LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
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<luca020400> hmm I can't connect to slack via wee-slack
<luca020400> invalid auth
<luca020400> how
<luca020400> it should look like xoxc-*** right?
<LuK1337> xpxp
<LuK1337> xoxp
<luca020400> they must've changed format then...
<LuK1337> use legacy token/
<luca020400> it's a legacy token
<luca020400> fuck
<luca020400> so I guess I'm out?
<luca020400> it refreshed the token by itself...
<LuK1337> so i guess i shouldn't restart my weechat anytime soon
<luca020400> yesterday I opened a link from our slack and it asked to do a login
<luca020400> probably a cookie outlived its expire
<luca020400> I guess it happened then?
<luca020400> so I guess I'll have to install slack desktop
<luca020400> fuck