ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/riverwm/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<daurn> ifreund: FYI still not having any luck, even after updating to nvidia 510
<ifreund> daurn: I was in a bit of a rush last time and forgot to ask for debug logs, could you try with `river -log-level debug`?
<daurn> under X? nothing new
<ifreund> running from a tty might be more informative
<daurn> in a tty... also nothing new
<ifreund> daurn: are you using wlroots 0.15.0 or 0.15.1? I think there may be a relevant fix in 0.15.1
<daurn> ah, running 0.15.0
<daurn> updated to 0.15.1 now
<daurn> nothing different under X
<ifreund> hmm, it could be that the nvidia driver doesn't support GBM on your specific hardware. I'm not really sure what the state of things is but I've mostly heard that it's still incomplete/buggy despite Nvidia making steps in the right direction
<daurn> ifreund: http://sprunge.us/sBuplO
<daurn> notice that it's slightly different each time...
<ifreund> > Ignoring '/dev/dri/card0': not a KMS device
<ifreund> I take it that's your Nvidia GPU?
<daurn> yes
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<ifreund> well, wlroots is just calling a libdrm function to ask if the device supports KMS
<ifreund> which seems to return false for your card
<daurn> apparently for nvidia you have to turn it on manually: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NVIDIA#DRM_kernel_mode_setting
<ifreund> that would probably help
<daurn> though other wayland stuff seems to work without doing that: does river require KMS where other compositors don't?
<ifreund> daurn: other wayland stuff being what exactly?
<ifreund> river doesn't do anything different from other wlroots based compositors here as far as I'm aware
<daurn> it was a couple of months ago now but I was playing with other wayland desktops. I can't remember now :/
<daurn> brb turning on KMS
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<daurn> okay that did work! sort of
<daurn> river was able to start, and I saw my sway bar
<daurn> however I didn't have a mouse
<ifreund> hmm, could try WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS=1
<daurn> I *thought* my keyboard shortcuts weren't working. but after switching to another VT and looking, it seems they *are*, but stuff isn't showing up
<daurn> e.g. I have a keyboard shortcut to open urxvt... and I see them running in `ps` with bash children
<daurn> but nothing showing up in river
<ifreund> anything interesting in debug logs?
<leon-p> urxvt is not Wayland native IIRC, so maybe an XWayland issue. Try using a terminal with Wayland support instead and see if that works
<daurn> ifreund: only thing in debug logs is when I swap away from the VT with river, it shows lots of "removed input device"
<daurn> leon-p: correct it would be via XWayland. I *do* see XWayland running
<daurn> How do I use `riverctl` from my X session targeting my river session?
<ifreund> daurn: set WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1
<ifreund> or whatever number display river created in $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
<leon-p> daurn: XWayland running does not mean it does not have issues, I still recommend trying a Wayland native terminel, like foot.
<daurn> leon-p: k; working on getting foot working...
<daurn> so running `WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1 foot` from my X session did make foot pop up in river... still no mouse. and then foot crashed :/
<leon-p> well, foot crashing means one more log that could shed light on what happens here, so it's progress
<dnkl> No seat?
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<dnkl> (that's been one crash reason for foot - should be fixed in master)
<ifreund> setting WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 would give more information (it triggers logging of wayland protocol messages)
<daurn> that was of foot. did you mean of river?
<daurn> oh I breifly saw a mouse that river restart...
<daurn> oooo, turning off hardware cursor made foot work
<daurn> what fun
<daurn> still no X applications though :(
<ifreund> iirc there's some special fun regarding propreitary nvidia drivers and Xwayland
<ifreund> sadly it's all closed source, so there's not much anyone aside from nvidia can do to fix things
<ifreund> no idea why setting WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS=1 would affect foot though...
<daurn> Am trying with GBM now instead
<daurn> same problems but less weird things going on...
<ifreund> huh, what were you using before? noveau?
<daurn> EGLStreams
<daurn> I'm now setting `GBM_BACKEND=nvidia-drm`
<daurn> this log file is much larger and potentially useful...
<ifreund> uh, wlroots doesn't support EGLStreams. Were you using some unofficial wlroots fork?
<daurn> not that I know of? I don't know :P
<leon-p> do you additionally have an integrated graphics chip? Maybe wlroots was using that?
<daurn> leon-p: no
<ifreund> that could also be the case
<leon-p> or maybe software rendering
<ifreund> yeah, there's a chance wlroots was falling back to llvmpipe or using the pixman renderer
<daurn> you saw in the log earlier all the stuff about /dev/dri/card0, which is an nvidia device
<leon-p> the pixman renderer is supposed to be efficient, so you may not notice it at first if you have a somewhat good CPU
<ifreund> daurn: I haven't seen a log of things (somewhat) working yet, but yeah it certainly seemed to be trying to use your nvidia gpu
<ifreund> setting WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 for river logs is a little too verbose usually
<ifreund> wlroots is certainly using your nvidia card there though
<daurn> lines 11181 to 11209 seem to have a little info about the Xwayland failure
<ifreund> 11207 seems to explain why you don't see a cursor
<ifreund> well, urxvt works fine under xwayland on my AMD hardware...
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<tiosgz`> what type+value should i use for a zig-wayland listener last arg if i don't need to pass anything around? (void + {} complains it isn't a pointer)
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<ifreund> tiosgz`: I use ?*anyopaque and pass null as the value
<ifreund> it's not ideal, but It's simpler than the alternatives I tried
<ifreund> we could use comptime to translate void + {} into ?*anyopaque + null I suppose, feel free to give that a go if you like
<tiosgz`> aye, that works. thanks!
<ifreund> We do something kind of similar for wl.Listener(void) currently iirc
<waleee> have you already migrated to anyopaque? Wasn't that a somewhat recent (post 0.9) change
<waleee> ah, no it was in 0.9
<ifreund> yeah, I snuck it in a few days before 0.9.0 was tagged
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<ifreund> so #519 is a real can of worms to solve properly
<ifreund> yep, I'm just going to refactor this away during the wlr scene migration I think
<ifreund> leon-p: congats on the first breaking change in river's history :D
<leon-p> yay :D
<novakane> worth a github achievements on your profile :P
<leon-p> more will probably come eventually, but this and next semester are kinda important :/
<novakane> ifreund: could you make the issue river 0.2.0 where only can write? So people could subscribe to it and get a notif when there is a new thing, not sure if that the case when you edited the first message
<novakane> ah wait that already tha case, my bad
<ifreund> I don't think github sends notifications on updates, not sure though
<ifreund> s/updates/edits/
<novakane> yeah I don't think so, that's why new comments are better
<leon-p> isn't 745fe829 also breaking, technically? I don't think anyone depended on that behaviour, since it was a wrong impl. of the protocol, but it is a behaviour change
<ifreund> i don't consider bugfixes like that breaking
<ifreund> linus would I guess, but river's no where near the level of maturity where I would consider taking that stance
<ifreund> anyhow, 0.1.3 is already tagged :D
<dnkl> that input naming change got me for a while...
<ifreund> I think it will be worth it for the edge cases it drastically improves
<ifreund> dnkl: looks like today was release day for you too! time to update the void packages :)
<dnkl> yup, finally found the hours I needed for this :)
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<dnkl> ifreund: re. fcft-3, beware of https://codeberg.org/dnkl/fcft/issues/47
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<ifreund> dnkl: thanks for the ping, do you plan to do a patch release or should I just backport that fix for now?
<novakane> ifreund: ready for when you really switch to sr.ht :P https://git.sr.ht/~novakane/river/tree/ci/item/.builds
<ifreund> novakane: oh sweet, feel free to open a PR for those
<ifreund> I guess the final step would be me getting whatever hook thing setup to get the status reported on github
<novakane> yeah like this it would only run when you push on your sourcehut mirror, so really limited
<novakane> probably need to use dispatch.sr.ht but I know Drew isn't really a fan of this so I don't know if they gonna keep it
<dnkl> ifreund: doing a patch release now. Alpine MR author verified the fcft patch
<ifreund> dnkl: sweet, thanks!
<dnkl> ifreund: done
<ifreund> novakane: hmm, the dispatch semes to have worked but the builds failed for some reason: https://builds.sr.ht/~ifreund/job/689095
<ifreund> oh, I think actually might have trigger though my push to the git.sr.ht river mirror
<ifreund> pretty sure github is at fault here, my void-packages PR is totally borked
<ifreund> it took 30min for it to show new commits I pushed and still hasn't gotten the CI started
<ifreund> github's about to go down or something
<ifreund> anyhow, I'm off to bed o7
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