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Question. If I want to move the "hardware" directory containing the dts trees from the Tegra kernel tree, what includes do I have to change to fix the path?
I found the scripts/Kbuild.include, but I'm not making much sense from it.
An instruction how to build a single dtb would also be nice.
why do you want to move it? the build system should automatically build the DTBs from hardware/ while building the kernel
Kbuild.include or arch/arm64/boot/dts/Makefile are probably good places to hack around if you really want to change the path
cyndis: Yup. But couldn't make it work.
cyndis: Kernel should be pretty self contained. Make dtbs or a single dtb should not be a chore, nor require some build environment?
well, technically DTS's are not a part of the kernel, I'd say it's more a historical quirk that in upstream that is the case
downstream there are other users of DTS's as well in places where the linux kernel is not present so it makes some sense for them to be separate
That's fine, but if I move the directory, for whatever build requirement reasons, how do I get it to build? I'm tinkering with the same Makefile and Kbuild.include you mentioned. So so far so good.. But to no avail so far.
You could always just run dtc standalone without the build env. I've never tried with preprocessing requirements though.
you could try changing NV_BUILD_KERNEL_DTS_ROOT in Makefile.kernel
cyndis: did, didn't work. I suspect some trickery with ../../ goes haywire if the path is not correct.
yeah, may be. other paths have probably never been tested
pgwipeout[m]: I could. But a chore finding out where everything is located. It's easier just repointing the top level.. :)
cyndis: mm. :\
It seems it finds the files, but some translation for rules get broken. I get a lot of:
arch/arm64/boot/dts/Makefile:132: target 'arch/arm64/boot/dts/_ddot_' given more than once in the same rule
Hrrm. Can't make it work even at the expected directory offset?
make V=1 ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- dtbs should be fine in a pristine unpacked tree? right? defconfig done obviously.
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Honestly I don't even think you need the cross compiler to make the dtbs
Probably right.
Either way, couldn't make a pristine tree build dtbs. I get the same error as when moving the hardware tree.
pgwipeout[m]: Maybe need the cross cc? Tried with the host cc.. gcc: error: unrecognized command-line option ‘-mlittle-endian’
Kernel tree seems to build an empty.o? Empty kernel module? Or something?
Odd. Oh well.
Yeah the path to build the dtbs from a pristine tree should just be running make defconfig (whichever one is yours) then make dtbs.
Kernel only builds the dtbs for the configured arch and manufacturer(in case of arm64)
s/Kernel only builds the dtbs for the configured arch and manufacturer(in case of arm64)/Kernel only builds the dtbs for the configured arch and manufacturer/
cyndis: and the gpu can't be added as a separate driver blob?
cyndis: nice.
not at this time
:\ . Nice with a vanilla UEFI setup anyway.
well, if you add a PCI-E gpu, that will probably work :) but the "desktop driver" doesn't support the iGPU
Ok. So next peculiar behavior. Shouldn't I be able to build a single dtb by specifying its name?
Right now, the "dtbs" target work fine. And running a specific <dtbname>.dtb after dtbs result in "nothing be done for", ie already made. But running it before results in a b0rk.
I am guessing the copy rule doesn't get run unless the "dtbs" target is called.
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