<Aleksorsist> @azonenberg Moving our Twitter dm convo here. Looking for contract devs to get ThunderScope glscopeclient support up and running
@aleksorsist see DM
<louis> Oh yeah, speaking of glscope... I got fed up of screwing with flow control stuff without better diagnostics, so I've put together a window for scope info / diagnostics
<louis> After an ... illuminating ... introduction to C++ GUI programming
<louis> I'm thinking I'm going to extend Oscilloscope now to allow it to report more useful diagnostics to show there.
Great. yes, that would likely be useful
also freeform text debug logs
just a text box with N recent log messages the bridge provides
<louis> Probably Oscilloscope a ->GetDiagnosticParameters() that yields a vector<string> meant to contain entries like "Hardware FPS: 400 (320 dropped)" to be displayed directly, and then give it a ->GetDiagnosticLogs() that pops from an internal freeform debug queue into a scrolling box
So rather than a vector<string>
what about instead having a vector<enumeration> list of attributes the scope provides
then a get call for each one that returns a string
that way you can separate attribute name/value etc
<louis> Sure, that works too
also, you may be interested in libgraphwidget for the debug dialog
it's a purely software rendered graph (included in the project already but not used for anything visible at the moment) as a gtk widget
that is meant for displaying trends over time of a parameter for monitoring applications
(since putting a full opengl accelerated waveform view in the debug dialog would be overkill)
this is easier to set up and would let you plot e.g. wfm/s or flow control parameters over time
<louis> Yeah; I saw that in the multimeter dialog code
ah yeah i implemented that i forgot
thats why i pulled it in
incidentally, right now we support multimeters and func gens that are part of a scope
and while the APIs allow you to interact with ones that are not
there is no way to put those in a glscopeclient session
that's on my list of things to do soonish
e.g. we have a driver for my R&S benchtop multimeters
but i cannot use them in glscopeclient because i have no way to add them to a session
the same is true of my power supplies
i have a libscopehal driver but there is no gui for them
there is a standalone psuclient app
but i'd like it integrated
<louis> This seems like it might be overkill / become thorny managing all the different parameters; how about just a vector<pair<string, string>> ?
For now, sure
<louis> That way we can put them in a nice GTK table
we can always refactor it later
<louis> and punt on trying to define a shared datamodel for diagnostic values
actually, here we go
Use the FilterParameter model
you have a map<string, parameter>
each parameter has a type and value
(like, literally use FilterParameter objects)
then you can reuse the existing code to pretty print numeric values
and since they're identified by strings, no need to make a shared list of all possible attributes
you can still render them in a table but having them as FilterParameter's allows you to graph them and such too
since the raw value is numeric and includes an associated unit
(in the past for free-form debugging text debug windows, i have had applications pop up a urxvt terminal, and use the -pty-fd option to talk directly to/from it)
<louis> Sure
because for flow control debug in particular
i really think trending over time will be valuable
<louis> yes
this isnt just printf debugging, we want to understand the dynamics of the systme
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