have managed to convert versal code to two ColId per interconnect column as well
since I touched versal code, tradition dictates I should now add one more versal tile or feature to the geometry database, then get incredibly frustrated with versal again and leave it for a few months
in 30 years this will result in a complete database.
I really need a better machine if I want to RE Ultrascale or Versal
I'm so completely RAM-limitted
limitting my stuff to 2 threads to not OOM
considering buying a decomissioned server with ridiculously unbalanced RAM-to-CPU ratio
mei[m] has joined #prjcombine
how much RAM does your machine have?
the VM doing RE is 64GB RAM and 20 threads of Ryzen 5900
(the whole machine has 128GB RAM but it's also doing a bunch of other things)
actually it's not just vivado; the ISE reversing tool already has code to limit itself to 8 threads for the largest virtex7 devices
ha ha
oh for fuck's sake.
why is my serialization format incompatible on-disk between 32-bit and 64-bit builds
so. bitvec crate.
BitVec has type parameters: backing store unit (u8/u16/u32/u64) and bit order.
the type parameters have defaults. the default backing store follows target pointer size.
further, when you use serde and serialize a bitvec, it gets serialized as an array of the backing store units.
so, if you have a BitVec in a serializable structure, you get fucked over.
I also particularly like how, for some reason, serializing a BitVec dumps the bit order into the serialized stream.
as a string. `any::type_name::<Order>()` specifically.
then it also includes the "start bit index" within the first word of the slice in the serialized stream.
and length (obviously)
end result is that serializing, say, a 5-bit bitvec takes a few dozen bytes
prjcombine serializes a lot of 5-bit bitvecs because all bitstream enum values are stored as bitvecs, and they're all like single-digit or small-double-digit wide.
but hey, if you switch to bincode 2.0, you'll sidestep bitvec's serde implementation and get to hammer out something actually efficient
I guess that answers my question from earlier today about how the fuck the raw bincode-serialized databases are larger than the same thing exported to JSON where it's all written as [false, true, true, false, ...]
mei: well I could
though I'm kind of pissed off enough at this bullshit that I'm seriously considering going with `Vec<bool>` out of spite
gods this binary file has a lot of "bitvec::order::Lsb" in it.
how do you design serialization this badly
Wanda[cis]: by not caring about efficiency due to having datasets that could fit in your $L1
it's not about efficiency!
it's about basic fitness for purpose
like. I only learned about all this because my tools blew up when compiled for wasm32 and I decided to investigate.
[prjunnamed/prjcombine] wanda-phi 6737554 - versal: convert to two `ColId`s per interconnect column.
Wanda[cis]: oh, yeah. A serialization library that serializes differently depending on the cpu architecture is indeed badly broken. I mean, I guess it *can* be ok, but it should be an opt-in, not a default.
well, you see, it's not a serialization library
it's a generic data structure library that has an optional integration into a generic serialization library