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<luca020400> oh no wtf
<luca020400> (luca@luca020400-arch) Password:
<luca020400> Last login: Mon Aug 30 09:49:24 2021 from
<luca020400> Could not chdir to home directory /home/luca: Permission denied
<luca020400> luca020400-arch%
<luca020400> it worked yesterday
<luca020400> hmm manual login worked
<RKSX> What's the future of magisk?
<RKSX> looks end of life to me
<LuK1337> you lack creativity
<LuK1337> if removing 1 feature
<LuK1337> is end of life
<RKSX> perhaps i misunderstood
<LuK1337> perhaps you did
<LuK1337> because magisk hide does not need to be strictly shipped with magisk
<LuK1337> nothing really stops anyone from shipping external module that is even better than it
<LuK1337> so stop crying and be happy that the core is not dying
<RKSX> i'm not crying?
<RKSX> I just figured if anyone would be able to give mea straight forward thought on it, its one of you
<LuK1337> you'd get straight answer from topjohnwu's twitter
<RKSX> Likely, but I havn't had much care about root in a long time until i happened upon this.
<LuK1337> i don't really care myself either
<LuK1337> i'm not the target audience
<RKSX> Appears that I'm not either.
<luca020400> RKSX: you can see we get easily frustrated when it comes to this topic lol
<RKSX> I understand
<luca020400> I think it was the first time I say "fuck off" not jokingly to someone on our slack
<LuK1337> it was syphyr
<LuK1337> so well deserved
<luca020400> But if anyone will bring it up again I'd do the same
<RKSX> prob brings up a ton of headache when users break their install
<luca020400> I stumbled upon the xda commnets
<luca020400> gosh
<luca020400> oh wow
<luca020400> vodafone supports esim now
<RKSX> if i already have my phone on a physical card, what would esim do for me?
<RKSX> i guess added security if lost my phone
<RKSX> or add a second carrier
<RKSX> I really know nothing about this stuff anymore
<RKSX> this makes more sense now that phones are no longer network locked in Canada
<luca020400> They can give me unlimited data to play pokemon go!
<RKSX> woot
<luca020400> also Twitch
<luca020400> that's kinda nice
<luca020400> WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Telegram, Viber, Hallo, Hangout, We Chat , Call+, Message+, iMessage, Imo, Discord
<luca020400> Sygic, Copilot, Genius Maps, Here WeGo, Navmii GPS, Mappe Gps gratis, MapS.ME, Waze, Google maps, Maps app, TomTom Go mobile, Moovit, Citymapper, Karta GPS, ATM Milano Official App, Roma Bus, Muoversi a Roma, MyWay, GPS Navigation(be-on-road), Probus, Via Michelin e yandex-maps
<RKSX> i have "unlimited" data. Throttled to 512Kbit after 35Gb, but unimlimited! boundless!
<luca020400> TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, happn, Tinder, ASKfm
<luca020400> Google Meet, Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, GoToMeeting, WebEx, Amazon Chime, WeSchool, Slack
<luca020400> Apple Music, TIDAL, Spotify, Deezer Music, iTunes, Radio Deejay, RTL 102.5, Radio 105, Radio Italia, RDS, R101, SoundCloud
<luca020400> all unlimited
<RKSX> wow
<luca020400> would be cool
<luca020400> they added meeting apps recently
<RKSX> seems very cool
<luca020400> wasn't there last time
<RKSX> definitely well used apps in that list
<luca020400> it's 60gb + 30gb if you allow direct bank payment
<luca020400> 10gb less than what I have now, but with 5g and these apps for giggles and fun
<RKSX> sounds like it would end out okay
<luca020400> 5eur more :P
<RKSX> if there are any you use regularly in that list
<luca020400> also since I'm already on one of their plan I'm sure either I can't get full of this
<RKSX> like spotify. thats where my of my data goes
<luca020400> or I'm going to pay 30eur or something just to switch
<luca020400> euro 22,5 -
<luca020400> yeah, but I can't enable it on my plan apparently
<luca020400> they have the price for changing plan
<luca020400> but seems like not for me
<RKSX> ah
<RKSX> i just looked up new plans and it appears i can share 35GB with two people for $82 now. i currently have two separate plans that never use up 30GB each
<luca020400> seems like all I can get it a new number
<luca020400> well I pay 9.99 eur
<luca020400> sooo
<RKSX> oh man we get ripped off here
<RKSX> no doubt
<luca020400> also I can't understand why my balance is always negative
<luca020400> not that I care I have automatic payment setup
<luca020400> but no idea why it ever got like that
<RKSX> i get a 20% discount on my plan, so its like i am getting my device for free