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[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 87f8bea - Waveform generation / import filters now display immediately and update live as you type
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 701112f - Improved modelessness of filter dialog
Ok that's a good start. Still a bunch more work to do but filter creation is rapidly becoming more interactive
i.e. you can edit stuff in the dialog and it will update the filter graph live on screen rather than waiting for you to hit apply
[scopehal] azonenberg 90bc448 - TouchstoneImportFilter: now import all channels so we can do math more properly
Ok so finally ready to think about implementing a reference plane extension filter
(the first step on my way to more complex VNA signal processing)
If i'm understanding it correctly, you phase rotate S11 by the port 1 extension, S22 by the port 2 extension
then S21 and S12 by the sum of the extensinos
lain: does that sound right?
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