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<geri> abu[7]: it was to show you can do multiple expressions in exe
geri has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<abu[7]> Ah, good
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<tankf33der> i've setuped a full monero node. pure fun. lets see how long.
<abu[7]> Merry X-Mas everybody!
<tankf33der> Ura!
geri has joined #picolisp
<geri> hey
<geri> im still thinking what to do about symbol collisions in my lisp
<geri> just got an idea to do a fun overload
<geri> in pil, pico~sym will return "sym" in namespace pico, im gonna use . for it
<geri> but if . is the first character, then it just interns the symbol in private namespace
<geri> so everything read afterwards is nice and secure
<geri> :D
<geri> how bad does it sound?
<abu[7]> Hmm, why not use (private) ?
<geri> for my lisp
<geri> i dont have (private)
<geri> because its verbose and ugly, but really it does the same thing
<abu[7]> ok, but transients?
<geri> like using gensyms?
<geri> i dont have transients in picolisp's sense either
<abu[7]> Why ugly? Privates are very clean
<geri> i mean
<geri> (private) thing vs .thing
<geri> with . always being same as introducing a new private
<abu[7]> using a "." name prefix?
<geri> yeah
<geri> but its not really a prefix
<abu[7]> But then these syms may collide
<abu[7]> ah
<abu[7]> a read macro?
<geri> its supposed to be a read macro to force "thing" to be re-interned in private namespace
<geri> yeah
<abu[7]> ok
<geri> only problem im thinking is
<geri> same in picolisp probably
<geri> what if i do (private) car
<geri> do i need to zap it to get pico's car?
<geri> or always do pico~car
<abu[7]> Yes, no conflict with pico~car
<abu[7]> No need to zap
<geri> but if i want to have car in my current namespace without prefixing?
<abu[7]> (import pico~car)
<geri> so i guess in any case you'll have to undo (private) manually if you need to
<geri> okay
<geri> oh also i wrote proper destructuring for my lisp
<abu[7]> Good 👍
<geri> so now i can do (lambda ((a b . d) c) ...)
<geri> :D
<geri> made eval 2 times smaller, im happy
<abu[7]> The inline eval?
<geri> no, but honestly i should do that when ill migrate to a proper language
<geri> instead of python
<geri> it's fun how compilers can make "functions are slow" into "small functions are faster"
<geri> also i found out today you can do pico~pico~pico~pico~car :D
<abu[7]> Sure :)
<geri> also-also, does (match) just override latest bindings if the symbols matched instead of introducing new ones?
<geri> s/if/of/g
<geri> i think it uses set
<abu[7]> Yes, 'match' just 'set's
<geri> that sounds way less safe than what let does
<abu[7]> So I use 'use' before 'match'
<abu[7]> No safety problem
<geri> which is basically a worse let
<geri> xd
<geri> maybe faster, dont know
<abu[7]> More gereral
<abu[7]> uses placeholders
<abu[7]> it is not a "bind"
<geri> Use also pushes stuff to the bind stack it seems
<geri> very nice
<abu[7]> 'match'? No bind stack
<geri> (use)
<abu[7]> ah
<abu[7]> yep
<abu[7]> 'let' is 'use' + 'setq'
<abu[7]> Originally pil only had 'use'
<geri> silly question - do you know how much overhead does supporting (let Sym Val ...) vs (let (Sym Val) ...) add?
<geri> i guess + convinience and a little less consing
<abu[7]> Very little
<abu[7]> More cells to 'gc'
<abu[7]> No consing at runtime
<geri> oh i meant like
<geri> the atom? call :D
<geri> atom without question mark*
<abu[7]> Yeah
<geri> i wonder what costs more
<geri> an extra cons cell or extra atom call
<abu[7]> Very very little. Unmeasurable
<geri> yeah probably that
<abu[7]> You could bench it
<geri> i mean, atom is gonna be in there anyway
<abu[7]> T
<geri> couldve been always a list alternatively, but thats fun with recompiling to test
<abu[7]> afk a while
<geri> have fun
<geri> i may go to bed soon
<abu[7]> :)
<abu[7]> Sleep well!!
<geri> thanks!
<abu[7]> ☺