ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/riverwm/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<pinpoxIRC> I have a minor annayance I'm trying to fix in river: Got multiple screens and a layout similar to stacktile, windows are in part behind each other. Sometimes (haven't been able to figure out what the condition is exactly), when I focus a screen/window on screen 2 the windows on screen 1 are reordered, putting a different one on the top.
<pinpoxIRC> E.g.
<pinpoxIRC> - I click on win3
<pinpoxIRC> - win1 is focused and above win2.
<pinpoxIRC> - I have a win1 and win2 on screen1 and win3 and win4 on screen2.
<pinpoxIRC> - win3 on screen2 is correctly focused, but now win2 covers win1 on screen1
<pinpoxIRC> Does anyone know why that happens? Is that a problem with my layout generator?
<dagle> Are they floating or tiled like that?
<pinpoxIRC> dagle: tiled
<RZ_MJ[m]> This can happen to tiled windows if the layout generator positions windows in overlapping areas.... (full message at <https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/libera.chat/4c95642f6eaff5181079dc9d52ab6ccd133d5d1d>)
<pinpoxIRC> RZ_MJ[m]: So there is no fix for it?
<pinpoxIRC> >If two windows overlap, their visual stacking order is dependend on their order in the list of all windows.
<pinpoxIRC> Is it possible to make the list keep the order?
<pinpoxIRC> leon-p: Does stacktile have this problem aswell?
<RZ_MJ[m]> There is no proper fix for it. And it is independent of layout generators, because those are not responsible for stacking order. It helps to let the layout generator arrange windows such that two of them will not have exactly the same place but be slightly offset. Then it is more predictable. This is how I did it in luatile, but I am not sure how stacktile does it.
<RZ_MJ[m]> > Is it possible to make the list keep the order?
<RZ_MJ[m]> This would mean applying zoom on every window when it gets focus, so focusing alone would reposition it and (on average) half of the other windows in the layout.
<leon-p> pinpoxIRC, RZ_MJ[m]: on master branch, stacking order is now in reverse focus order, so this shouldn't be a problem anymore
<RZ_MJ[m]> This is good news, thanks!
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<pinpoxIRC> RZ_MJ[m]: Sorry if I was unclear, I'm not using stacktile just a layout that is very similar to it. I'm using luatile with this layout: https://github.com/pinpox/nixos/blob/main/home-manager/modules/river/layout.lua
<pinpoxIRC> RZ_MJ[m]: The windows dont fully overlap fully, but are shifted a bit down.
<pinpoxIRC> (Just like in stacktile)
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<Guest16> is there a way to set the focus to follow the mouse, `focus-output` seems to only accept direction or names
<plumeus> can't you do focus-follows-cursor?
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<pinpoxIRC> leon-p: Do you mean in river's master branch or in the one of stacktile?
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<Guest16> oops I'm blind, that works thanks
<ifreund> pinpoxIRC: river's
<ifreund> note that it also has bugs that aren't present in 0.2.4 though
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<pinpoxIRC> ifreund: Oh that is good news! Is there a release of it planned anytime soon or should I switch to master?
<pinpoxIRC> btw. How's that external management of tags going, still something that is being worked on?
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<ifreund> pinpoxIRC: I've been busy with other aspects of my life recently and haven't had much time for river sadly. An 0.3.0 release is planned as soon as all the known bugs are fixed.
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<ifreund> external management of tags, etc. is on the roadmap for 0.4.0 but not being actively worked on yet aside from some necessary refactoring in the 0.3.0 release cycle
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<Nosrep> managed to hack together a custom accel setting its very dirty but it works
<Nosrep> also: anyone using rivercarro with gaps?
<Nosrep> when i lock my system and turn off my screen the gaps disappear only if it was left on monocle when i turned it off
<novakane> Nosrep: hmm I'm not sure I tested monocle with outer gaps, I'll look into it in the coming days, you're using smart gaps ?
<novakane> hmm if you're using smart gaps it shouldn't be possible to have gaps in monocle so I assume no
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<Nosrep> no i am
<Nosrep> i mean like when i switch out of monocle all the gaps gone, but monocle doesn't have gaps any tmie