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<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg 678abe8 - FlowGraphNode: GetVoltageRange() / GetOffset() now return sane defaults if channel is null rather than segfaulting
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg cedfe80 - WaveformGenerationFilter: avoid divide by zero
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 4c018d7 - Updated scopehal
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<azonenberg> Latest AKL-PT5 probe tip holder prototype
<azonenberg> I need to experiment with the best length for the stiff wire, switch from 18 to 20 AWG, and figure out a better mounting from the probe tip to the support wire
<azonenberg> One possible approach to consider would be soldering the probe tip directly to the wire without a separate mounting
<azonenberg> This means no adhesive and one less board to work with
<azonenberg> Just would need to make sure the extra bottom side copper doesn't mess with the RF performance
<electronic_eel> wouldn't a sensepeek pcbite style tip holder make sense for the pt5?
<electronic_eel> or was there a problem procuring the custom threaded nuts they use? i don't exactly remember
<azonenberg> Their nuts are only available from sensepeek
<azonenberg> they're custom machined
<azonenberg> but also, those holders put ~all of the weight on the pogo tip
<azonenberg> with a solder-in tip it won't work
<azonenberg> i need something that holds the probe above the pcb surface without putting force on the tiny 0.18mm wires
<electronic_eel> azonenberg: how about using a dial indicator holder, something like this:
<azonenberg> several people suggested that
<azonenberg> i want something that mounts to the dut, not to the bench
<electronic_eel> they have a 8mm hole in them. you can put in a 8mm brass rod and screw it in
<azonenberg> because you're going to be soldering probes to it then moving it around
<azonenberg> you don't want relative motion
<azonenberg> mounting to the bench makes sense for a free-standing probe with pogo tips or similar
<azonenberg> the AD3 or PT1 could use it
<electronic_eel> hmm, yeah, you need to fix "bench" and dut together. like use a big plate of magnetic metal. put the dut on something like the sensepeek pcb holders and fix the magnetic base of the dial indicator holder on the same metal plate
<azonenberg> My bench is magnetic
<electronic_eel> i would prefer using something that can easily be undone, like the magnets, to using glue to fix the probe holder on the dut pcb
<azonenberg> I use magnetic holders on it pretty often
<azonenberg> but for a tiny solder in tip i want to affix it to the board
<azonenberg> and the point is to use weak double sided tape
<azonenberg> not glue
<azonenberg> so it's easy to peel off
<electronic_eel> wouldn't it be enough to put the magnetic dut pcb holders and the dial indicator holders together on a thin metal plate to prevent relative motion? ignoring the magnetic properties of your bench in this case
<electronic_eel> i use the dial indicator holders for holding stuff in place for soldering and also to hold scope probes. i really like that solution
<electronic_eel> but you are right that you have to prevent relative motion for the thin solder in probes
<azonenberg> Yeah, LeCroy etc all use a similar stick-to-DUT holder for their solder in tips from what i can see
<bvernoux> I think I have found the root cause of 3D Step bad display in KiCad 6.x
<bvernoux> We have that issue with wrong 3D step colors since more than 1 years (since KiCad v6 in fact)
<bvernoux> All is due to OCC 7.5 breaking changes
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<d1b2> <daglem> Fingers crossed! 🤞
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