cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<Guest33> Hi, if one wants to inspect the JITed assembly, should they use vmprof? That is what I found but the doc and website seems out of date so I wanted to double check.
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<primo> @mattip thanks
<primo> Your issue has been recognized as spam and has been discarded.
<primo> removed some links. providing context appears to be frowned upon
<sam_> it's obviously not to do with providing context
<sam_> it's that it tripped up a spam filter because a lot of spam has many links
<primo> i suppose large repos must flooded with garbage
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<primo> already patched
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<cfbolz> mattip: re #3934, do you need to attach extra info to arbitrary W_Root instances? that's probably impossible
<cfbolz> or only to instances of subclasses of builtin types, including object?
<cfbolz> anyway, I can probably tell you how to do this, let's chat about it soon, now I'm going to bed
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