azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<azonenberg> mubes: isnt that what they're supposed to do?
<d1b2> <mubes> So, as far as I understand it, an urb can basically be any length, and it's split into usb-packaet sized frames and re-assembled at the far end. I think what Siglent have done is to break it into fragements to submit to the urb's.
<d1b2> <mubes> So, in usbtmc, it sees a whole sequence of messages instead of the one big one it expects
<d1b2> <mubes> ...and since the contents of those messages are nominally random at the tmc framing level, you see the funky errors.
<d1b2> <mubes> Fix should be easy, submit the app level message as a single urb, and enjoy some speedup.
<azonenberg> ah i see. So it's a firmware issue on their end
<d1b2> <mubes> Well, I don't like to point fingers 'cos they have a habit of coming back and biting me, but I'm very suspicious. If so, there's a lot of speedup to be had here. I've sent them a question on it. Let's see.
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<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #542: Mixed mode S-parameter filter -
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #542: Mixed mode S-parameter filter -
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<azonenberg> also i found the 6" version of the 12" cable I've been using for AKL-PT5 testing
<azonenberg> I think 6" is long enough for the ultra-flexible part
<azonenberg> especially considering how lossy the micro coax is
<azonenberg> so i ordered one and we'll see how it turns out
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<azonenberg> Hmmmm
<azonenberg> Trying to think of the best way to design complex filter graphs with a huge number of signals
<azonenberg> we might need some kind of bus abstraction
<azonenberg> as an example, suppose we make a filter to convert single ended s-parameters to mixed mode s-parameters
<azonenberg> the input is 32 channels of data (16 mag and 16 angle channels)
<azonenberg> making the user select 32 dropdowns or draw 32 channels in the filter graph would be stupid
<azonenberg> at the same time, we need to account for things like de-embeds and reference plane extension or normalization that may change some of those values
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<azonenberg> now imagine chaining several of those to do ref plane extension or de-embedding
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<Degi> Maybe a python scripting window or so?
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<azonenberg> i mean you can script all kinds of stuff but i want a good way to do it in the GUI
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<azonenberg> in terms of ways to gang related signals
<azonenberg> automatically infer what s-params you want once you hook uip a few
<azonenberg> just kinda musing out loud
<azonenberg> but these are the kinds of things i will want for multigigabit differential channel design
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<Degi> Is the reference plane the point where the cable from the measuring instrument connects to the DUT?
<Degi> azonenberg: Kinda like in spreadsheet programs where you can drag the corner and it auto-fills values?
<azonenberg> Not exactly
<azonenberg> The reference plane is the point from which the S-parameter measurement is supposed to be
<azonenberg> i.e. zero phase
<Degi> Ah
<azonenberg> with a default calibration and no plane extension, this is at the end of the VNA test lead
<azonenberg> but it's common to use plane extension to shift this to compensate for e.g. transmission line on a test fixture between the connector and the DUT
<Degi> Do you do that by using the S parameters of that transmission line (probably without the DUT)?
<azonenberg> so in that case the *calibration* plane is the end of the VNA lead while the *reference* plane is the footprint for the actual DUT
<azonenberg> So, straightforward plane extension is purely a phase shift
<azonenberg> i.e. it assumes ideal transmission lines of the specified length between the cal plane and the ref plane
<azonenberg> In the real world, the line is not ideal
<azonenberg> if you are able to obtain s-params of that line, you can de-embed it from the measurement
<azonenberg> So you can think of plane extension as a degenerate case of de-embedding in which the line has perfectly linear phase and no loss
<Degi> I see
<azonenberg> and can be completely described by a scalar electrical length
<azonenberg> I intend to support both
<azonenberg> as far as where you get those s-params from, that's a whole other can of worms
<azonenberg> one possible approach is by EM simulation of the fixture
<Degi> Hmh, I mean ideal delay would just be a set of S params with linear phase increase with frequency...
<azonenberg> Correct. You can totally implement plane extension as synthesis of s-params for an ideal transmission line followed by a general de-embed
<azonenberg> although this would probably perform worse since it has to do math on the amplitude and ultiamtely not change it
<azonenberg> vs just changing phase
<azonenberg> Anyway so another approach for de-embedding - which i cannot currently do (the PicoVNA software does not support it)
<azonenberg> is to create two versions of your fixture
<azonenberg> one with the DUT, and another slightly shorter containing the same connectors and feed lines back to back with no DUT
<azonenberg> i.e. a "2x thru"
<azonenberg> you can measure s-params of this, then do some math i'm still trying to wrap my head around to get separate s-params for left and right halves of this known-symmetric network
<azonenberg> then de-embed those individually from a measurement of the DUT on your fixture
<azonenberg> and end up with a measurement of just the DUT
<azonenberg> The PicoVNA software allows you to de-embed a .s2p from each port, but does not support calculating the two de-embedding networks from a 2x thru measurement
<azonenberg> and since i am adding more s-param analysis capabilities to glscopeclient that's something i am thinking of doing
<azonenberg> so i want to be able to use the PicoVNA software to measure the 2x thru and the thru-dut-thru paths on a fixture
<azonenberg> then do my own postprocessing to extract just the DUT s-params
<azonenberg> and then do time domain transforms, etc on that
<Degi> Hmm neat
<Degi> To combine S params can you just convert to complex amplitude and multiply them?
<azonenberg> To a first order, yes. but this does not consider the case of multiple reflections
<azonenberg> consider two networks N1 and N2 end to end
<Degi> Hmm right, that would make it more complicated...
<azonenberg> if you just multiply them together you get the energy that went through N1 and through N2
<Degi> Similar to figuring out the impedance vs distance of a cable with a TDR
<azonenberg> but you do not get stuff that reflected off the input of N2, into N1 again
<azonenberg> back out N1, and through N2 again
<azonenberg> Depending on the extent of your mismatch this could be significant or not
<azonenberg> Right now, in glscopeclient i do not model this. you can apply two consecutive de-embeds to a signal but only a single path is modeled
<azonenberg> so you only consider S21 -> S21 of the two networks
<azonenberg> and not anything reflecting between them
<azonenberg> my long term plan is to build a composition filter that, given two 2-port networks, outputs a new set of 2-port s-params equivalent to the combination of the two
<azonenberg> which you can then de-embed or channel emulate
<azonenberg> Doing this requires converting the S-params into something called ABCD-params which I think might also be the same as T-params
<azonenberg> These do cascade, but cannot be directly applied to a signal
<azonenberg> so I'd need go to from S to ABCD, cascade, then back to S
<azonenberg> i have some reading material open that talks about the equations to do this
<azonenberg> but haven't implemented it
<azonenberg> before i do, i need to start thinking about what the UX is going to look like
<azonenberg> because even a 2-port network has 4 measurements * 2 complex halves = 8 channels of data
<azonenberg> and i don't want to hook up 8 ports to every filter when doing s-param stuff
<azonenberg> I mean I *can* it'll just be ugly and labor intensive and not friendly to work with
<azonenberg> while i could hypothetically create a new channel type for "2-port s-parameters" this has its own problems, like the fact that it would be restricted to 2 ports, and that it wouldn't easily allow access to the individual channels of data for display or analysis
<azonenberg> since e.g. the group delay filter works on a single phase channel only
<azonenberg> the de-embed and channel emulation filters work on a single complex channel
<azonenberg> only network level transforms like cascading or ref extension would work on an entire network
<Degi> Hmh, could you make a bus type channel which then applies the filter once to each channel?
<azonenberg> it's not separately on each channel though
<azonenberg> that's the transformation from S-param to T-param
<azonenberg> T11 depends on all four 2-port s-params
<azonenberg> T21 and T12 depend on both the reflected and transmitted paths
<azonenberg> e.g. T21 depends on S22 and S21
<azonenberg> This makes sense to do as a filter taking 4x complex in and 4x complex out
<Degi> Hmm I see, that way you can simply cascade them and then convert back
<azonenberg> the challenge is to find a UX that works well for this
<azonenberg> and allows for the common case of all streams coming from the same instrument/import/filter
<Degi> Hmh, maybe have that as a channel type? Or have a bus type channel and then on the filters the input says like "4x complex"
<azonenberg> but allows for you to do processing to a single stream if you want
<azonenberg> so for example, if i am doing a vna measurement of a 10x probe it will be nominally -20 dB
<azonenberg> but if you set your scope to 10x attenuation that also does a 10x scale
<azonenberg> (which you probably want to do, so that e.g. trigger levels are correct given probe attenuation)
<azonenberg> So i want to be able to measure a probe then apply a scaling factor of say +20 dB in postprocessing
<azonenberg> such that "exactly nominal gain" translates to S21 of 0 dB
<azonenberg> now suppose i want to do additional filtering after that
<azonenberg> and the rescaling does not affect S11 and S22, only the S21/S12 path
<azonenberg> i could easily see wanting to take some params from a filter and others straight from a .s2p import
<azonenberg> so i want to optimize for the common case and make it fast and easy, but not disallow the alternative
<Degi> Hmm, maybe some block which combines channels or splits off a chosen channel? IIRC GnuRadio has something like that
<azonenberg> Potentially
<azonenberg> anyway it's almost 6 am so i'm going to go get some sleep :p
<azonenberg> my schedule is completely ruined but i do have to work at some point today lol
<azonenberg> thankfully i don't have any client meetings today so i can work any time i want lol
<azonenberg> probably gonna clock in when normal people in my time zone are having dinner or something
<Degi> Can relate
<Degi> Good night
<azonenberg> i think you mean good morning :P
<azonenberg> the night is over
<azonenberg> sun is starting to come up probably
<Degi> Ohh, I think in germany its still dark at 6 AM lol
<Degi> (In winter at least, in summer the sun going up is my cue to go to bed)
<azonenberg> ah yeah the sun doesnt come up until 7:37 today
<azonenberg> so it's probably not starting to get light yet
<azonenberg> (not near a window now)
<azonenberg> anyway, sleep time
<Degi> Though sometimes it looks really beautiful outside when the sun just came up
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