Wanda[cis]: almost every time i think i know how the GTY works it's proven me wrong
The parameter vexing me right now is PREIQ_FREQ_BST
it follows a *rough* pattern: starting out at 0 for really low data rates, then 1, then 2 at 20 Gbps, 3 at 25 Gbps (these are not exact cutoffs just data points I have)
But it's not monotonic
I have a 7 Gbps config where it's 1, then 10 and 10.3125 where it's back to 0, then 1 at 15 Gbps
I thought i had it figured out, then started making more configs to fill in the gaps and find the exact transition point and i find it's not monotonic
so now i'm confused and wondering if there's another variable i'm not understanding that impacts it somehow
azonenberg: or it doesn't matter much, but I guess better be safe and replicate the algorithm
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mupuf: I want to understand the algorithm first
I'm on the road now but when i'm back at my desk i can start doing controlled experiments where i actually measure BER and eye pattern shape etc with various parameters
and see if i can observe a change in the ones i'm unsure of
azonenberg: the perks of having well equiped lab like yours
Lol yep
The overlap between people doing FPGA RE and people with the equipment to properly study high speed SERDES waveforms is... quite possibly just me lol
both are fairly small groups and the vast majority of folks with scopes this nice are working on the design side
You and vendors looking at their competitors' product... maybe
Competitive analysis people probably only care about specs
not every nitpicky detail of every config knob
It's either "is mine better? if so, by how much? if mine falls short, where?" or "are they infringing on my patent?"
in the latter case, RE is going to be narrowly scoped to what it takes to prove infringement
rather than the sorts of stuff we do here, where we want *everything*
at least on the bitstream/config side, we dont really care about whats going on at the circuit level except as a clue to how the bitstream works
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