LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
<luca020400> why suspend on laptops is even worse than android
<LuK1337> android suspend isn't really comparable...
<luca020400> anyways bt is funny again
<luca020400> it starts playing audio on the speakers randomly
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<luca020400> you have a lively connection
<Senkaku> Is that about me ?
<luca020400> ya
<Senkaku> Changed browsers. I'm using ....
<luca020400> ah
<Senkaku> Or rather, got tired of Firefox reloading tabs nonstop.
<Senkaku> Really wish they fixed their damned RAM problem on Android.
<LuK1337> maybe just don't use firefox
<Senkaku> If any clean de-googlef Chromium based browsers had uBlock on Android ... Closest are Bromite and Vivaldi, I guess.
<Senkaku> * de-googled
<luca020400> or use /ets/hosts blocking
<Senkaku> I already do that.
<Senkaku> (^ム^)
<luca020400> why do you need ublock then?
<LuK1337> for real adblocking
<luca020400> ok but both?
<Senkaku> It fixes the humongous spaces where crap should be, has local blockers ( Japan, etc ), you can add your own rules ....
<LuK1337> luca020400: for other apps
<luca020400> ah
<luca020400> I just don't use apps with ads
<luca020400> kk
<LuK1337> pretty much same here
<Senkaku> Me neither.
<Senkaku> I don't use Play either. Or GApps.
<Senkaku> GitHub, F-Droid, Termux and lots of terminal.
<Senkaku> Recently Bromite's adblock was broken. The hosts files saved me. Good to have redundancy.
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