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<jonasschwoebel[m> <DavidHeidelberg> "just missing his driver Document..." <- 👀... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/9048c120e9f592f94b826a1c390071aebec7c74f)
<jenneron[m]> jonasschwoebel: may be related to wrong interrupt type
<jenneron[m]> IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING
<jenneron[m]> doesn't gpiomon need specifying interrupt type?
<jenneron[m]> in some arguments
<jenneron[m]> I'm not sure
<jonasschwoebel[m> you can pass -r or -f but it works only as a "filter"
<jenneron[m]> ok, then I can't really help, I don't know which pin configuration is correct for this interrupt
<jonasschwoebel[m> I need to do some more tests. 🤷 found this error at 3am last night..
<jonasschwoebel[m> btw the Sensor Hub works for UEFI booting now.... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/96c64fe3f6a6bea0ed24e48aa5cc263fd30b8559)
<jenneron[m]> 1) phosh and gnome have auto rotation feature, but we can't use them for now without OpenGL ES support. You can write a script for that, but you will also need to calibrate touchscreen in xorg for landscape mode
<jenneron[m]> 2) there is a script for librem 5 phone, it should work for us
<jenneron[m]> for portrait mode*
<jenneron[m]> 3) elogind supports HandleLidSwitchDocked, I guess the future driver will control it in kernel space
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