is not trivial, and probably out of scope for buildman
<apritzel> kettenis: I am curious what's in those OpenBSD packages, do you have a pointer?
<alpernebbi> Debian and Ubuntu have an arm-trusted-firmware package as well
<apritzel> and do you really call then "sinxi", or was that a Freudian typo?
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<mps> sunxi I bet
<kettenis> sunxi indeed; won't comment on the Freudian thing ;)
<kettenis> basically builds sun50i_h6-bl31.bin, sun50i_a64-bl31.bin, rk3399-bl31.elf and rk3328-bl32.elf
<kettenis> rk3328-bl31.elf I mean
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<kettenis> those don't have any board-specific customizations but for the rockchip and sunxi boards that seems to work just fine
<kettenis> and the CI mostly cares about building stuff isn't it?
<apritzel> kettenis: thanks. We started to introduce build options in sunxi TF-A, but so far nothing critical
<apritzel> kettenis: yeah, as hinted above, the CI deals just fine with /dev/null
<apritzel> at least for sunxi, which it just needs some binary for the final packaging
<apritzel> Rockchip requires an ELF file to be *linked*, so you need a real thing. But maybe a dummy ELF would do?
<kettenis> it needs to have three PT_LOAD segments
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<Tartarus> apritzel: sjg1 has talked about adding some way for binman/buildman to know where to fetch known good blobs from.
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<Tartarus> I mean, how?
<apritzel> Tartarus: which brings me some interesting question: can we host binary U-Boot board builds somewhere?
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<Tartarus> Well, if someone updates the Dockerfile to know where to fetch what blobs from and where, that'd be the first step
<Tartarus> Then whatever needs doing so that binman/buildman know to search /over/there/
<apritzel> Tartarus: because that would make so much more sense than letting *distributions* ship outdated firmware images for a random subset of boards
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<apritzel> Tartarus: is there some (web) server in the U-Boot universe that could host images?
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<Tartarus> There was a series a while back to "better" fake the binaries for CI I think
<Tartarus> But wasn't followed up on feedback about
<apritzel> Tartarus: that would be another option, and less complicated for buildman
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<Tartarus> In that if we faked the blobs better in CI, but they still didn't boot, we could then make lack of blobs always a fatal problem and so that would make a nicer user experience, it would be good to make CI do something better
<Tartarus> Given that our Dockerfile already builds grub, I don't see a problem grabbing or building some known things.
<Tartarus> And then update the build tasks (GitLab and Azure are annoyingly similar but different syntax esp around multi-line things) to know BL31 or SCP or whatever is ...
<Tartarus> And also-also, the series sjg1 posted recently to make amlogic be able to use binman instead may provide some hints on what to do for rockchip/sunxi as they have their own extra fun set of steps to make things Just Right
<apritzel> Tartarus: I wonder if a simpler solution (/dev/null or dummy ELFs) would solve this also outside of the CI, so when people run buildman directly
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<apritzel> I built bl31.elf for rk3328, and that made most RK boards happy, except RK3399
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<Tartarus> I'm not a lawyer and we've never been formally working with any enough to get advise on distributing binaries esp once we start talking about TF-A and other blobs being in the mix.
<Tartarus> I also don't know if I want people picking up builds from CI and using them since it's not tested on HW
<kettenis> building binaries including blobs built from the official TF-A repository should be absolutely fine
<apritzel> yeah, I think those are separate problems: providing actually working images and making CI builds work better
<kettenis> but using vendor-provided binaries is very questionable
<apritzel> kettenis: what vendor?
<apritzel> I am tempted to check if I can use github's release feature to provide people with binaries for some Allwinner boards
<kettenis> pretty much all of them
<kettenis> allwinner, amlogic, rockchip
<apritzel> kettenis: I mean most board or SoC vendors are not really involved in mainline U-Boot, are they?
<Tartarus> Well, there's a flag for faking binaries now in buildman/binman
<apritzel> and did I miss something for the M1? ;-)
<Tartarus> But sunxi does things differently than imx8 which is the first/main user of that
<Tartarus> ie some SoCs are "make FOO=/path/to/bar.bin" and others are "export FOO=/path/to/bin;make"
<Tartarus> and then there's amlogic
<Tartarus> afk call
<kettenis> apritzel: I mean these vendors do provide TF-A binaries of some sort on various websites but don't specify a license at all or use a license that is so restrictive that you defenitely can't redistribute binaries that include that code
<kettenis> for M1 we absolutely don't distribute any Apple binaries ;)
<apritzel> kettenis: to be clear: it would be the community that provides those images
<apritzel> kettenis: and for sunxi we are 100% open source / community built, we don't need any blobs from Allwinner
<kettenis> right, that's my point
<kettenis> for allwinner and many rockchip boards you can build fully open source firmware and there is no problem with distributing binaries
<kettenis> some rockchip boards only work with the proprietary TF-A binaries and/or initial loader though
<kettenis> and amlogic is a total thrashfire
<apritzel> kettenis: well, I guess we can't solve that problem easily, but at least we can try to tackle those boards with are 100% free
<kettenis> yup
<apritzel> kettenis: are there firmware binaries to get an M1 booted, somewhere?
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<kettenis> there is a script to download those from Apple's server create a bootable environment from them
<kettenis> then you can install the open source bootloader (m1n1 + u-boot) into that environment
<kettenis> the idea is that Asahi Linux will provide an installer that runs that script and installs pre-built m1n1 + u-boot binaries
<kettenis> at that point you have an UEFI environment that can just boot a standard arm64 OS
<mps> apritzel: https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/tree/main/arm-trusted-firmware/APKBUILD that is how alpine build ATF for sunxi
<kettenis> as long as it doesn't need ACPI that is (so Windows and RHEL are out)
<mps> apritzel: and this where in u-boot pkg these ATF are used to build https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/tree/main/u-boot/APKBUILD#n93
<apritzel> mps: the TF-A build looks alright (there is not really much to it, really), but misses h616 and r329 as build targets (though mainline Linux support is not fully there for those yet)
<apritzel> mps: and that's a good example why distros shouldn't be involved in firmware building: that's just a random subset of boards, not different from the other ones in the U-Boot tree
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<kettenis> we're pretty much in the same boat with OpenBSD
<mps> apritzel: well, these targets are there because someone asked for them and someone added them
<kettenis> we build a package with u-boot binaries for a random collection of boards that is basically just the boards that have been reported as working at some point in time
<apritzel> I understand that, but it's still random, and from a distro point of view there is really no difference between a OrangePi PC2 and a Pine64 LTS
<kettenis> we tend to update and use the most recent u-boot release fairly quickly
<apritzel> kettenis: but your OpenBSD builds and mps Arch builds of U-Boot should not be different
<kettenis> but we invariably end up with some u-boot binaries not working because they're broken in that release
<kettenis> apritzel: I'm not contradicting you ;)
<mps> apritzel: not Arch but Alpine, though I think Arch have similar builds
<apritzel> mps: sorry, everything not Slackware looks the same to me :-D
<mps> :D
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<cambrian_invader> does dm_test_sound work?
<cambrian_invader> it's segfaulting for me on v2022.01 and master
<cambrian_invader> specifically on the free in sound_beep
<cambrian_invader> bisect says it's 6b165ab2b7 ("sandbox: mmc: Support fixed MMC devices"
<cambrian_invader> but that seems unlikely to me
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<sjg1> apritzel: Tartarus: Yes I have done that for bintools (like fiptool) and think it could be done for binaries too. But it is board-specific so needs some thought
<sjg1> Tartarus: apritzel: For rk3399 I have a series in the works to move to binman instead of the bash script. I hope to send it out by Monday but we will see
<sjg1> cambrian_invader: It works in CI and with 'make qcheck' but does seem to die with 'ut dm' sometimes. I have not dug into it. But I believe there is a malloc() failure at some point. We need a function to call to check that malloc() is healthy
<sjg1> cambrian_invader: If I recall correctly, this is the var that gets corrupted in dlmalloc: top (av_[2])