azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<azonenberg> New AKL-PT1 prototype came in
<azonenberg> assembling it as soon as babby goes to bed
<GenTooMan> I assume you meant baby. That aside good fortune.
<GenTooMan> unfortunately I can't think of anything humorous to say I guess I'm humour impaired at the moment.
<azonenberg> GenTooMan: thats fine, i didn't need any bloodletting anyway :p
<azonenberg> I think all four of my humors are perfectly balanced
<azonenberg> Ok so, off to assemble the new PT1
<azonenberg> To recap, this one is 20mm shorter than the previous versions and is intended to test if there is a resonance in the PCB that will shift up in frequency when i shorten it
<azonenberg> Aaaand it didnt move up. in fact it seems to have gone *lower* in frequency but only by a tiny amount
<azonenberg> 100 MHz or so (could just be unit to unit variation or how i'm holding it)
<azonenberg> Evidence is now suggesting ground plane resonance but perhaps not on the long axis
<azonenberg> when i move my finger near ground vias etc the response shifts
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<ae_g> Glad to see handheld probe work again! Nerdsniped thought: eyeballing socket and tip dimensions from latest AKL-PT1 photos and estimating their impedances using the acosh approximation for parallel wires makes for a circuit model with a ~5GHz peak
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<azonenberg> Yes I'm simulating that a bit now. If that is indeed the source of the peaking, it will be challenging to do much about