cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<hpk> yes, indeed -- i also thought about arigo->arigato yesterday ...
<hpk> mwhudson: :)
<hpk> antocuni, cfbolz, fijal, arigato, mwhudson: nice you are all still in this g'old irc channel ;)
<cfbolz> It's a bit of a ship of Theseus question given that we're on a whole different server
<cfbolz> hpk: PyPy's 20th anniversary was this year, btw
<fijal> mostly for social reasons, I don't do pypy any more
<hpk> you are still living in sa, right?
<fijal> yeah
<fijal> mostly at the very least
<fijal> currently in poland, armin visited me here a while back
<fijal> hpk: what you up to? feel free to move to pypy-sync if it's spamming the channel ;-)
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<hpk> doing another larger group-project (delta chat and webxdc), parenting and living in freiburg
<hpk> doing some kind of anniversary get-together would be nice, i'd be up for it
<hpk> also feel free to drop by freiburg, there is an extra place/hackerspace to hang out
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<antocuni> hpk: I'd love to do a get-together :)
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