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<TheAnachron> hey novakane I am using zelbar but I get "error(backend): no buffer available" every once in a while
<TheAnachron> when that happens the bar is empty and I have to feed new data into it (no matter if changed or not)
<TheAnachron> I need to correct my statement, it seems that only changed data does indeed display the bar text again.
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<novakane> TheAnachron: hmm yeah it happens to have a busy buffer, I need to improve this but I haven't got the time yet
<novakane> although I never had a problem with no content displayed
<novakane> do you mind sharing the script you use ?
<TheAnachron> it's quite deeply connected to my desktop. it basically uses a file that I watch for changes and recreates the bar text on update
<TheAnachron> it uses https://remixicon.com/ under the hood for icons
<novakane> thanks I'll have a look soon
<novakane> a quick fix I think would be to add one buffer
<TheAnachron> novokane can I enable some debug output via ENV or alike? so I can give you a better clue whats happening
<novakane> you can try to put 3 instead of 2 here https://git.sr.ht/~novakane/zelbar/tree/main/item/src/Backend.zig#L523
<novakane> if you make a debug build you should have some info, it's a bit noisy though and you can try to launch zelbar with WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 too
<TheAnachron> alright, currently running with WAYLAND_DEBUG=1, will try the buffer increase this evening probably
<leon-p> novakane, TheAnachron: wlroots releases shm buffers fast enough that usually 2 are enough for simple clients, however that is not guaranteed.
<TheAnachron> aha! I got it.
<leon-p> That's why I now use a buffer pool with a dynamic amount of buffers and some heuristics to regularly cull unused buffers
<TheAnachron> check the gist comment. it releases 2 buffers in a short time.
<TheAnachron> I dont understand why that wont affect you though, novakane, it looks pretty basic wayland stuff?
<novakane> leon-p: yeah I need to use your code someday, didn't have time to mess with it yet
<leon-p> should be a drop-in replacement
<novakane> TheAnachron: hmm why the first buffer is not released before, I haven't come across this in my testing
<leon-p> if the buffer has not been displayed yet, perhaps?
<novakane> but it should after wl_surface.commit()?
<novakane> hmm couldn't the "exec" in the script messed up with this, like killing and relaunching everytime
<leon-p> a committed buffer isn't immediately displayed
<leon-p> there is a delay based on the outputs refresh rate
<leon-p> and it's possible to commit new buffers during that time
<novakane> ah ok then it maybe the explanation
<leon-p> also hit this back with lavalauncher: I highlighted buttons when you'd hover over them, but quickly moving the mouse across all buttons caused to many updates to quickly. Back then I solved it with a frame callback, but that would be slight overkill for a simple client
<TheAnachron> I am a bit lost here, so is the simple 2>3 change sufficient for now or do we really need to refactor the code to fix the issue?
<TheAnachron> if the number change suffices for a quickfix/workaround, I would do that for now and rebuild
<novakane> adding a buffer should fix it I think yeah
<ifreund> In theory the server can hold on to as many buffers as it wants
<TheAnachron> btw. your zig build uses named tags but when I clone your repo it has none. I worked around for now by creating a new one after clone with my credentials, did I miss something?
<ifreund> git fetch --tags?
<ifreund> In practice if you only render in response to frame callbacks then the server will only ever hold on to 1 buffer in the case of shm clients and a wlroots based server
<ifreund> that is to say, changing 2 to 3 is just making the race less common, not fixing anythng
<ifreund> the proper fix is rendering only in response to frame callbacks
<novakane> TheAnachron: yeah there is no version for zelbar but the code is here, because it was copy/paste of build.zig
<ifreund> some servers may require 2 or 3 buffers even if frame callbacks are used properly but I don't think it would ever be reasonable for a server to require more
<novakane> ifreund: right that would not be a proper fix but would be quicker than to wait for me to have the time for the right fix lol
<novakane> honestly the buffers part of Wayland is really the part I struggle with, I wrote so many version for it
<ifreund> novakane: I think the important realization is that you need potentially infinite buffers if you don't render in response to frame callbacks
<TheAnachron> are frame callbacks more work? novakane if you need a tester, push it to sourcehut, I will periodically check it
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<leon-p> frame callbacks are mostly just boilerplate. the main hurdle is to remember that you need to commit a single buffer "normally" at the start for them to work
<TheAnachron> okay I've rebuild with 3 buffers now, lets hope this will last longer.
<TheAnachron> novakane btw, thanks for the neat project, I couldnt get myself to install the other bars, wayy to much overhead for my taste.
<novakane> glad you like it :) I'll try to make a proper fix soon
<TheAnachron> would be neat, my build templates has a few hacks now. When those are fixed I could publish it to void-packages
<novakane> since there is no release yet I don't think can submit it to void-packages
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<aldcor> hello! I installed river, however nothing is spawning. not rofi, not terminals.. i can move my coursor and exit with default keybinding (meaning it kind of works..) but that's about it
<aldcor> i installed foot terminal
<ifreund> probably some error in your init file, have you checked your logs?
<aldcor> i used default example init file, just removed shift when spawning terminal
<aldcor> ifreund: where should I look for river log file?
<aldcor> oh wait, I think my distro didn't have that package
<aldcor> i will check again
<aldcor> nvm that package comment..
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<aldcor> oh I'm confused about this step:
<aldcor> zig build -Drelease-safe --prefix ~/.local install
<aldcor> i installed zig with package manager.. but that command shown above, where I need to run it?
<p00f1> aldcor: In your clone of river
<aldcor> i installed river via package manager
<novakane> you don't need this command then, it's to build river from source
<aldcor> yes, that's what I thought.. just had to make sure :)
<aldcor> where would I set what programs to run once I start river from tty?
<aldcor> * programs that runs no launch automatically
<aldcor> on*
<novakane> in river init is the easiest way
<aldcor> novakane: if I want polybar to start what would I write in `init` file ?
<p00f1> can i have a vnc client as a river output
<novakane> aldcor: either `polybar &` or `riverctl spawn "polybar"`
<aldcor> could it be that it is reading some other init file which is not in ~/.config/river/init ?
<aldcor> i just can't understand why it's not spawning wofi or terminal..
<aldcor> but it is exiting from river with keybinding
<novakane> share your config
<aldcor> oh, btw it did start polybar but it's in the middle of a screen and only 1st workspace got polybar and no others
<RZ_MJ[m]> aldcor: If you removed shift from the terminal binding in the example init, it gets overwritten by the zoom binding.
<aldcor> RZ_MJ[m]: yes, i fixed that, i noticed
<aldcor> and still terminal was not launching (or was invisible due to monitor setup or something)
<ifreund> p00f1: I believe you can use the wlroots environment variables to add a headless output and then use wayvnc to share it
<aldcor> my config file https://0x0.st/HbPZ.sh
<ifreund> I've never tried though so I'm not familiar with the details
<RZ_MJ[m]> Super+Shift Return, not Super+Shift+Return
<aldcor> ah
<RZ_MJ[m]> Separate Modifiers from the Return key with a space, not +
<p00f1> ifreund: awesome, thanks!
<ifreund> no problem and good luck!
<aldcor> alright! now we getting somewhere :) How about polybar? it's in the middle of a screen not top
<RZ_MJ[m]> Does polybar even support wayland? I thought it only supports Xorg. It is also not listed at https://github.com/riverwm/river/wiki/Recommended-Software#status-bars
<ifreund> yeah, it's probably using xwayland. I'd recommend something wayland-native
<aldcor> oh, thanks!
<aldcor> i think I have tried lemonbar in past iirc
<aldcor> i will try yambar
<aldcor> oh my..i can't ssh from foot terminal -> cannot find terminfo entry for 'foot'
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<aldcor> riverctl map normal Super d spawn wofi --show run
<aldcor> but nothing happens when I press `Super d`
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<novakane> aldcor: `riverctl map normal Super d spawn "wofi --show run"`
<aldcor> novakane: i tried that too
<aldcor> I also tried with `D`
<leon-p> if you execute the riverctl command in a terminal, what is the output?
<aldcor> error, no command given
<aldcor> oh, you meant full command
<aldcor> it seems like that keybinding is already used
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<aldcor> hm not sure actually
<aldcor> i don't see it duplicating
<aldcor> and it says:
<aldcor> overwrote and existing keybinding: normal Super D
<leon-p> and you quoted the entire wofi command?
<leon-p> can you try `riverctl spawn "your command goes here"`?
<aldcor> ohhh.. fixed
<aldcor> thank you!
<aldcor> ok, it seems like `TERM=xterm` fixes the issue of not being able to ssh into raspberry, however, is there a way to make this option permanent so I don't have to type it always?
<leon-p> TERM can be set in the foot config, see `man foot.ini`
<ifreund> or you could just update your terminfo db on the target system
<ifreund> foot's terminfo has been in upstream ncurses for a while now
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<Guest55> Hi, I've just installed river on FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE. Pretty much everything seems to be working fine (after limited use) but I want to ask the following.
<Guest55> I am using FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE on Thinkpad T480s (Intel i7 8th gen) in case it matters.
<Guest55> - Does river need D-BUS daemon? In other words, should I enable D-BUS service in /etc/rc.conf to start at system boot?
<ifreund> Guest55: river itself does not use dbus at all or even know that it existt
<ifreund> software you might want to use with river may use dbus though, for example notification clients
<Guest55> - Any insight as to why my keyboard controls that change brightness up/down do not work?
<Guest55> In my init script I have:
<Guest55> # Control screen backlight brightness
<Guest55>     riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessUp   spawn 'backlight incr 5'
<Guest55>     riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessDown spawn 'backlight decr 5'
<Guest55> The commands work when I run them from the terminal but not on the button press.
<aldcor> In bspwm I used this to change volume: (`-c 1` means card 1) `amixer -c 1 set Master 5%-`. I use only Alsa. What would be `river` way of dealing with volume? pamixer didn't work as I assume it's for Pulse so I tried `amixer` which also didn't work. I also added -c 1 but that didn't help
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<ifreund> Guest55: perhaps your keyboard uses something other than XF86MonBrightnessUp, you could use `xkbcli interactive-wayland` to determine the keysym name
<Guest55> ifreund Thank you so much. I will enable it as once I start setting up notification clients and bunch of other desktop software, chances us I will need it. :)
<leon-p> aldcor: there is a decent chance that you installed the desktop portals alongside river, which pull pipewire as a dependency. Make sure you really are running just alsa
<aldcor> leon-p: I should've left that config as it was?
<leon-p> what?
<ifreund> in any case, there isn't really anything river specific about setting the volume. If it's not working the problem is elsewhere
<leon-p> ah
<Guest55> ifreund For some reason xkbcli is not detecting any presses of the F keys as media keys, regardless if I have the FnLock on or off. I will try to use some other utility to confirm their names although I assumed they would follow the standard on the thinkpad
<leon-p> Guest55: the program will not receive any key-presses that already trigger a keymap
<aldcor> leon-p: those portals - are they running as services or daemons or something? how are they called? In services I only see alsa regarding audio
<Guest55> leon-p Excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by keymap? None of my Media Keys get registered, only if I use them as F keys which doesn't help much. In other words, how can I confirm if the brightness controls (F5/F6) are actually XF86MonBrightnessUp/XF86MonBrightnessDown
<leon-p> aldcor: they are daemons. either startet as a service or via socket activation
<aldcor> (fyi i got sound working, just volume keybindings didn't/doesn't work)
<leon-p> Guest55: I mean that if a key produces XF86Whatever, river will only pass along that event if there is not command bound to XF86Whatever.
<leon-p> meaning, you do not get events for the media keys, as the example init binds a fair amount of them
<Guest55> leon-p Got it but that is not the case as I can confirm that my init is not using those F keys
<Guest55> Thank you for the explanation btw
<leon-p> No, you can just confirm that the command is not working correctly. It is very likely that the bind itself is working fine
<Guest55> leon-p This is what I have:     riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessUp   spawn 'backlight incr 5'
<Guest55> Running backlight incr 5 by itself works fine
<leon-p> that does not necessariely mean that it is successful when spawned by river
<leon-p> try running it with `riverctl spawn`
<Guest55> okay will do
<Guest55> Works fine: riverctl spawn 'backlight decr 5'
<Guest55> And so does: riverctl spawn 'backlight decr 5'
<leon-p> have you tried executing the command that creates the bind in the termina? what is the output`
<Guest55> riverctl spawn 'backlight incr 5' **
<Guest55> Let me give it a try
<Guest55> $ riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessDown spawn 'backlight decr 5'
<Guest55> error: cannot add/remove mapping to/from non-existant mode 'None'
<leon-p> ah yes, $mode is a shell variable
<leon-p> have you set that in your init?
<leon-p> note that in the example init it is inside a loop that sets it
<Guest55> Yet, this gives me the same output:
<Guest55> riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioLowerVolume  spawn 'mixer vol -5'
<Guest55> error: cannot add/remove mapping to/from non-existant mode 'None'
<Guest55> But volume works
<leon-p> yes, because $mode is not set here
<Guest55> What should I set $mode to? Thanks a lot btw
<leon-p> to whatever mode you want to bind it to. in the example init, media keys are bound in both "normal" and "locked" modes
<leon-p> note that the init is a shell script, so absolutely all shell control flow applies
<Guest55> I used the example init and barely changed it as I like the defaults (a lot). It was set to None just as I have it
<leon-p> None is not a mode, but rather a modifier (or lack thereof)
<Guest55> Got you
<Guest55> I read the man part about the mode
<Guest55> Great that it exists as an option. Let me try normal
<Guest55> $ riverctl map $mode locked XF86MonBrightnessDown spawn 'backlight decr 5'
<Guest55> error: invalid modifier 'XF86MonBrightnessDown'
<aldcor> yes, problem is elsewhere because even though I don't have Pulseaudio, when I execute `pamixer` - ALSA lib pulse.c:242:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused.
<leon-p> Guest55: note that specifying a modifier is mandatory. if you want none, use "None"
<Guest55> leon-p  can I use None and still have the controls work? I tried both "normal" and "locked" and I get:
<Guest55> error: invalid modifier 'XF86MonBrightnessDown'
<leon-p> yes, that's what I have been saying
<Guest55> So what is the issue here then:
<Guest55> $ riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessDown spawn 'backlight decr 5'
<Guest55> error: cannot add/remove mapping to/from non-existant mode 'None'
<leon-p> that you again did not specifiy the mode :) remember: variable
<Guest55> Ohh okay got it
<Guest55> Fine
<Guest55> But even when I set the mode, it does not work for brightness but it works for volume.
<Guest55> How can I solve that
<leon-p> try setting a different command as a test, like opening a terminal
<Guest55> And I am pretty sure XF86MonBrightnessDown is a correct key as it worked in Sway on this computer
<Guest55> Opening a terminal and running 'backlight decr 5' works. I see the screen getting dimmer
<Guest55> oh you mean to map a different command to f5/f6
<leon-p> no, I don't mean run the command in the terminal, change the brightness bind to a different command that you know works, like spawning a terminal
<leon-p> to figure out if either the bind is simply never triggered, or if the command inside the bind is bad
<Guest55> leon-p I tried setting it to open a terminal or increase the volume (a command that works for F3) but still no results
<Guest55> I guess the binding never happens then
<leon-p> apparently
<Guest55> Thank you for your help anyways. I will report the solution if I figure it out
<leon-p> no problem
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<aldcor> how can I change gap size between windows?
<aldcor> hm, maybe I found it
<aldcor> yes, found it
<aldcor> what is that color code? Doesn't look like hex
<leon-p> it is hex
<leon-p> both # and 0x are canonical prefixes for hex
<leon-p> arguably 0x even more than #
<aldcor> oh, didn't know
<aldcor> can I change border thickness?
<aldcor> of windows
<leon-p> riverctl border-width
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<aldcor> hm, river do not have workspaces?
<TheAnachron> it's differrent. tags are similiar to workspaces, but not quite so
<aldcor> anyway it seems it works the same from UI standpoint - so the question is - is it possible to assing workspace number on bar in river wm?
<aldcor> if not, it's not a big deal tho
<aldcor> however, that's very expected wm behaviour
<TheAnachron> novakane I also have issues with using multiple alignments causing flickering.
<TheAnachron> So for example if I align all to the left/center/right, all is well
<TheAnachron> if I start putting some on the right and others on the center it starts to flicker.
<aldcor> q
<aldcor> (wrong window)
<TheAnachron> novokane do you think the new BufferPool is gonna fix that? btw, even with 3 displays the bar occasionally disappears, but its better now
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<novakane> TheAnachron: I pushed a branch with a fix that you can try if you want btw https://git.sr.ht/~novakane/zelbar/log/bufferpool
<novakane> for the flickering that's weird I have never see that, and I don't see what would cause this
<TheAnachron> okay, "bufferpool" is now running.
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<TheAnachron> hmm that aint better, still flickers :/
<TheAnachron> how do I start a debug build? I am new to zig
<TheAnachron> novokane the good news is: text doesnt disappear, if it does it comes back shortly and only occasionall
<TheAnachron> ...y flickers. Sorry for the newline
<novakane> just build it with without any -Drelease.. flag, debug build is the default
<novakane> TheAnachron: could you try with this script please https://git.sr.ht/~novakane/dotfiles/tree/main/item/.local/bin/bar
<novakane> maybe remove the font
<TheAnachron> and the output.
<aldcor> when I use theme selector in wofi it displays all themes perfectly and alt+a is supposed to save/change a theme but it's not changing
<aldcor> also, is there specific tool I need to printscreen in riverwm?
<TheAnachron> novakane I removed the font and the output selector and all is fine. but then again, your script barely updates the bar. my watcher can update it three or four times in a second
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<novakane> it shouldn't really be enough to have flickering, but I'll try to write some script that update it more often to see
<TheAnachron> the weird thing is: I ran some script 100 times a second and printing a random icon every time does not even cause flickering, something else is wrong
<novakane> yeah three or four time a second should really be handled easily
<TheAnachron> maybe the problem is when piping it to the bar before it finished rendering the last buffer?
<TheAnachron> there are around 50 async jobs all writing to the bar file that triggers an update. some of them every 5 seconds, 10, 30, 60 etc.
<waleee> might I suggest setting a single time for all of them?
<TheAnachron> btw, modifying my "status-watcher" to not listen to write events but periodically (every second) still causes flickers.
<TheAnachron> waleee well those have different purposes. a lot of things dont need to be checked so often, like system updates and alike. They also cause more load being more frequently and I want to avoid that
<waleee> every 5 seconds for something seems a bit excessive
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<waleee> I would maybe go for a golden meam of something like 30 seconds or so since you get an "accurate enough" clock (ymmv)
<TheAnachron> I do that for things like incoming ssh sessions, my VPN status and alike. Easy on the resources but important for me to know right away
<waleee> a notification daemon instead perhaps?
<waleee> would only fire once for each incoming ssh etc
<TheAnachron> I try to keep it KISS. notifications only when nothing else suffices
<TheAnachron> I only display information on my bar when its urgent/attention is required.
<TheAnachron> My setup is supposed to be distraction-free.
<waleee> I went with zero bar and mako bound to various keybindings (for showing time) and events instead
<waleee> * time,battery, disk space etc
<TheAnachron> I will maybe some day in the future move away from it. Currently really enjoying a minimal bar.
<novakane> ok it seems I can reproduce some flickering with using some really fast script, I'll see what I can do, probably not today though
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<TheAnachron> no pressure, I reverted back to 1 second interval updates.
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<novakane> welp I was wrong I can't see the flickering, it was just the width of text changing quickly with the background that made it seems like it was flickering
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<TheAnachron> maybe I can figure out how to trigger it reliably.
<TheAnachron> but that will be no task for today.
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<aldcor> riverctl map normal PrtSc spawn 'grim'
<aldcor> or Print, both doesn't work
<aldcor> i'm sure it's not correct either way..
<RZ_MJ[m]> aldcor: I believe it is called Sysrq under the hood or something similar.
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<aldcor> RZ_MJ[m]: that also doesn't work
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<NickH> aldcor: you should confirm if the problem is with the binding or if the problem is with launching grim.