<whitequark[cis]> "the right boundary is something..." <- huh, I thought keep_hierarchy was actually taken from Vivado
i think that is true but in practice what i have seen used is (a) block design stuff which automatically does EDIF hacks (or some other netlist format?) and (b) manually set up EDIF hacks
like in an actual ASIC product environment
this is because people want to share synthesis results between runs and sometimes between people by checking it in
keep_hierarchy does not let you do that
if it's big enough for the added time to matter it's big enough that caching it will be even better
povik (Martin Povišer): now that you have one PR in, you can get a commit bit if you want, per our policy
Thanks, it might become useful later if I contribute something more substantial
If you have branch protection then I don’t see a downside
added you to the ACL
actually, just re-added you to the ACL in a different way (so that it is a "team", not individual loose collaborators which will get unwieldy quickly)
mei: also moved you to the team, you might get an email notification about this