abu[7], what would be the best way to achieve the functionality of (mark) but instead of local to process for all database processes? a stored rel property?
just some general theorizing from me here (once again), no specific project or need behind it
Sounds like a lot of overhead
What is the purpose? Collect durinp operation?
row locking
Normal 'lock' won't work?
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abu[7], I feel dumb. You're absolutely right.
how does lock sync? via the IPC without touching files? or by setting flags in the file/block?
I think I remember that it was the second thing. But has the advance that nothing is broadcasted, it's all lazy-reading-when-you-check-it
It is a POSIX mechanism
got it, thanks
sorry for being stupid xD
I owe you some lunches
many anyway
thanks abu[7] <3
no reason! :)
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