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ok so, i still have to design a solder-in test fixture for the AKL-PT5
Since apparently all of my previous attempts at test fixtures were disasters lol
Ideally by that point i will have 2x thru de-embed algorithms figured out
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[starshipraider] azonenberg 4977a2a - Added jig for trimming HML01 resistor leads
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azonenberg, So far I'm searching a good USB 2.0 HS breakout ;)
azonenberg, I have some USB-C "crap" from Aliexpress ;) Will test them anyway it is not a priority for me too
azonenberg, My limitation anyway will be my Oscilloscope which can reach 500MHz BW ...
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[scopehal] azonenberg 0478c58 - Initial version of ReferencePlaneExtensionFilter. Fixes #541.
[scopehal] azonenberg 04da7c5 - LeCroyOscilloscope: recognize DC1 input coupling mode