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<tankf33der> Morning all
<tankf33der> abu: how works (rand T)?
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<abu[7]> Good morning tankf33der! (rand T) returns just T or NIL
<tankf33der> yes, right
<tankf33der> but how you make a dicision ?
<abu[7]> 'rand' adds the internal value to itself (ie. a left-shift) and looks at the carry bit
<abu[7]> cause the upper bits are more random
<tankf33der> 63th bit? or special carry bit ?
<abu[7]> CPU carry bit
<tankf33der> or
<abu[7]> Line 1540 of @src/big.l, '@@' is the carry in PilSrc
<tankf33der> pil32 and pil64 have the same, right?
<abu[7]> Similar
<tankf33der> ok
<abu[7]> pil32 is C and has no carry
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<azynheira> Good Afternoon
<azynheira> I have found the following error while compiling the latest pil21 version
<azynheira> opt: base.ll:56590:9: error: stored value and pointer type do not match
<azynheira>   store i64 %91, i64** bitcast (i8* getelementptr (i8, i8* bitcast ([25 x i64]* @env to i8*), i32 96) to i64**)
<azynheira>         ^
<azynheira> make: *** [Makefile:44: base.bc] Error 1
<azynheira> Am I doing something wrong ?
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<azynheira>  opt --version ─╯
<azynheira> Ubuntu LLVM version 14.0.0
<azynheira>   Optimized build.
<azynheira>   Default target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
<azynheira>   Host CPU: skylake
<abu[7]> Hi azynheira!
<abu[7]> Which PicoLisp version is that?
<abu[7]> Ubuntu is Debian, so building should be no problem I think
<azynheira> rolling version
<abu[7]> ok, good
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<abu[7]> llvm 14 is also good
<azynheira> i have not changed anything. just pil21 was updated
<abu[7]> the base.ll is that from the release? I mean not newly built?
<azynheira> make clean bofore anything
<abu[7]> Ah, this is not a good idea
<abu[7]> the base.ll is pre-built
<abu[7]> just unpack the TGZ and make
<azynheira> ok.
<azynheira> I will try
<abu[7]> good
<abu[7]> base.ll is newer then and used as it is
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<azynheira> I am getting the same... and check the timestamp of the newly extracted:
<azynheira> ~/pil21/src ─╮
<azynheira> ❯ make ─╯
<azynheira> opt: base.ll:56590:9: error: stored value and pointer type do not match
<azynheira>   store i64 %91, i64** bitcast (i8* getelementptr (i8, i8* bitcast ([25 x i64]* @env to i8*), i32 96) to i64**)
<azynheira>         ^
<azynheira> make: *** [Makefile:44: base.bc] Error 1
<azynheira>  ~/pil21/src ─╮
<azynheira> ❯ ls -la base.ll ─╯
<azynheira> -rw-r--r-- 1 pgomes pgomes 3460756 Feb 27 17:55 base.ll
<abu[7]> strange
<abu[7]> base.ll is indeed the newest
<abu[7]> I have llvm 19 here, but 14 should still work
<abu[7]> tankf33der here? Will 14 still work?
<abu[7]> Perhaps I'm wrong and 14 is too old, There was this change in LLVM with "opaque pointers" in 15
<abu[7]> azynheira, can you try to upgrade llvm to >= 15?
<azynheira> I can try ...
<abu[7]> In doc/ChangeLog we have "23.7.28 / opaque-pointers for '18 > LLVM >= 15'"
<abu[7]> I lost overview a bit, but tankf33der managed these versions
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