azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<d1b2> <dannas> The Julia organization forks scopehal repo... Now I get curious. I wonder what their plans are.
<d1b2> <dannas> Ah, it's probably
<_florent_> dannas: in fact it's probably for, we are re-creating a gateware/firmware for the XTRX SDR board with Julia developers
<_florent_> I've been playing a bit with GlScopeClient to bringup the RF:
<GyrosGeier> I just wonder when I can replace gtkwave :P
<_florent_> and they just probably commited the code in the fork
<_florent_> azonenberg: sorry, maybe the wrong channel but I just saw your new SATA sniffer board: If you could be interested to test an open source DDR3 controller (LiteDRAM) and SATA Host core (LiteSATA) on it or if this could help validate the hardware, I would be happy to generate test designs for you (cores can be generated/integrated as standalone verilog cores).
<azonenberg> _florent_: i'm using the MIG for initial bringup and have no sata controller. but am open to exploring alternatives
<azonenberg> as far as replacing gtkwave, we have VCD import already
<azonenberg> but the GUI does not yet scale well to huge numbers of channels
<azonenberg> improving that is on the wishlist
<_florent_> azonenberg: ok, then maybe I'll wait that you validate things with MIG first, this way you could just reuse the IO constraints validated with MIG.
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<azonenberg> lol, so while trying to bring up the logic analyzer pods on the board
<azonenberg> i had some active high/low enables flipped and wasn't turning on the 12V
<azonenberg> but the MCU got powered through the protection diodes anyway :p
<azonenberg> Lesson learned, i need to tristate the uart lines when i'm not powering the pod
<azonenberg> it even turned on the LCD
<azonenberg> i was wondering why the backlight wasn't lit up lol
<azonenberg> then i look at the status LEDs and see i'm not even trying to power up the pod
<azonenberg> and was in full WTF mode for a few seconds
<electronic_eel> azonenberg: did the stm32 survive being back-powered through the uart pins?
<electronic_eel> i had a few die this way. i switched to putting 74lvc2g17 in between the stm32 and outside-reachable uart pins that could be powered when the stm32 isn't
<azonenberg> I noticed quickly enough it didn't seem to suffer any damage
<azonenberg> would it have been healthy to do for an extended time period, probably not
<electronic_eel> could also depend on the pin type, 5v capable vs. non 5v capable. don't remember which ones were the ones that died for me
<azonenberg> yeah
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal-sigrok-bridge] 602p pushed 1 commit to main [+0/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal-sigrok-bridge] 602p e0c3f11 - Support (but don't do anything with) ATTEN command; various ADC fixes
<azonenberg> woo @louis is back
<azonenberg> been busy with exams?