azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<GenTooMan> :D
<GenTooMan> after 10 hours of work 10 files so you only need 11.5 days of full time work. Well it's unlikely it would be that bad.
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<azonenberg> lol i was asleep most of that time
<azonenberg> i think i will finish a good chunk over the weekend
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<azonenberg> Refactor is up to the Js now, yay
<azonenberg> Still 84 files
<azonenberg> had to do more extensive refactoring of the i2c decode because it didn't handle sparse inputs or unequal sample rates properly
<azonenberg> that has since, in theory, been fixed
<azonenberg> but we wont know until i can compile everything
<azonenberg> (of 168 files in scopeprotocols total)
<azonenberg> And now working on the Ms. It's moving...
<azonenberg> woooo, up to the Os. 72 left
<azonenberg> so at this rate probably another 2-3 days to finish scopeprotocols, plus however long it takes to do glscopeclient itself
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<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] dan-gies opened issue #480: Channel 1 waveform in glscopeclient differs from oscilloscope screen, timebase settings differ -
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<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] dan-gies commented on issue #475: Trigger properties update for every digit entered -
<d1b2> <DanielG> @azonenberg I'm trying to set up USB 2.0 decoding. Do you know what I'm doing wrong with my scope setup in glscopeclient? (
<d1b2> <DanielG> I figured out part of my problem: it looks like the SDS6204A driver doesn't work with 500Mpts memory depth. I lowered it to 12.5 Mpts and it worked.
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] dan-gies commented on issue #480: Channel 1 waveform in glscopeclient differs from oscilloscope screen, timebase settings differ -
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] dan-gies commented on issue #480: Channel 1 waveform in glscopeclient differs from oscilloscope screen, timebase settings differ -
<azonenberg> @DanielG: so yeah, i think there is a cap on max memory in the driver. this is mostly because their current firmware is so slow that trying to download a larger waveform would take a ridiculous amount of time
<azonenberg> it might be possible to modify the driver to remove or extend the cap, i havent looked into that
<azonenberg> I'm still neck deep in this big refactoring and have a lot of catch-up to do after that
<azonenberg> Speaking of which, I'm up to the Qs
<azonenberg> 57 files to go
<azonenberg> (and glscopeclient itself)
<GenTooMan> wait tell you hit R's and S's
<azonenberg> We only have three filters starting with R
<azonenberg> but there are 14 Ss
<azonenberg> and 13 Ts
<GenTooMan> more than half of what's left
<GenTooMan> is RST well it been faster than I expected
<azonenberg> well i mean, the changes needed per file are not huge
<azonenberg> (usually)
<azonenberg> this is an example of a bigger one
<azonenberg> where we have to special case uniform vs sparse
<azonenberg> a lot of the upper layer decodes need almost no change because e.g. an 8b10b or pcie waveform is always going to be sparse
<azonenberg> anything that works directly with a raw waveform has to consider both cases though