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<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> "FPGA Identifier: LitePCIe SoC on ThunderScope" Success!
<sajattack[m]> Did the cle215 carrier board ever come to fruition?
<sajattack[m]> Oops wrong channel
<sajattack[m]> Saw litepcie and thought I was in the litex chan
<sajattack[m]> Oh nice my scope is supported now
<sajattack[m]> Guess I should pay more attention/check that out
<azonenberg> sajattack[m]: go for it, let me know if you have any issues
<azonenberg> i have a sds2000x+ demo scope on my bench now that i've been too busy to touch the last few days but over the weekend i plan to implement the function generator and bang out the remaining trigger types
<azonenberg> then i can send it back and get a different siglent model to play wtih
<sajattack[m]> How does all this work? Does it just send scpi commands over ethernet?
<azonenberg> It sends scpi commands over any supported transport
<azonenberg> right now TCP/IP over ethernet is supported on all platforms, as well as USBTMC on Linux
<azonenberg> there is currently no USBTMC support for Windows
<azonenberg> it also can do RS232 although that is obviously slow, i think linux only?
<sajattack[m]> Oh usb might be easier for me
<sajattack[m]> Otherwise I'd need an ethernet switch in my bedroom I think
<azonenberg> and there has been talk of adding old school gpib
<sajattack[m]> Or unplug my thin client
<azonenberg> but i dont think anyone has written the driver for that yet
<azonenberg> as far as ethernet goes, we can use any of three possible transports there
<azonenberg> raw scpi over tcp with no other encapsulation
<azonenberg> LXI VXI-11
<azonenberg> or the LeCroy Virtual Instrument Control Protocol (VICP)
<azonenberg> check the manual, most instrments only support a subset of those 3 protocols
<d1b2> <sajattack> cool
<azonenberg> and finally there is the "twinlan" protocol, supported mostly by our own bridge servers but also by the [redacted] VNA firmware under development
<azonenberg> twinlan transport*
<azonenberg> which uses one socket to send raw scpi commands for configuration, and a second to move driver-specific raw sample data
<azonenberg> (so you don't have to do string parsing on all of the sample content or have the data socket blocked when doing control transactions)
<d1b2> <Darius> that sounds moderately sane
<d1b2> <Darius> no wonder it doesn't exist in a test instrument 😄
<sajattack[m]> looks like the aur package is broken
<azonenberg> @darius: one vendor is working with us to implement it
<azonenberg> sajattack[m]: interesting
<azonenberg> AFAIK whoever set it up just makes it pull latest from git
<azonenberg> sure your'e not just missing dependencies?
<sajattack[m]> one of the dependencies won't compile, and also the git link in the pkgbuild isn't set to https, and github doesn't allow legacy git anymore
<azonenberg> Contact the maintainer about it
<azonenberg> I didn't set it up
<d1b2> <Darius> nice
<azonenberg> not sure who did
<sajattack[m]> I'm getting this error from clfftw, I guess I enable fpermissive somewhere?
<azonenberg> That's clFFT which is not FFTW
<azonenberg> and yes that might be possible to do
<azonenberg> i've never seen that error before
<sajattack[m]> gcc 11.2
<azonenberg> I'm using 10.2.1. but I also am pulling clFFT as a debian package
<azonenberg> not building from source
<sajattack[m]> -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fpermissive seems to do the trick
<sajattack[m]> I'm getting this on scopehal itself
<d1b2> <Darius> missing library, -lrpc ?
<sajattack[m]> oh
<d1b2> <Darius> not sure where linux hides xdr stuff
<d1b2> <Darius> oh could be -lrpcsvc
<sajattack[m]> how do I add that in cmake?
<d1b2> <Darius> -DCMAKE_LDADD=-lrpcsvc I think
<d1b2> <Darius> it will add it to every link but that shouldn't hurt
<sajattack[m]> it doesn't recognize it
<sajattack[m]> I tried DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=-lprcsvc as well and then it told me it didn't exist
<sajattack[m]> but I have this installed
<sajattack[m]> extra/rpcsvc-proto 1.4.3-1 [65.61KiB 210.93KiB] [Installed]
<d1b2> <Darius> I only guessed based on a linux VM I have
<d1b2> <Darius> oh it's rpcsvc not prcsvc
<sajattack[m]> oh yeah that was just a typo
<sajattack[m]> I'm pretty sure I did rpcsvc
<d1b2> <Darius> OK
<sajattack[m]> it might be ltirpc
<sajattack[m]> trying that one now
<sajattack[m]> seems good
<d1b2> <Darius> cool
<sajattack[m]> ugh I'm building in /tmp and my computer keeps crashing xD
<d1b2> <Darius> stop hitting yourself in the head with a hammer 😂
<sajattack[m]> basically
<sajattack[m]> Shouldn't it show what the scope shows?
<sajattack[m]> also when I set the trigger type it segfaults
<azonenberg> Yes, you should be seeing a waveform. i notice there's no Y axis labels at right either
<azonenberg> that is also suggestive of a problem
<azonenberg> Can you run it with --debug and pastebin stdout?
<sajattack[m]> sure
<sajattack[m]> running as root because I can't be arsed to figure out how to give perms to usbtmc0
<d1b2> <Darius> sudo chmod 666 /dev/usbtmc0 would do for testing
<azonenberg> The "bad IDN response" indicates it isn't connecting to the scope at all
<sajattack[m]> mmk
<azonenberg> it's not even getting a reply back when asking for the device ID
<sajattack[m]> it seems like I can get it to do a single shot trigger though
<azonenberg> what i find interesting is it's saying bad IDN response twice
<azonenberg> Anyway, try adding --trace SCPITMCTransport
<azonenberg> (as well as --debug)
<sajattack[m]> fwiw, I'm running in a proxmox vm with usb passthrough
<azonenberg> that will log every command going in/out
<azonenberg> We have not had great performance in VMs graphically as well as via TMC. I'm not surprised you're having issues
<azonenberg> any reason you can't do it natively?
<sajattack[m]> I could try with my laptop instead
<sajattack[m]> but I turned my desktop into a proxmox server
<sajattack[m]> guess I gotta redo all that compiling on my laptop xD
<sajattack[m]> no better on the lappy
<azonenberg> sajattack[m]: it seems the driver is never seeing any data back from the scope
<azonenberg> see in the trace it sends commands and never gets anything back, just blank lines
<sajattack[m]> ok
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg 5c67463 - FIRFilter: limit number of taps to 4096
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg b6fd6b3 - Updated to latest scopehal
<sajattack[m]> do you think ethernet would work any better?
<azonenberg> Very likely, as it avoids the whole usb driver stack
<azonenberg> worth trying
<sajattack[m]> 🥳
<d1b2> <Darius> nice
<azonenberg> That looks much happier
<sajattack[m]> why is the uart decoder greyed out in the right click menu?
<sajattack[m]> and the analyzer dropdown is also empty
<azonenberg> sajattack[m]: glscopeclient is strongly typed
<azonenberg> the uart decode expects a digital input
<azonenberg> to apply it to an analog signal you have to threshold it first
<azonenberg> then apply the decode to the resulting digital waveform
<sajattack[m]> interesting
<azonenberg> down the road, one of the pending UI todos is to automatically infer these threshold filters
<sajattack[m]> how do I edit the analyzer settings?
<sajattack[m]> this doesn't seem like it's correct
<azonenberg> Just double click the info box with the channel name
<azonenberg> at a glance, your sample rate might be too low
<sajattack[m]> yup
<azonenberg> it looks like you're undersampling the waveforms as i don't see well defined high and low regions
<sajattack[m]> ah ok
<azonenberg> Try zooming in (mouse wheel)
<azonenberg> To change timebase settings, double click the timeline at the top of the view
<azonenberg> you can set sample rate and memory depth
<sajattack[m]> the sample rate dropdown doesn't do anything when I click it
<azonenberg> there's nothing in the dropdown?
<sajattack[m]> correct
<sajattack[m]> anyway I got it
<azonenberg> Interesting, that looks like an issue in the driver
<azonenberg> at a first glance the driver seems to include a correct list of depths etc
<azonenberg> so we might have to do some digging
<azonenberg> lib/scopehal/SiglentSCPIOscilloscope.cpp is the main driver class
<azonenberg> aha
<azonenberg> ok so we have sample *depths* in the driver
<azonenberg> but not rates
<azonenberg> if you want to send a PR that fills in the list of valid sample rates (you might have to tinker a bit in the scope UI to figure out what the legal rates are)
<azonenberg> it will be appreciated
<sajattack[m]> cool
<azonenberg> return value is a vector of sample rates in Hz sorted from lowest to highest
<azonenberg> so yeah when mandl added sds1000 support to the driver that never got implemented
<azonenberg> oops
<sajattack[m]> it looks like adjusting the horizontal on the scope will tell me that
<azonenberg> Yeah
<azonenberg> There's just no way to query the valid set of rates via SCPI commands
<azonenberg> (this is true for most scope families)
<azonenberg> So someone has to actually look at the gui and enumerate them all manually
<azonenberg> then hard code a table
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] sajattack forked the repository -
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] sajattack opened pull request #598: Add sample rates for SDS1000 -
<sajattack[m]> enjoy!
<sajattack[m]> do you have any ideas why the trigger menu is segfaulting?
<azonenberg> Likely because something in PullTrigger() or PushTrigger() is broken for the 1000 series. gdb it
<sajattack[m]> if I press ok here I get a segfault
<sajattack[m]> ok
<azonenberg> yeah that suggests PushTrigger() is doing something it shouldn't
<sajattack[m]> this is where it died
<sajattack[m]> Warning: Siglent firmware "" is not tested
<sajattack[m]> is this important?
<azonenberg> sajattack[m]: so, the warning is from dannas. apparently he did dev of the SDS1000 series against
<azonenberg> and has no idea how it will work for anything else
<azonenberg> we can probably remove that after it's a bit more tested
<sajattack[m]> ok
<azonenberg> as far as the crash, sec
<azonenberg> that suggests the trigger has a null or invalid input somewhere and the driver code doesn't expect that
<azonenberg> interesting, you might have to dig around a bit to PullTrigger() or when the dropdown got initialized
<sajattack[m]> ok
<azonenberg> The SDS2000X+ driver is fairly mature and well studied, but the 1000 series support is quite new
<azonenberg> so bugs are unsurprising
<sajattack[m]> yes I agree
<azonenberg> People like you using it is the only way we'll find them though
<sajattack[m]> :)
<sajattack[m]> this looks pretty suspect
<sajattack[m]> it only recognizes edge triggers
<sajattack[m]> and returns null for anything else
<azonenberg> So in PushTrigger() it seems like everything is fine if it's not an edge trigger, it just prints "unknown trigger type"
<azonenberg> PushEdgeTrigger() should not be called for anything that isn't an edge trigger
<azonenberg> The code there to send the commands looks a bit funky though
<azonenberg> rather than getting the index and printing as a number
<azonenberg> this is what GetHwname() on the channel is for
<azonenberg> the hardware name of the channel is supposed to be the name that the scpi api expects
<azonenberg> such that you can just shove it into a command as a string without doing all of that messiness
<azonenberg> e.g. to enable a channel in the LeCroy driver, I do m_transport->SendCommand(chan->GetHwname() + ":TRACE ON");
<azonenberg> I'd suggest rewriting the code to do that. and if it still crashes do a bit more digging to see what trig->GetInput().m_channel is actually returning
<azonenberg> also m_channel is a pointer not an array, so the [0] is funky too
<azonenberg> it won't break anything, m_channel[0].GetIndex() and m_channel->GetIndex() compile to the same code
<azonenberg> but it looks weird and should probably be rewritten for clarity
<sajattack[m]> I don't totally follow
<sajattack[m]> should I enumerate the trigger types and let you go from there?
<sajattack[m]> I get the part about the pointers
<sajattack[m]> but not the correct way to rewrite all this code
<azonenberg> Let me merge your first PR
<azonenberg> then push a few quick edits blind
<azonenberg> and you can test and go from there
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg closed pull request #598: Add sample rates for SDS1000 -
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] sajattack bb6eaa3 - Add sample rates for SDS1000
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg 78c9ae9 - Merge pull request #598 from sajattack/patch-1 Add sample rates for SDS1000
<sajattack[m]> <azonenberg> "I'd suggest rewriting the code..." <- trig->GetInput().m_channel is null, see 2nd screenshot
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg 2a42a04 - Refactored SDS1000 PushEdgeTrigger()
<azonenberg> sajattack[m]: ok so i cleaned the code up a bit and also added a null check
<azonenberg> it should now no longer segfault, instead it will print an error message and return without doing anything
<azonenberg> you will not have control over the trigger config, but it won't die
<sajattack[m]> ok
<azonenberg> now you can investigate to see how the input is getting to be null
<azonenberg> trigger input 0 should be whatever channel you have selected as trigger source
<azonenberg> if it's not, PullTrigger() or one of the functions it calls is likely broken somehow
<sajattack[m]> caaaaan do
<sajattack[m]> pull trigger only recognizes edge triggers
<sajattack[m]> and I was set to a serial trigger
<azonenberg> that should have given you a null trigger
<azonenberg> on line 2918
<azonenberg> as well as an unknown trigger type warning
<azonenberg> which in PushTrigger() should have put you in the error message on 3387 rather than in PushEdgeTrigger()
<sajattack[m]> ok
<azonenberg> that is the intended code path if the instrument returns a trigger the driver doesn't support
<azonenberg> if something else happened, that's the bug
<sajattack[m]> I got your warning now
<azonenberg> yeah so that confirms the trigger is non-null, but has a null input
<azonenberg> which shouldn't be happening
<azonenberg> you should either have a fully null trigger indicating unsupported
<azonenberg> or a valid trigger with valid inputs
<sajattack[m]> so I can set up another edge trigger if an edge trigger is currently selected, but if a serial trigger is currently selected (on the scope itself), I get a crash when changing to an edge trigger
<sajattack[m]> or something like that
<azonenberg> yep, bug somewhere in PullTrigger
<azonenberg> you're gonna have to investigate that on your own because i have no way to reproduce without a SDS1000
<azonenberg> if you really get stuck i can ask siglent to send me a dev scope
<azonenberg> but i will have to send back the 2000 series i have now to do that
<azonenberg> i don't have bench space for too many dev scopes at once
<azonenberg> (and they probably dont want me holding onto toooo much hardware)
<azonenberg> so i was planning to finish up with the 2000 before i got another
<sajattack[m]> haha
<sajattack[m]> yeah it stopped reproducing suddenly
<azonenberg> even more fun
<sajattack[m]> ok so the first time I pick trigger type edge it gives the warning
<sajattack[m]> and the next time it gives me more options and doesn't
<azonenberg> innnteresting
<sajattack[m]> actually it does
<sajattack[m]> still give the warning
<azonenberg> yeah that "no input selected" is probably your problem
<azonenberg> the gui is going through the list of inputs
<azonenberg> and none of them match
<azonenberg> because the input is null
<azonenberg> so it shows nothing
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<bvernoux> azonenberg, Amazing your FPGA board but the power consumption is really crazy
<azonenberg> bvernoux: i have 128 bit data buses at 325 MHz inside it
<azonenberg> it's probably a pretty good power virus :P
<azonenberg> in fact, i even have some stuff at 625 MHz
<bvernoux> And your FPGA is maybe quite old like 65nm techno ?
<azonenberg> (all hand placed with RLOCs)
<azonenberg> 28nm
<azonenberg> xc7k70t-2fbg484c
<bvernoux> 28nm is really not bad
<azonenberg> note that the power consumption i'm reporting is the entire system
<azonenberg> not just the FPGA
<bvernoux> It is strange it consume so much for recent FPGA at 28nm
<azonenberg> this includes the ~3W burned in the probe pod for example (those SiGe comparators are power hungry)
<bvernoux> You have only LDO or you have also some DC/DC converter ?
<azonenberg> as well as the 64 bit DDR3 bus
<azonenberg> All DC-DC
<bvernoux> Yes but I was not thinking DDR3 bus will consume so much too
<azonenberg> expecting around 90% efficiency for 12V -> 1.0V VCCINT and 12V -> 5V intermediate bus
<azonenberg> i don't have numbers for 5V -> {3.3, 1.8, 1.35, 1.2}
<bvernoux> Yes so the power is not wasted in the DC/DC converter and you cannot really optimize that
<azonenberg> that's a LTC3374A though, i can check datasheet
<azonenberg> i found a significant increase in power when i enabled each serdes channel
<azonenberg> as well as when i created the ddr3 controller
<bvernoux> Best case DC/DC converter have 95% efficiency so 5% will do not change a lot
<azonenberg> and more when i started actually writing a lot of stuff to the ddr
<bvernoux> the ddr3 controller is an hard IP ?
<azonenberg> xilinx MIG. soft controller with some hard PHY logic
<azonenberg> note that this is a whole sodimm not a single chip
<azonenberg> that's a lot of SSTL_135
<azonenberg> about 300 mA of that ~900 mA at 12V is going straight to the probe pod
<azonenberg> the rest is going into the FPGA board
<bvernoux> So it is strange it consume so much even if it is not LPDDR3 I will not imagine DDR3 consume more than 2W
<azonenberg> It's DDR3L
<azonenberg> so 1.35V not 1.5
<azonenberg> there is a 10G SFP+ interface, probably close to a watt being burned in the optic itself and more in the fpga serdes driving it
<azonenberg> then a decent bit in the 1G baseT interface as well
<azonenberg> not a ton, but noticeably warm
<bvernoux> SO 0.3A x 12V about 3.6V for the DDR3L only ?
<bvernoux> 3.6W
<azonenberg> and no, 0.3A to the 8-bit active probe pod
<azonenberg> (well one of two, but only one is plugged in right now)
<azonenberg> i have not yet brought up the SATA interface. so that's two more 6 Gbps SERDES lanes, and more dram b/w, still to come
<bvernoux> Yes I hope the DC/DC converter can provide enough power on all rails for all and also the FPGA will do not burn
<azonenberg> The FPGA die temp is only 50C or so, i have another 35C of headroom. and i can always swap the fan out for a bigger one if i need more airflow over the heatsink
<bvernoux> But it is a very powerful board anyway
<azonenberg> i am concerned about power consumption especially on the 1.0V VCCINT/MGTAVCCINT rail
<azonenberg> i only have 4A provisioned for that rail
<azonenberg> and while i don't know the exact breakdown of power internally, i'm definitely eating more than i budgeted
<bvernoux> glurps the
<bvernoux> XC7K325T-L2FBG900E
<bvernoux> cost is >2Keuros
<azonenberg> my design was very conservative and i have at least an amp of extra capacity on that rail
<azonenberg> but i might be dipping into it
<azonenberg> (my worst case design target was 2.85A and i'm very likely in that ballpark... DCDC is rated for 4A)
<bvernoux> It is definitely not a cheap board ;)
<azonenberg> and i'm using a 70t
<azonenberg> not a 325
<azonenberg> it's only 200 USD ish
<bvernoux> Ha ok 200USD is not bad in that case
<azonenberg> I do not plan to ever use a 325T in a design
<bvernoux> The PCB is probably more expensive ;)
<azonenberg> the 70 and 160 are supported by free vivado
<azonenberg> 325 is not
<azonenberg> and the smallest kintex ultrascale/ultrascale+ are bigger and faster than the 7k325t and cheaper (in the 1k USD range)
<bvernoux> But 70t will be maybe too small to have all things you want ?
<azonenberg> That is very much a concern for this design. i'm around 40% full right now on LUTs and 50% on BRAM
<azonenberg> and i have a lot more stuff to pack into it
<azonenberg> The PCB was around $1600 in china for 5 units
<bvernoux> The PCB have impedance checks included ?
<azonenberg> 8 layers, controlled impedance, roughly 150 x 125 mm, Taiwan Union TU872 (FR408HR equivalent)
<bvernoux> ha great
<bvernoux> Could you show the impedance report I'm very interested to see what they check and obtained values vs expected for different impedance SerDes ...
<bvernoux> a fast LA will be amazing
<bvernoux> I need to check your features on your board
<azonenberg> this does 5 Gsps on 16 channels. max data rate 1.25 Gbps per pin
<azonenberg> however you cannot use it that fast on all pins or you run out of ddr b/w
<azonenberg> max average rate is something like 500-600 Mbps across all pins
<bvernoux> thanks for the impedance report
<bvernoux> very interesting they have very good results far better than +/-5% expected
<bvernoux> I see they have less than +/2%
<azonenberg> they specced 5% or 10% tolerance on the board. but yes they usually get better than that in practice
<azonenberg> just don't guarantee it
<bvernoux> It seems more tricky for 100 Ohms Impedance
<bvernoux> with about +/5% variations on +/-10% expected
<bvernoux> But there is 5% margin anyway so it is very good
<azonenberg> and this is a 10.3125 Gbps PRBS out the SMAs on the left side of the board
<azonenberg> (with cable loss de-embedded to the SMA mating plane)
<azonenberg> no emphasis at the driver so you can see just the slightest bit of vertical eye closure
<bvernoux> they eye is very nice
<azonenberg> at some point i'll tweak that
<bvernoux> Yes on top right there is something strange
<azonenberg> what you're seeing is the fast toggles not *quite* hitting full amplitude
<azonenberg> just the beginnings of 1/f loss in the channel
<azonenberg> this is about 77mm of pcb trace plus a pair of vias
<bvernoux> Jitter seems quite good too
<azonenberg> plenty of margin, i actually had to turn the drive strength *down* to avoid overdriving the max amplitude spec for XFI
<azonenberg> i was hitting the outer limits of the mask lol
<bvernoux> You have a TCXO for the main clocks ?
<azonenberg> (with the serdes configured with default drive)
<azonenberg> SiLabs MEMS actually iirc
<bvernoux> On my design which is intended to be as cheap and easy to use with 2.54mm dual row connectors
<azonenberg> let's see, that serdes is using the 156.25 MHz refclk
<bvernoux> there is some degradation on signal/IO at 120MHz with such connectors
<azonenberg> ECX2-LMV-7CN-156.250-TR
<azonenberg> so no, standard quartz
<azonenberg> the 200 MHz is mems i think
<azonenberg> but designed for very low jitter
<bvernoux> ha yes very good a +/-25ppm Crystal
<azonenberg> max 60 fs 12 kHz - 20 MHz
<bvernoux> but it is very low jitter
<bvernoux> the +/-25ppm does not really count if you have an environment which have very stable temperature
<azonenberg> -82.6 dBc/Hz typical at 10 Hz
<azonenberg> -111.1 @ 100 Hz
<bvernoux> ha yes veyr good
<azonenberg> typical RMS jitter 46.8 fs
<azonenberg> so yeah, it easily handles 10GbE jitter tolerances
<bvernoux> It is also quite cheap
<azonenberg> absolute stability was less important for me than jitter
<bvernoux> Yes the jitter spec is very good
<bvernoux> I suspect you have an option for external 10MHz Ref too like a GPSDO ...
<azonenberg> on what, my scope?
<bvernoux> on the board
<azonenberg> No. I didn't see the point for the intended use case
<azonenberg> there is a LVDS expansion connector that i could plausibly put a refclk into
<azonenberg> but there's no dedicated input connector
<bvernoux> but yes in that case on the scope it is important too if you want to integrate on during long measurements to gain accuracy ...
<azonenberg> I have a cheap leo bodnar GPSDO but plan to get a nicer one
<azonenberg> Stanford Research FS752 is on the shopping list
<bvernoux> ha yes will be interesting to compare both ;)
<bvernoux> I have Leo Bodnard ones too and it is very good
<bvernoux> Jitter shall be better on FS752 but I imagine the price is a lot more
<azonenberg> yeah i specifically wanted low jitter + distribution amplifiers. and rack mountable is nice
<bvernoux> @azonenberg, does your board have option to sniff more than 32bits bus (with CLK ...) ?
<bvernoux> Mainly ultra fast LA use case
<azonenberg> No. Oversampling only, 16 bits across two 8-bit probe pods
<azonenberg> 5 Gsps
<azonenberg> This board is primarily a SATA sniffer, I threw the LA on as a bonus
<azonenberg> And based on my findings, I may want to make some changes to MAXWELL (the full 96 channel LA)
<azonenberg> for example, even if i "only" run the inputs at 1.25 Gsps, DDR B/W will be a major concern
<azonenberg> i also need to provision for a larger heatsink
<azonenberg> with mounting brackets or something
<azonenberg> This board is basically two purposes - sata sniffer, and technology demonstrator / testbed for MAXWELL
<azonenberg> with two rather than twelve probe pods
<azonenberg> DDR bandwidth will be a major issue in MAXWELL even if I run the LA inputs slower (plan was to only clock at 1.25 Gsps)
<azonenberg> but i dont think i have the pins for an additional sodimm
<d1b2> <louis> @azonenberg I am cleaning up a number of things in the Tek driver, since it may actually get some first-order use at work here soon
<d1b2> <louis> a) I think I've fixed the instability in very long captures, now happily taking 50M+ point captures 🙂
<d1b2> <louis> b) Fixing this has exacerbated locking issues in the UI.... if AcquireData can be sitting there transferring data for 750ms+ it will lock up the UI real good (3s+) when we try to do something like open the timebase window (and it needs to populate)
<d1b2> <louis> c) There's some serious usability issues with the default behavior of showing all channels on a scope. We should think a little about how to deal with this. I think a good behaviour goal would be to make connecting glscope to a scope as nondestructive as possible of the scope's UI/settings. So instead of enabling and resetting everything, querying what is currently enabled and reflecting that in glscope.
<azonenberg> Yeah that could work
<azonenberg> i do agree defaulting to everything is bad
<azonenberg> as far as locking issues, yes. one possible strategy there is to prefetch the list of valid timebases and such when initiating a session, and aggressively cache
<azonenberg> as much as possible i try to avoid blocking api calls in the ui
<d1b2> <louis> Pretty freakin' sweet to see this :). glscope's happy to eat the captures as fast as they come from the tek
<d1b2> <louis> I've got patches here that do that (query the scope for what channels are enabled and show only those) for the Tek (as far as glscope, it's just querying ->IsChannelEnabled in OscWindow where we instantiate all the WaveformAreas
<azonenberg> Yeah
<azonenberg> That has been an ongoing pain point i've wnated to fix
<d1b2> <louis> That's the behaviour that I think folks here want when they want to pick up glscope "in anger" 😛
<azonenberg> just wasn't sure what the best UX was
<azonenberg> in particular, consider headless scopes
<azonenberg> that may not have a concept of "channels left active"
<azonenberg> or in general, behavior if no channels are active
<d1b2> <louis> It's not unreasonable IMO to default headless hw to all channels
<azonenberg> if you have enough channels, it can be :p
<d1b2> <louis> The pain point for me is connecting glscope to the Tek and having it nuke the way it was configured
<azonenberg> defaulting to ch1 makes more sense IMO
<azonenberg> if none are active
<d1b2> <louis> Sure
<azonenberg> and the other thing to consider is what happens when you disconnect
<d1b2> <louis> With the enabled check in glscope that's as simple as having the driver init do that
<azonenberg> glscopeclient maintains a list of enabled channels and does ref counting
<azonenberg> so when you delete the last user of a channel it's disabled
<azonenberg> but all refs are also freed upon exit
<azonenberg> so it will try to close channels upon termination
<azonenberg> we might want to change that behavior so the set of active channels is preserved among exit
<azonenberg> note that you cannot simply add an extra ref to all channels active when you connect
<azonenberg> because that makes it impossible to turn them off from glscopeclient
<azonenberg> which you might want to do to interleave more BW on other channels etc
<d1b2> <louis> Hm... that does make sense as a possible pain point, but interestingly that (closing channels when glscope closes) dosen't seem to work at the moment so it's not actually causing pain 😛
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> anyway, in general i support the idea, it definitely needs to be improved